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Were you see your self, when reach age 70+ ( for those to plan to make it to 70)

Probably looking down on my family celebrating me being dead for 20 years. I don’t think I’m long for this world. Anyway worse things could happen, like receiving a shit ton of eq in the post instead of nandrolone.
As soon as fibrosis turns up in a bone marrow biopsy, I'm one step away from myelofibrosis is similar to leukemia and I won't have long after that. But as of this year I am totally clear and oncologist believes my active lifestyle and hydration is staving off the worst. So I'm pretty psyched up about that. Spent last week in the ICU in a wheelchair, then a walker, then a cane, now healthy with a wee bout of ataxia (medication interaction).

But I'm riding this train all the way in. I'm not stopping. I'll be the 70 year old guy standing on the summit of Rainier or Denali in winter. Fuck the rules of the game. I'm going out hard.
As soon as fibrosis turns up in a bone marrow biopsy, I'm one step away from myelofibrosis is similar to leukemia and I won't have long after that. But as of this year I am totally clear and oncologist believes my active lifestyle and hydration is staving off the worst. So I'm pretty psyched up about that. Spent last week in the ICU in a wheelchair, then a walker, then a cane, now healthy with a wee bout of ataxia (medication interaction).

But I'm riding this train all the way in. I'm not stopping. I'll be the 70 year old guy standing on the summit of Rainier or Denali in winter. Fuck the rules of the game. I'm going out hard.
Way to go brother and I'd be rooting for you considering what you went through. I'd rather die doing something I loved rather than feeling sorry for myself.
Yeah. I don't have any kids with me now. Not even my grandson. Empty nester at this time. Although that always changes on my daughter and/or how kids are getting on with their moms.
I tell everyone I'd rather go back to being a soccer dad and caring for my grandson than out in the streets.
So right now I'm living it up in this second act in life. Was talking to my ex-wife today she commented on how I'm doing too much in the last few months. it's probably good I have to sit down with this rib issue. Even more so than when I was in my prime(30s early 40s).
Well guys... As is per usual, and at some random time of the year, I'm a soccer dad(well grandad) again. Funny how you talk this stuff up and right around the corner whatever you speak on materializes.
Next week my grandson will be back in my care. This time FOR GOOD. I'll be caring for him 24/7 like I did my other children I won custody of and raised. I'll probably adopt him, as I'm tired of him being passed around. So putting my foot down on this last stay with me. He is not going any where else. He is 2yo. So no longer an empty nester.
One of my older children will also be moving in next month as well. This move has nothing to do with my grandson and are two separate, isolated events.
Then another one of my minor kids is moving in permanently in a couple months as well.
While I'm excited about my two kids moving in, I'm more excited about my grandson. I view him as one of my own.
All that said. I'll still check in from time to time. But for the most part I'm done with the AAS abuse. Will just focus on TRT and caring for my grandson. That's all thats important to me now.
Of course I'll still do my 1hr long cardio sessions. But will have to be scheduled accordingly
Well guys... As is per usual, and at some random time of the year, I'm a soccer dad(well grandad) again. Funny how you talk this stuff up and right around the corner whatever you speak on materializes.
Next week my grandson will be back in my care. This time FOR GOOD. I'll be caring for him 24/7 like I did my other children I won custody of and raised. I'll probably adopt him, as I'm tired of him being passed around. So putting my foot down on this last stay with me. He is not going any where else. He is 2yo. So no longer an empty nester.
One of my older children will also be moving in next month as well. This move has nothing to do with my grandson and are two separate, isolated events.
Then another one of my minor kids is moving in permanently in a couple months as well.
While I'm excited about my two kids moving in, I'm more excited about my grandson. I view him as one of my own.
All that said. I'll still check in from time to time. But for the most part I'm done with the AAS abuse. Will just focus on TRT and caring for my grandson. That's all thats important to me now.
Of course I'll still do my 1hr long cardio sessions. But will have to be scheduled accordingly
Nothing like young people to keep you young.

