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Take a look at my diet!


New member
Mar 26, 2008
Here is my current diet. I am around 230lb @ 5'10 and around 8%. I will be doing a couple shows this year, and they are creeping around the corner. So, I decided to clean my diet up, and add a little lean mass before dropping the calories.

Yes, I take in alot of shakes. They are convienant, and seem wo work fine for the time being.

Meal 1: Shake (50g whey, 70g waxy maize)
Meal 2: 12 egg whites w/ lowfat sour cream, 1 cup oats, raisins, sweetener
Meal 3: 10oz Turkey, 1.5 cups jasmine rice, salad
Meal 4: Pre-Workout shake (50g whey, 70g waxy maize)
Meal 5: PWO shake (50g whey, 90g waxy maize, 5g creatine)
Meal 6: Buffalo steak, egg white/whole grain pasta, salad
Meal 7: Whey shake, 4 tbsp natty penut butter

That is not my offseason diet, as it does not incorperate captn crunch and pringles!:D

With my cycle, the mass is slowly adding itself, while dropping a little bodyfat on the side. Sadly, i'm not sure if I will be able to keep the mass, as I will not have much time to mature it before I jump into contest prep.

Here is my current diet. I am around 230lb @ 5'10 and around 8%. I will be doing a couple shows this year, and they are creeping around the corner. So, I decided to clean my diet up, and add a little lean mass before dropping the calories.

Yes, I take in alot of shakes. They are convienant, and seem wo work fine for the time being.

Meal 1: Shake (50g whey, 70g waxy maize)
Meal 2: 12 egg whites w/ lowfat sour cream, 1 cup oats, raisins, sweetener
Meal 3: 10oz Turkey, 1.5 cups jasmine rice, salad
Meal 4: Pre-Workout shake (50g whey, 70g waxy maize)
Meal 5: PWO shake (50g whey, 90g waxy maize, 5g creatine)
Meal 6: Buffalo steak, egg white/whole grain pasta, salad
Meal 7: Whey shake, 4 tbsp natty penut butter

That is not my offseason diet, as it does not incorperate captn crunch and pringles!:D

With my cycle, the mass is slowly adding itself, while dropping a little bodyfat on the side. Sadly, i'm not sure if I will be able to keep the mass, as I will not have much time to mature it before I jump into contest prep.

I'm guessing that you guys will say too many shakes...I would cut out the morning shake, but it's just so easy to get up and have a shake, rather than having that catabolic feeling while taking the time to make a breakfast and eat it.

Would this be better:

Meal 1: Whey shake, 10 egg whites, 1 cup oats, raising, sour cream
Meal 2: 10oz Turkey, 1.5 cup black/pinto beans, salad
Meal 3: Pre-workout shake (50g whey, 60g waxy maize)
Meal 4: PWO shake (50g whey, 90g waxy maize, 5g creatine
Meal 5: Buffalo steak, egg white/whole wheat pasta
Meal 6: White ruffy, 1 cup rice, salad
Meal 7: Whey shake, 4 tbsp natty penut butter

Also, will black and pinto beans work for competition diet, or should I stick with the good old brown rice and oats?
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Is this your competition diet or offseason diet? If it is competition, I would not use the black/pinto beans and stick to brown rice or oats. Also, if its a competition diet, I would say it has too many carbs in general, not enough fat, unless its a high carb day in a carb cycling protocol.
I would need to know more about you before I could answer that

Well...where to start:

I'm regularly sit around 230 @ 5'10 10%. I'm 24, and have been competing for a couple years now, but want to work on my thickness. I have a job that enables me to sit around and eat/sleep throughout the day, so I do not need to overdo the calories.

I used to live off shakes when I was younger and had labor jobs, so I got used to them. I'm 13 weeks out from my show, currently dropping a little fat and putting on a little lean mass (not much).

I hope that helps some. I appreciate any help.
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Is this your competition diet or offseason diet? If it is competition, I would not use the black/pinto beans and stick to brown rice or oats. Also, if its a competition diet, I would say it has too many carbs in general, not enough fat, unless its a high carb day in a carb cycling protocol.

I'm sorry, I am horrible at explaining things.

