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The self sufficient/self reliant thread

Singleton movement is a very real thing but it has limited applications. With respect the LEO sphere and movement isn’t where I would take any data from. The law enforcement community though is far ahead of the SOF community when it comes to explosive breaching and non offensive drone utilization.

Singleton movement can be broken down into various facets - but not limited to:

Transitional movement
Recovery of personnel or tangible good
Reduced Signature KINETIK Operations
Response to a mass casualty situation

No one is running assault elements as singletons, just beyond reckless. Low profile operations need a minimum of 3 pax. Realistically when working structures do guys get split up and sometimes segments of structures get turned into singleton movement? Yes. Unfortunately this happens all too often.

There’s a huge difference between running an assault element, retrieving a hard drive, and moving through phase lines.

Anyone saying they crush objectives in a solo modality is frankly a liar and also a fucking idiot 🤷‍♂️

Hope that sheds some light mate
I was in the military almost 2 years before I could shit and wipe my ass solo
I have - they still get in the way. Just started seeing a new one - keep you posted.

Awesome. You might have to sacrifice a little but will be worth it in the long run

As for the rest of the convo. I feel like a walked into the twilight zone 😂
For those talking about the strain of this lifestyle as you age, you're absolutely right. If you plan to do this for the rest of your life you must have children, younger relatives, or hired help as you get older. It's not optional, it's required.

My dad will turn 66 this month and he's to the point that rounding up longhorns, filling feeders, etc., is getting hard to do on his own - and he's in good shape, no prescription medications, healthy weight and body fat, etc. About 2 months ago his breeding bull busted though a fence and got loose and it took my dad plus 4 others on mules and ATVs to get him back home.
Singleton movement is a very real thing but it has limited applications. With respect the LEO sphere and movement isn’t where I would take any data from. The law enforcement community though is far ahead of the SOF community when it comes to explosive breaching and non offensive drone utilization.

Singleton movement can be broken down into various facets - but not limited to:

Transitional movement
Recovery of personnel or tangible good
Reduced Signature KINETIK Operations
Response to a mass casualty situation

No one is running assault elements as singletons, just beyond reckless. Low profile operations need a minimum of 3 pax. Realistically when working structures do guys get split up and sometimes segments of structures get turned into singleton movement? Yes. Unfortunately this happens all too often.

There’s a huge difference between running an assault element, retrieving a hard drive, and moving through phase lines.

Anyone saying they crush objectives in a solo modality is frankly a liar and also a fucking idiot 🤷‍♂️

Hope that sheds some light mate
Yea I just have been watching Mike Glover youtube vids. Now granted he has years of training, taught by guys who have years of training. and friends with years of training. Also add experience as both you guys fit that same bill as well. I don't know shit..probably less than that on this topic. I don't even know what I don't know. I got some info downloaded on that Singleton movement for later reading tonight.

Anyway he had a youtube video on clearing a house solo and it seemed pretty sketchy. Like moving down a hallway I was like wow in real life that would take some balls!! He also has some interesting stuff on there but again I don't know anything about the training, what's sketchy to me could just be another day for you guys!

Also watched some of him on the Shawn Ryan podcast and they worked together and didn't even know each others real name. I guess in case one gets captured but that is only a guess.
Yea I just have been watching Mike Glover youtube vids. Now granted he has years of training, taught by guys who have years of training. and friends with years of training. Also add experience as both you guys fit that same bill as well. I don't know shit..probably less than that on this topic. I don't even know what I don't know. I got some info downloaded on that Singleton movement for later reading tonight.

Anyway he had a youtube video on clearing a house solo and it seemed pretty sketchy. Like moving down a hallway I was like wow in real life that would take some balls!! He also has some interesting stuff on there but again I don't know anything about the training, what's sketchy to me could just be another day for you guys!

Also watched some of him on the Shawn Ryan podcast and they worked together and didn't even know each others real name. I guess in case one gets captured but that is only a guess.
Yeah, I know and served with Mike..we weren’t very close..mikes video was odd and even odder is he got Devgru guys to go along with it on film.
Yeah, I know and served with Mike..we weren’t very close..mikes video was odd and even odder is he got Devgru guys to go along with it on film.
That's too bad, do you think he is just playing on people's ignorance? Do you think his videos are worth watching or got anyone in the genre that is better/more informative?
That's too bad, do you think he is just playing on people's ignorance? Do you think his videos are worth watching or got anyone in the genre that is better/more informative?
Mike has a lot of good information..but he also needs a lot of help..I was in the same place mentally
That's too bad, do you think he is just playing on people's ignorance? Do you think his videos are worth watching or got anyone in the genre that is better/more informative?

