Ara-test is pretty much a sustenon type testosterone anyway. Only thing that is missing is the phenylprop and isocaproate. Enantate and hexanote are about identical in release times so in reality you are not missing much y taking one over the other. Ara-test is test just as sustanon , omnadren, enanthate, etc. When broken down and metabolized there is no magical formula that makes one differnt over the other. Your body will recognize it as only test and the ester is the only thing that dictates a release time in the body. Other than that as far as your body is concerned its all the same stuff. So the gains will be pretty much identical. As far as which one is better to use, depends on your preference and cost. I would like to use sustanon as it is my favorite. Those sostenon 250 preloads from Mexico are the shiz-nit. Hands down the best test I have ever used, but I have used Ara-test too and have gotten excellent results. If you can afford sustanon I would go with that but you are going to be pleased with the results of the ara-test should you decide to use it.