What i planned on doing at 70 many years ago, is not the same as my plans now. Im 43 with no kids and i know for a fact im not gonna make it till 70 while i still have a backbone.. Everything changed once the government shut everybodys business down, opened the border, and ALLOWED piece of shit NON taxpayers to hijack 6 square blocks of Seattle for weeks. Right before last presidential election, and its happening alllll over again with a brand new Disease thats about to get released. Everybody forgot how one it all changed in ONE SINGLE DAY day when we all woke up to start our day. See for yourself what the government has planned..
This was introduced JUNE 2023.
This is NOT the same world we were raised in, so im going to take Charles Darwin's advice on this one. "It Is Not the Strongest of the Species that Survives But the Most Adaptable".
World war 3 is right around the corner on top of that. Things wont bounce back like they did after covid. Covid was a dry run for THIS upcoming lockdown, because the first worked out so well with a country full of vaccinated cowards believing everything on the television.. Plan accordingly my unvaccinated brothers. Gonna be a wild ride for our old asses that actually see whats happening in the world. Everybody else, enjoy your heart attacks, strokes, rainbows and butterflies dreaming with your eyes closed. Reality is a cold hard slap in the mouth...
Pessimists see the glass as half empty, Optimists see it as half full. Realists just that see somebody pissed in the cup.