Only guys working with him is DJ and Cole. For them it’s purely business. Anything Fieldcraft or GBRS is putting out is light years ahead of what’s available currently on the civilian or LEO market. Best closed course movement courses are Path Consulting out of VB, Northern Red (closed courses) and Jason Falla with Red Back one (his closed courses).

Outside of that guys are stuck really going to DARC with Mason and that’s a crapshoot at best. Basically an all out airsoft war for a week with zero tactics.

Guild Solutions Group actually has some really great movement instructors and they take LEO clients.
Only guys working with him is DJ and Cole. For them it’s purely business. Anything Fieldcraft or GBRS is putting out is light years ahead of what’s available currently on the civilian or LEO market. Best closed course movement courses are Path Consulting out of VB, Northern Red (closed courses) and Jason Falla with Red Back one (his closed courses).

Outside of that guys are stuck really going to DARC with Mason and that’s a crapshoot at best. Basically an all out airsoft war for a week with zero tactics.

Guild Solutions Group actually has some really great movement instructors and they take LEO clients.
I just had some friends go through blu bearing solutions recently..they said Kyle’s class was excellent..but they were all civilians so I don’t know until I take it
Only guys working with him is DJ and Cole. For them it’s purely business. Anything Fieldcraft or GBRS is putting out is light years ahead of what’s available currently on the civilian or LEO market. Best closed course movement courses are Path Consulting out of VB, Northern Red (closed courses) and Jason Falla with Red Back one (his closed courses).

Outside of that guys are stuck really going to DARC with Mason and that’s a crapshoot at best. Basically an all out airsoft war for a week with zero tactics.

Guild Solutions Group actually has some really great movement instructors and they take LEO clients.
man, there are a lot of super current guys getting out right now..it’s about to be a really good time for people to look for training..my wife’s been hounding me for almost a year to quit my job and start a training company..I’m just not the right guy and I don’t feel like she understands how much travels involved
Forgot to add onto that

Glover has a background training/operating in small teams with SF and GRS. The GBRS experience is purely command based DA. Two very different locusts of control for the principles of the movement. Too funny, actually went to the VETs gala last year with Morgan. I don't know him very well. The videos of his courses looked fantastic, role players - medical - phase lines. On the civilian market its' got to be up there for sure.

I wouldn't bother personally. Teaching civilians for 200-250$ a day, worrying about safety and liability non stop, having clients that ultimately will never need the information nor be practitioners. Firm I'm with now has a pretty fantastic training arm, under no circumstances do they accept civilian clientele though even if its' a security detail for a UHNW family.


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Forgot to add onto that

Glover has a background training/operating in small teams with SF and GRS. The GBRS experience is purely command based DA. Two very different locusts of control for the principles of the movement. Too funny, actually went to the VETs gala last year with Morgan. I don't know him very well. The videos of his courses looked fantastic, role players - medical - phase lines. On the civilian market its' got to be up there for sure.

I wouldn't bother personally. Teaching civilians for 200-250$ a day, worrying about safety and liability non stop, having clients that ultimately will never need the information nor be practitioners. Firm I'm with now has a pretty fantastic training arm, under no circumstances do they accept civilian clientele though even if its' a security detail for a UHNW family.
I don’t really want to take it for me..but I still take random classes here and there to see if they are worthy of recommending.

Yeah brother, I have no interest in teaching like that..classroom setting, I’ll teach that all day..put me on a flat range or shoot house and I’m done..just so burned on on that shit.

I’ve worked around Kyle for a long time..don’t really know the dude at all..he’s doing good things though..him, Mike..GBRS just took a hit when they went viral though lol
They have a place locally that offers classes on all type of military "stuff" I don't know who it is ran by nor do I know their qualifications. I know they have defensive driving, room clearing and something like what I am told is SERE type school. The way I see some people change height when clearing a room on youtube, like people like yourselves who do or have done that stuff like that looks brutal on my knees and is simply not for me. I am kind of one who like to read up on or watch youtube videos on educational stuff rather than just movies or tv.

I've had a couple buddies take it and they said that I would not believe the amount of people that think they are on seal team 6 after they take this course. I totally agree though with me as a civilian not needing to know this stuff but I enjoy reading up on it. I trained jitz at a place that the owner is pretty much the go to guy for UHNW clients when they come into town. He would kind of cherry pick guys out of Jitz class and he would teach them or invite them to classes when he did them. I know he brought in at least one ex Navy Seal for for the defensive driving class. Which from photos looked a lot like this is your radiator, this is vital to keep your car moving type stuff. Though I'm sure its way more than that.

