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test and sinus/ sleep problems???


New member
Jun 23, 2002
hey just wondering if anyone else gets this problem, when im on higher doses of test (700-1000mg) i get real dry in my throat at night when im sleeping, and i snore bad i think it wakes me up. then when i wake up, my throat feels like ive been in the fucking desert, and need to get a drink. any thing to do for this?

That is a problem - happens to me too. If fact sleep apnea (where you actually stop breathing in your sleep) is very common with bad snorers (I do that too) and docs say for some reason real high test levels will make it worse. Not sure why this is medically - maybe it does make your throat dry. You probably have some apnea if you wake up with a sore throat because this is one of the symptoms. If anybody has an answer I'd like to know too!
I have sleep apnea - fairly bad. I have a CPAP machine to keep my airway open when I sleep. Really freaks my wife out when I quit breathing (before I got the machine).

I though that getting my BF back down to 5% would eliminate this problem (and I was clean when I got there) and I slept without the machine and my wife kept nudging me all night when I quit breathing :(

My throat is very dry and "sore" when I sleep without the machine.

Hey Xcel,
How does that machine work? Do you have to sleep with somthing in your mouth or nose?? I get dry throat when I wake up too. And my g/f says I've been snoring more since I'v put on muscle. She says when I was thinner I didn't snore at all. Maybe all this weight compresses my airway.

I think that oncce I added muscle beyond my genetic limits is when my apnea began as well :(

The machine is simply a pump that forces air into your lungs through a nosepiece-mask. It actually has VERY sophisticated control/sensitivity. I believe cost was around $1000 but fortunately my insurance covered it.

Hmm Doktor!

Even after all these years I still find that my sleep seems to be more interrupted while on a cycle (kinda feels almost like you're hyper in your sleep). Why this is, I really don't know, perhaps it's because of the elevated test (and energy) levels while on a cycle. The snoring (and dry throat) is something that is often blamed on the gain in weight , which is not always true. I snored while ripped at 205 and now at 250 I just snore louder (much to my wifes displeasure).

Tae** :rolleyes:

i dont think its the test i think its the wife! LOL! i never snored before i got married and had to share a bed.LOL
It's pretty common for high test levels to have a mild stimulant effect that can make it hard to get to sleep. Over the years I've found that that doesn't happen to me as much - maybe I've built some tolerance to it. Think that is a different thing from the sleep apnea deal from talking to docs about it, but who knows maybe the two things are related. Used to be when I got up to one gram a week or so, by the time it had really gotten into my system I had to use Ambien or something to be able to get to sleep. Not so much of a problem now (I've been juicing for about 17 years or so). But I still have the apnea problem - I have it somewhat even when I'm off, but it is worse when I'm on a cycle and my levels peak.
xcelbeyond said:
I have sleep apnea - fairly bad. I have a CPAP machine to keep my airway open when I sleep. Really freaks my wife out when I quit breathing (before I got the machine).

I though that getting my BF back down to 5% would eliminate this problem (and I was clean when I got there) and I slept without the machine and my wife kept nudging me all night when I quit breathing :(

My throat is very dry and "sore" when I sleep without the machine.


My dad uses one of those. He hates it, but without it he stops breathing for long periods of time. He went to a slep clinic a while back and he wakes up over 300 times a night! Back in the mid 80's he had the surgery where they take out the adenoids, uvula, and shave the back of the throat and now they have found it doesn't do a damn thing to have all that done. Doctors amaze me. I guess that's why they call it a "practice".
wolverine said:
Back in the mid 80's he had the surgery where they take out the adenoids, uvula, and shave the back of the throat and now they have found it doesn't do a damn thing to have all that done. Doctors amaze me. I guess that's why they call it a "practice".
Shit!! I was going to have the uvula removed as I've been told this will solve the problem.

With me its the weight

when I get heavier, I snore more and more. Some mornings the back of my throat hurts like shit. I snore so hard that damn uvula will be stretched out twice as long as it should be. Then, all day long, everytime I swallow, the damn thing tries to go down my throat. It sucks. I thought getting all that shit cut out would work. It helped a friend of mine. - CH
This happened to me at my highest weight of 224, eating 4500 cal/day, using fina, creatine, and a couple other supps. When I slept on my back, it always happened, but when I slept on my side or stomach, I was safe. Once I dropped down to 210 and eliminated the fina, I could safely sleep on my back again without apnea. Not that this post helps much. :D

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