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Thinking about playing Semi-Pro Football


New member
Jun 29, 2002
I have been approached by some players from a Semi-Pro team to come out and play for them. I am not all that excited about it but at the same time it would be fun to get to play again. I would be playing D-line being tackle or noseguard depending on the scheme. I have a full time job and dont really have alot of free time but the coach said he would work around that. Give me some input on what you guys would do.


i had a bro of mine join a semi-pro team and did verry well but half way through the season he broke his shoulder ,went under the knife and was out 6weeks .no workouts ,ball nothing ,to much risk if you love the gym, but if ya join up i wish ya luck bro.

what type of program do they have if you get injured? I know it is semi pro so if you tear something or need to go under the knife for somethign will they pay for it or do you need to have your own insurance. If they pay for it, have fun and go for it. Me? I don't like pain, weenie in me, no pun intended, but I would miss the gym.
I checked into a semipro team in NY MANY years ago.

No pay, had to buy your own uniform, no insurance coverage, long bus rides all over hell and back and

if you went through precamp, camp and was a starter and they found a guy say out of Syracuse decided he wanted to join, he was in and you were out.

Well I didn't follow up on it.

There is a big semi pro leauge on the MD/DC/VA area, up and down the east coast. A few buddys of mine play on it, and it is like everyone else said, you pay for just about everything, but you get to play football, and maybe somehow if you are amazing goto the next level. If you want to try to take it somewhere I say go for it, but if it is just for fun, you might get hurt, lose 9 months to rehab and whatnot, and it was all for shits and giggles.

I say if your serious go for it. Best of luck, let us know
I play and I say go for it! But I am trying to take it to the next level. I'm getting excited cause I just recieved my combine packege this morning for my pro camp. I can't wait, May 11 I'm going to be ready. I haven't paid for a thing in 3 years, but that is mostly luck I guess. Plus playing for some good teams. The league I'm in usually produces a National Champ every year. The last few years the teams even go to Boston and put an ass whooping on the Marlboro Shamrocks, who are the eastcoast studs I guess. It fun, you meet people keep fit. The insurance thing is offered by alot of teams now. I picked up extra this year. Aflac @$20 a month and they cover alot of shit. They don't fuck with the doctors either, they send you the check. If you go, go balls out and KEEP YOUR HEAD ON A SWIVEL!
been there done that bro, risk v.s. injury v.s. reward isnt high enough in semi pro, unless you love the game real badly, which i didnt, i love bodybuilding, and never have been hurt doing that.
lol thats how college ball would have been for me, I took up bodybuiding instead of playing.
Armageddon said:
I play and I say go for it! But I am trying to take it to the next level. I'm getting excited cause I just recieved my combine packege this morning for my pro camp. I can't wait, May 11 I'm going to be ready. I haven't paid for a thing in 3 years, but that is mostly luck I guess. Plus playing for some good teams. The league I'm in usually produces a National Champ every year. The last few years the teams even go to Boston and put an ass whooping on the Marlboro Shamrocks, who are the eastcoast studs I guess. It fun, you meet people keep fit. The insurance thing is offered by alot of teams now. I picked up extra this year. Aflac @$20 a month and they cover alot of shit. They don't fuck with the doctors either, they send you the check. If you go, go balls out and KEEP YOUR HEAD ON A SWIVEL!

Sounds GOOD bro.

I and I am sure ALL of us WISH you the VERY best.

WHEN things go well and I KNOW YOU They will PLEASE let us know!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know if I'll be able to type again if I make it. I would most likely blow a wad so hard that I'd have a stroke or a sezuire and not care what ever happens after that. But thanks for the thoughts, they help ALOT!
were I live semi-pro ball players get 500 bucks a week and most have other jobs so I'd if ya got it why not go for it?
stackdizzy said:
were I live semi-pro ball players get 500 bucks a week and most have other jobs so I'd if ya got it why not go for it?

Bro what team pays $500 a week?

there are alot of teams that play there players. It all comes down to resources and what there willing to give. With the proper marketing, these things can be pulled off really easily. There is a semi pro team in detroit that may have as much or even more marketing than the Lions. It's crazy.
First Practice was today!

It was a very organized practice not what I expected but I am much more happy with that than a loose practice. The team is 2 yrs. old and lost in the Championship game last year and got 2nd. They were playing ironman ball last year but now they are 3-4 deep at almost every position. We do not get paid and have to buy our jerseys and helmets gonna borrow pads from the high school. Im kinda stoked about the opportunity to win a ring and we were told today that during the playoffs and the all-star game there will be D-1, Arena League and NFL scouts there. Ill keep everyone posted on how things progress. I really appreciate all the bros coming out and giving thier opinion because i was truly 50/50 on the deal.


Armageddon said:
there are alot of teams that play there players. It all comes down to resources and what there willing to give. With the proper marketing, these things can be pulled off really easily. There is a semi pro team in detroit that may have as much or even more marketing than the Lions. It's crazy.

From that area, but been gone for a few years...is that the Downriver Raiders???

No they suck, the Detroit Seminoles! Mako what team are you going to play for? Also the Raiders broke up for several years and are no the Diesels. They have a few guys from the Twisters on there.

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