need to super charge digestion first and foremost
Every morning 1tbsp ACV, 5 oz aloe vera juice lily of the desert on amazon, 10g glutamine, real lemon juice and some stevia chug that down before you start your day.
Then every meal beta plus has pancreatic and bile both needed to move food
add 2-3 betain hcl harbaach brand on amazon is cheap and works
add in some SLU PP332 to get appetite revved
add some GTA FORTE to support thyroid
Finally if you need you can use the old ghrp 6 but go lightly not much is needed maybe 50mcg could be enough.
just some thoughts here but def do the first 2 things and see if it helps
Then ofc use carbs that are dense for their intake. Honey is easy to add to cream of rice etc. Jelly is easy to add to gluten free bagels. Cereals like chex digest fast and easy
Get enough fiber to go but make sure youre not getting 70 grams which is easy to do at 500 plus carbs with oats etc.
use a lot of fruit thought it does have fiber it moves through easy
fish as protein easy to digest along with eggs.