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What will be the next fad in training or nutrition?

HIT style training seems be picking up a lot of interest on youtube the last few months - similarly there's currently a lot of noise around very high volume training due to the 52sets study (and the masses not generally understanding it - but that's another story!).

So I think we will possibly see dual trends in both directions of the extreme. I also think we start to see more use of things like partial reps and myo reps being used.

For nutrition - I'm not really sure what the next fad will be - feels like it's super high proteins turn on the blocks again?
History always comes full circle and everything that could be invented has already been invented a long time ago, so there is nothing new waiting for us, only a rebirth of what has already existed every few years - and so it will continue in circles until the end of the world😃
Op correct me if I'm wrong, seems like as the thread has evolved you were reccomending 10g or so added fat, not suggesting people limit total daily fat to 10 ...so 30 total is a reasonable goal with the less the better if a skin day?

Curious if anyone has ever ate extremely low fat say less than 20g Ed for an extended period? I feel like I've seen a few people mention it, tom and a member who used to post by NMZ (forget exact username).
One show I did too round with mustard and broccoli for 6 weeks straight I got insanely shredded, I was also 23 so prolly helped there but my top round was like leather I don’t know the exact gms but it was EXTREMELY low. Aside from some fatigue which it’s prep so expected anyway I actually felt really good
HIT style training seems be picking up a lot of interest on youtube the last few months - similarly there's currently a lot of noise around very high volume training due to the 52sets study (and the masses not generally understanding it - but that's another story!).

So I think we will possibly see dual trends in both directions of the extreme. I also think we start to see more use of things like partial reps and myo reps being used.

For nutrition - I'm not really sure what the next fad will be - feels like it's super high proteins turn on the blocks again?
I think high volume is what’s it rn and personally as well but it’s not “new” the new “fad” is Ozempic and I predict like the phen phen craze there will be serious issues in the future the laziness of non bodybuilders often pushes them to way over do the easy diets and die, like say guys eating buckets of bacon on atkins. Easy always has consequences
History always comes full circle and everything that could be invented has already been invented a long time ago, so there is nothing new waiting for us, only a rebirth of what has already existed every few years - and so it will continue in circles until the end of the world😃

Funny thing - there just aren't many variables. We need food and there's only 3 macros. We need resistance training and there's only 3 variables there too. Unless someone is really trying to screw it up it's not that hard. Lots of people to model after too so no one is summiting Everest for the first time. People just need to sell shit and pretend to reinvent the wheel or some new discovery that was somehow missed before or only a select aboriginal tribe very close to the earth knew about.

The people they are selling to want to hear that. They want easy, fast and magic. Because if it's not that, the alternative is hard work done consistently over a long period of time. Nothing to sell there and that's the real magic. It's also why so many fail - they don't want to change or put in the work.

Simply human nature. Buy some new thing and instantly be better. Look at all the golf clubs and gimmicks. A PGA Tour pro will break par with a bargain basement set of used clubs from 30 years ago. It's the Indian not the Arrow. Work harder - PGA Pro got there through thousands of hours not some TV gimmick. Put in more time on the range. 20 hours of practice a week for a year will make Joe Short Cut a completely different player.

Everyone wants something, those who get it were the ones willing to put in the time and work.
History always comes full circle and everything that could be invented has already been invented a long time ago, so there is nothing new waiting for us, only a rebirth of what has already existed every few years - and so it will continue in circles until the end of the world😃
I'd love to see veggies and fruits become a fad
Fruit maybe people just don’t eat veggies, it’s so strange. Or at least Americans don’t.
I think high volume is what’s it rn and personally as well but it’s not “new” the new “fad” is Ozempic and I predict like the phen phen craze there will be serious issues in the future the laziness of non bodybuilders often pushes them to way over do the easy diets and die, like say guys eating buckets of bacon on atkins. Easy always has consequences

The glp-GIP-glucagon agonists I do not believe are a fad. Each generation is getting drastically superior to the previous, and along with it the weight loss.

Liraglutide….ehh……semaglutide….oh wow nice!!! Tirzapatide…..holy shit fat loss…..retatrutide even stronger AND it increases resting metabolic rate.

One or two more generations….you will literally be able to decide your bodyweight by how many micrograms you inject per week.
If there is a big breakthrough in bodybuilding/fitness it will have to come from PED’s. If true stem cells become legal and affordable in America that would probably be a game changer. With that said, I just can’t see a great diet, solid training with barbells, dumbbells, cables, and a few machines having any major changes.
The basics will continue to dominate. Guess we will have to wait and see. Very good question!!!👍🏽
If there is a big breakthrough in bodybuilding/fitness it will have to come from PED’s. If true stem cells become legal and affordable in America that would probably be a game changer. With that said, I just can’t see a great diet, solid training with barbells, dumbbells, cables, and a few machines having any major changes.
The basics will continue to dominate. Guess we will have to wait and see. Very good question!!!👍🏽
Honestly stem cells becoming legal in America would just jack the price up and have our Medical system ruin it.

I’d much rather go stay at a resort in South America and save my cash. 🤷‍♂️
Honestly stem cells becoming legal in America would just jack the price up and have our Medical system ruin it.

I’d much rather go stay at a resort in South America and save my cash. 🤷‍♂️
You are probably right. Our medical system is so messed up. 🤬🤬
Maybe I am talking out of my butt because I am natty, and I only say that because it is relevant to the statement, BUT, if there was some breakthrough in muscle building / body composition where you could just add a shit load of muscle and / or be super lean without the work, that would not be desirable to me. I mean sure some aspects of it would, everyone would want to look awesome. Those of us that use this board set ourselves a part from the masses through our dedication and desire to not just hard training and eating, but do it day in day out for decades. Additionally, I just fuckin love hard training, and even cardio, and I love working for result. You could say "you could still lift" and I am sure I would, but it would just be different if I knew that I was not earning those gains. I mean I love to cut my grass, love it, but if they invented some seed that grew a perfectly shaped, colored and manicured lawn, I dont think I would still get out there a push the mower over it. What appeals to me about it is its cathartic in a way to see in long and and the see it look perfect after you are done and look back on it and say I did that.
Honestly stem cells becoming legal in America would just jack the price up and have our Medical system ruin it.

I’d much rather go stay at a resort in South America and save my cash. 🤷‍♂️

MSC is completely legal here mate. The only difference between Riordan + BioXcellerator and biologics here in the states is the ability to expand the cells. Literally had both knees + both shoulders done last week at Ways 2 Well in Austin. Price is 3,500 per joint.

Center for Pain Management in DFW was 2,750 per joint

BioXcellerator in Medellin was 17,500 for my IV therapy, wife's knee (singular) + IV was 24,500
Riordan I haven't gone to (I personally won't)
Some things I would love to see pick up movement in regards to
  • Double or Triple your sodium intake
  • People taking care of their micronutrients
  • Guys moving from pure bodybuilding to more hybrid training
  • People not freaking out over hematocrit
  • Continual path towards more responsible AAS utilization for non competitors
  • Gym culture continuing to progress and having the more seasoned folk being messengers for positivity and personal growth in their gyms
  • People realizing physical development usually goes hand in hand with mental, emotional and spiritual development. This really seems to have picked up steam this past year.
I could list a million things, not "fads" I guess but changes I have been noticing in this community and am very happy to see. Just like seeing everyone doing well. Happy, developing, and taking care of their health, personal lives and in good places.
Hydrogen Water and these stupid ass hydrogen water bottles are the newest gimmick I’m seeing everywhere. It’s honestly sad that these companies are like vultures preying on people’s fears and giving them false hopes of a magic solution.

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