I liked how Shane pointed out that he had his family but that Vic did not. I actually felt sorry for Shane. The writers did a good job of showing you that Vic really was the villain of the series. He has a fate worse than jail or death (For him). Another aspect of 'what happens now' is that even though Vic has immunity from prosecution, all the arrests made by Shane and Ronnie can be overturned. To me there wasn't really any Characters who were morally upstanding. Claudette was so full of wrath and hate for Vic in the scene within the interrogation room. When Vic did not break down like she wanted, she arrested Ronnie in front of him. Corrine was heartless bitch, after portraying herself as some kind of victim (all the while getting money) she turns, takes his kids even knowing poor Ronnie is screwed. It was really sad to see Ronnie go down as he was screaming "What about the team?", he still seemed to have some redeeming qualities. This was apparent to me when he was crying about Shane. Vic really showed no emotion about Shane even though he knows the blood was on his hands. The most telling part of Vic's evil is when he is about to break down over his life, takes a deep breath, and gets up and goes about his business. He is completely capable of rebuilding his life and eventually his daughter would at least try to contact him. He has the son with Dani who isn't that far from him. For me, I see that Vic has no real "code" loyalty was the last thing he had going but broke when he screwed Ronnie. His worst fate was a life without purpose, no kids, no real bad guy busting badge job, no friends. Who knows, maybe they make a movie.