Wish more people would step up to the plate and do what you are doing.

You are to be commended; your sense of responsibility and commitment to do the right thing for the next generation. You have my respect and admiration. Not enough people are doing what you are doing 👍
Nothing like young people to keep you young.

Wish more people would step up to the plate and do what you are doing.

You are to be commended; your sense of responsibility and commitment to do the right thing for the next generation. You have my respect and admiration. Not enough people are doing what you are doing 👍
Thanks. Well I was the only person who was with my daughter at the hospital when she delivered. Covid protocols at the time. And the baby was with me consistently for over a year of his life. On and off otherwise. he is now 2yo
But because of some other issues my daughter left with the baby.. but today I got a phone call while I was on a work conference call that I need to come get him in Los Angeles. So enough with the musical chair/baby games. I'll just raise him while my daughter sorts things out.
Well guys... As is per usual, and at some random time of the year, I'm a soccer dad(well grandad) again. Funny how you talk this stuff up and right around the corner whatever you speak on materializes.
Next week my grandson will be back in my care. This time FOR GOOD. I'll be caring for him 24/7 like I did my other children I won custody of and raised. I'll probably adopt him, as I'm tired of him being passed around. So putting my foot down on this last stay with me. He is not going any where else. He is 2yo. So no longer an empty nester.
One of my older children will also be moving in next month as well. This move has nothing to do with my grandson and are two separate, isolated events.
Then another one of my minor kids is moving in permanently in a couple months as well.
While I'm excited about my two kids moving in, I'm more excited about my grandson. I view him as one of my own.
All that said. I'll still check in from time to time. But for the most part I'm done with the AAS abuse. Will just focus on TRT and caring for my grandson. That's all thats important to me now.
Of course I'll still do my 1hr long cardio sessions. But will have to be scheduled accordingly
I'm dealing with a very similar situation except yours sounds even more heavy than mine. I have an 11 month old granddaughter living with my wife and I. Her mother, my daughter, is also living with us. The father is a piece of work and mostly out of the picture, which is a good thing for the granddaughter. My daughter crash and burned in late 2017 with massive student load debt and moved in early 2018. So I guess we never stop being parents. My daughter and I clash heads frequently. She has some issues. Trying still to get her back on track. Some good signs as late. We will see. Good luck with your situation. The world is upside down right now. "Empty nester" might be a defunct phase soon.
I'm dealing with a very similar situation except yours sounds even more heavy than mine. I have an 11 month old granddaughter living with my wife and I. Her mother, my daughter, is also living with us. The father is a piece of work and mostly out of the picture, which is a good thing for the granddaughter. My daughter crash and burned in late 2017 with massive student load debt and moved in early 2018. So I guess we never stop being parents. My daughter and I clash heads frequently. She has some issues. Trying still to get her back on track. Some good signs as late. We will see. Good luck with your situation. The world is upside down right now. "Empty nester" might be a defunct phase soon.
Yeah. my situation isnt bad. Im just not comfortable with my grandson being left with whoever, while my my daughter is sorting out her life.
I couldn't really sleep last night as I've been scheduling flights, and arranging other stuff needed when I return with my grandson.
Plus sat on the phone with my daughter for almost 3hrs.
The only thing that changes for me is my ability to work out whenever and to run the streets.
But I've said it many times on PM, when I have my minor kids or my grandson, I'm back to Dad mode. And all the foolishness comes to an abrupt halt.
Good luck on your end. I'm sure it will all work out.
I’m 40 now and I sincerely hope I’m dead before 70. My mom is 75, has dementia and is blind. Never smoked, drank nor was she ever obese. Just shit genetics. Id much rather be dead than to spend my last days on this planet like her.