I actually looked into the army when I was 18-19 and called a recruiter but I had severe allergies at the time. Like out of commission type allergies for weeks and told him about that and that I was going to need a heart valve at some point in my life. He never called me again. Though during our initial phone call he told me pretty much what I wanted to be would never happen.
They have a place locally that offers classes on all type of military "stuff" I don't know who it is ran by nor do I know their qualifications. I know they have defensive driving, room clearing and something like what I am told is SERE type school. The way I see some people change height when clearing a room on youtube, like people like yourselves who do or have done that stuff like that looks brutal on my knees and is simply not for me. I am kind of one who like to read up on or watch youtube videos on educational stuff rather than just movies or tv.

I've had a couple buddies take it and they said that I would not believe the amount of people that think they are on seal team 6 after they take this course. I totally agree though with me as a civilian not needing to know this stuff but I enjoy reading up on it. I trained jitz at a place that the owner is pretty much the go to guy for UHNW clients when they come into town. He would kind of cherry pick guys out of Jitz class and he would teach them or invite them to classes when he did them. I know he brought in at least one ex Navy Seal for for the defensive driving class. Which from photos looked a lot like this is your radiator, this is vital to keep your car moving type stuff. Though I'm sure its way more than that.

I actually looked into the army when I was 18-19 and called a recruiter but I had severe allergies at the time. Like out of commission type allergies for weeks and told him about that and that I was going to need a heart valve at some point in my life. He never called me again. Though during our initial phone call he told me pretty much what I wanted to be would never happen.
We had a facility here in Houston like that all claiming to be former SF..I was still in when I heard about it..a teammate who was getting medically discharged went on a rampage against them..turns out none of them ever even served
We had a facility here in Houston like that all claiming to be former SF..I was still in when I heard about it..a teammate who was getting medically discharged went on a rampage against them..turns out none of them ever even served
Wow that's crazy I wonder how people think they could get away with that? Like everyday is "I wonder if my whole life is going to blow up today"? I wonder where they got their skills.from? ....lol. I have met one dude who claimed he was in the military from the gym. This dude.asked him what his m.o. was just chatting with him and he just said he forgot. And the dude.that asked him has this.weird look on his face. Later he was like dude your m.o. is like your job.lolol his gf.said when she went to meet his.folks he told her not to talk about his.time in the service as it was all.classified... Like what a loser. I have no idea why people would fake service in the military.
Wow that's crazy I wonder how people think they could get away with that? Like everyday is "I wonder if my whole life is going to blow up today"? I wonder where they got their skills.from? ....lol. I have met one dude who claimed he was in the military from the gym. This dude.asked him what his m.o. was just chatting with him and he just said he forgot. And the dude.that asked him has this.weird look on his face. Later he was like dude your m.o. is like your job.lolol his gf.said when she went to meet his.folks he told her not to talk about his.time in the service as it was all.classified... Like what a loser. I have no idea why people would fake service in the military.
I had a older guy at work (new job) on the civilian side tell me he used to be a SEAL..I told him cool and asked him which team he was on and he said 8..I asked when..he said early 80’s..I am not nor have I ever been a SEAL..but I know it didn’t exist in the early 80’s..I asked him what his buds class was and he proceeded to ramble off a 6 digit number with a letter or 2..never spoke to that piece of shit again..he retired less than a year later
Why hasn't @Ranchhand contributed to this thread? With that username I'd expect they know plenty about this.
We had a facility here in Houston like that all claiming to be former SF..I was still in when I heard about it..a teammate who was getting medically discharged went on a rampage against them..turns out none of them ever even served
There’s a special place in hell for cowards that pretend to have served their country!

In all sincerity it doesn't stress me out too much. Kind of highlights the level of idiocy in the industry at the end of the day. In no way do I mean for this to be offensive just blunt and to the point.

Company called Amyntor Group came onto the scene around 2018. Founder was Matt Marshall, if I am not mistaken he had zero military background. Article doesn't cover everything but claimed to be from development group, then claimed to be "attached" to dev, then claimed to be former recon. Crowd he was linked into kept funneling cash into his start up with no due diligence and zero contracts established.

This world is small, like stupidly small. I'm coming from the Navy side, it wouldn't take more than four text messages to vet someone from the past two decades and get an actual pulse on the individual. Do I know everyone? Absolutely not, but I am within a person or two of knowing everyone within my community.

As for the random bullshit (just did some imaging last week). Individual running the tests had one of the most impressive backgrounds I have ever heard of and somehow hes working a job now that pays 60K a year... Nothing wrong with someone making 60 a year but this shit isn't rocket science - figuring out whats legit or not.

There’s a special place in hell for cowards that pretend to have served their country!


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