I started at 14 weeks out from the show. I want to add lean mass while cleaning up my diet until I hit 8 weeks out. Then I drop carbs, raaise protien, and start the cardio and fatburners.

So, I am just cleaning up, while trying to add a couple pounds of LBM before I jump into it.
Edit "supps" in your posting. Thanks. Be smart! No one cares around here anyway.
Need more solid food IMO.
I hate liquid diets.
Plus Waaaay too much chems for a sub 230 lber.
At this point Dave Pulcinella could hire me as his PR guy!:p BUT, there is awesome info in there. it has helped me ALOT with my competition prep and changed my philosophy about alot of things as well. it is well worth your time.

it should answer a few of your questions -STEELE

Thanks, i'm going to take a look at it.
You need to get some milk protein isolate, if u really really don't like to cook every meal.

BTW, whole food are the best!

Vitargo makes me kinda dizzy, so I would avoid using too much. Stick with oats or whole wheat!
How do you look? that is a good indication of how your diet is working. If your looking hard, tight and gaining muscle then its a great diet.

If your looking, well lets say not so tight then i would say work on it.

For example my personal contest diet, I get shredded on would wreck most guys!
Here is my current diet. I am around 230lb @ 5'10 and around 8%. I will be doing a couple shows this year, and they are creeping around the corner. So, I decided to clean my diet up, and add a little lean mass before dropping the calories.

Yes, I take in alot of shakes. They are convienant, and seem wo work fine for the time being.

Meal 1: Shake (50g whey, 70g waxy maize)
Meal 2: 12 egg whites w/ lowfat sour cream, 1 cup oats, raisins, sweetener
Meal 3: 10oz Turkey, 1.5 cups jasmine rice, salad
Meal 4: Pre-Workout shake (50g whey, 70g waxy maize)
Meal 5: PWO shake (50g whey, 90g waxy maize, 5g creatine)
Meal 6: Buffalo steak, egg white/whole grain pasta, salad
Meal 7: Whey shake, 4 tbsp natty penut butter

That is not my offseason diet, as it does not incorperate captn crunch and pringles!:D

With my cycle, the mass is slowly adding itself, while dropping a little bodyfat on the side. Sadly, i'm not sure if I will be able to keep the mass, as I will not have much time to mature it before I jump into contest prep.

Id get rid of the sour cream, the jasmine rice (use brown rice if any) and drop the amount of peanut butter.
IMO get some LBA's from Phil so you dont have to drink so many protein drinks. Only other thing I could think of guys correct me if i am wrong but starting 14 weeks out doesnt seem like enough time. You probably should have started earlier. I dont know but maybe some pro's can tell ya. Good luck anyway brother.
How do you look? that is a good indication of how your diet is working. If your looking hard, tight and gaining muscle then its a great diet.

If your looking, well lets say not so tight then i would say work on it.

For example my personal contest diet, I get shredded on would wreck most guys!

Hey Alex, we have met...as I am a friend of Rob's. You are absolutly right, I have an idea of what your diet looks like, and I tried something like it about 2 years ago, and it wrecked me.

I look great right now, so it's working, but we all strive to be better at the sport.
Id get rid of the sour cream, the jasmine rice (use brown rice if any) and drop the amount of peanut butter.
IMO get some LBA's from Phil so you dont have to drink so many protein drinks. Only other thing I could think of guys correct me if i am wrong but starting 14 weeks out doesnt seem like enough time. You probably should have started earlier. I dont know but maybe some pro's can tell ya. Good luck anyway brother.


I may reduce the penut butter, or use almond butter instead.
Id get rid of the sour cream, the jasmine rice (use brown rice if any) and drop the amount of peanut butter.
IMO get some LBA's from Phil so you dont have to drink so many protein drinks. Only other thing I could think of guys correct me if i am wrong but starting 14 weeks out doesnt seem like enough time. You probably should have started earlier. I dont know but maybe some pro's can tell ya. Good luck anyway brother.

I am 14 weeks out from the first show, and 18 weeks out from the show that I want to peak at.

I may reduce the penut butter, or use almond butter instead.

LBA's liquid beef aminos. There is a thread on here about em. Hit up Phil.

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