Yes, we all know that 95 year old man who smokes and drinks daily and still drives a car responsibly but realistically most forum members here like myself will never get there.
What i planned on doing at 70 many years ago, is not the same as my plans now. Im 43 with no kids and i know for a fact im not gonna make it till 70 while i still have a backbone.. Everything changed once the government shut everybodys business down, opened the border, and ALLOWED piece of shit NON taxpayers to hijack 6 square blocks of Seattle for weeks. Right before last presidential election, and its happening alllll over again with a brand new Disease thats about to get released. Everybody forgot how one it all changed in ONE SINGLE DAY day when we all woke up to start our day. See for yourself what the government has planned..

This was introduced JUNE 2023.

This is NOT the same world we were raised in, so im going to take Charles Darwin's advice on this one. "It Is Not the Strongest of the Species that Survives But the Most Adaptable".

World war 3 is right around the corner on top of that. Things wont bounce back like they did after covid. Covid was a dry run for THIS upcoming lockdown, because the first worked out so well with a country full of vaccinated cowards believing everything on the television.. Plan accordingly my unvaccinated brothers. Gonna be a wild ride for our old asses that actually see whats happening in the world. Everybody else, enjoy your heart attacks, strokes, rainbows and butterflies dreaming with your eyes closed. Reality is a cold hard slap in the mouth...

Pessimists see the glass as half empty, Optimists see it as half full. Realists just that see somebody pissed in the cup.
Your link . . . nipping this in the bud.

We can’t let this go political. Thanks.
What i planned on doing at 70 many years ago, is not the same as my plans now. Im 43 with no kids and i know for a fact im not gonna make it till 70 while i still have a backbone.. Everything changed once the government shut everybodys business down, opened the border, and ALLOWED piece of shit NON taxpayers to hijack 6 square blocks of Seattle for weeks. Right before last presidential election, and its happening alllll over again with a brand new Disease thats about to get released. Everybody forgot how one it all changed in ONE SINGLE DAY day when we all woke up to start our day. See for yourself what the government has planned..

This was introduced JUNE 2023.

This is NOT the same world we were raised in, so im going to take Charles Darwin's advice on this one. "It Is Not the Strongest of the Species that Survives But the Most Adaptable".

World war 3 is right around the corner on top of that. Things wont bounce back like they did after covid. Covid was a dry run for THIS upcoming lockdown, because the first worked out so well with a country full of vaccinated cowards believing everything on the television.. Plan accordingly my unvaccinated brothers. Gonna be a wild ride for our old asses that actually see whats happening in the world. Everybody else, enjoy your heart attacks, strokes, rainbows and butterflies dreaming with your eyes closed. Reality is a cold hard slap in the mouth...

Pessimists see the glass as half empty, Optimists see it as half full. Realists just that see somebody pissed in the cup.
Clearly someone pissed in your cup.
Most likely ashes in the wind or trash can… Depends on the wifey. Either way, I’m A-OK with that!! Experienced my fair share in this life.

Hopefully healthy, happy and retired alongside my wife. Im going to push for the next few years to see where I can take my physique and then bring the calories and AAS down to the lowest dose to maintain what I can.
But it IS political. lol Didnt you read what Congress has to say?

You can clearly see the spirit of this thread. This thread isn't your soapbox for whatever your agenda is.
They absolutely did and i posted a link who did. That was the point of my post lol. Someone pissed in your cup too, and your obviously not aware of it just yet. You will be though.
How long you been here? As many times we said no politics on this board and there is always one or two who will not abide by the rules.
You can clearly see the spirit of this thread. This thread isn't your soapbox for whatever your agenda is.

All fantasy in this thread. Dream in one hand piss in the other, and see which you get first. I have no agenda except posting the page from congress and giving my own opinion. Just because YOU dont find congresses plans concerning, doesnt mean anybody doesnt. Guess you didnt read the link that i posted. My agenda fits right in with the original post saying im not gonna make it till 70. Good luck my brother. You obviously forgot what happened 4 years ago.

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