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Thyroid labs help

Not necessarily, titrating T4 down when increasing T3 is just a cautionary step. Generally, most men need 100-200 mcg daily fasted to attain euthyroid status. Some will need 5-10 mcg T3 to achieve euthyroid status. (Taking T3 actually stimulates further T4 to T3 conversion in tissues).

Often times lipids and GFR will not improve in men who need more T4 or T3. Liver and kidney function is optimized in a euthyroid state, as well as mood, cognition/memory, etc.

Do NOT look at TSH. Do you look at LH/FSH when titrating TRT? TSH will lead you astray. Generally, euthyroid state will have you at <1 TSH, oftentimes highly suppressed (Like TRT).

TSH is exactly like LH/FSH, they are trophic pituitary peptide hormones that are just signals.
Ok that helps a lot because I’m kind of stuck in a state where I don’t know if I am taking too much or too little since the symptoms are similar (with T3 only, i felt hypothyroid when i took too much but the reality is I wasn’t since my FT3 went down in a state of over medication).

So you don’t think there’s a problem with crushing TSH? There is evidence of cardiovascular risks with suppressed TSH so I still would rather keep it above 0.5 if I can.
Ok that helps a lot because I’m kind of stuck in a state where I don’t know if I am taking too much or too little since the symptoms are similar (with T3 only, i felt hypothyroid when i took too much but the reality is I wasn’t since my FT3 went down in a state of over medication).

So you don’t think there’s a problem with crushing TSH? There is evidence of cardiovascular risks with suppressed TSH so I still would rather keep it above 0.5 if I can.
Correlation / causation effect.

For hyperthyroidism you will 1. be over the physiological range and /or 2. symptoms ; elevated heart rate, BP, nervousness/anxiety or agitation, muscle weakness, diahrrea, feeling hot, etc.

Note that oral T3 does peak between 2-4 hours and closer to baseline after 24 hours.. If you keep focusing on TSH and RT3, you may never optimized/euthyroid.
Correlation / causation effect.

For hyperthyroidism you will 1. be over the physiological range and /or 2. symptoms ; elevated heart rate, BP, nervousness/anxiety or agitation, muscle weakness, diahrrea, feeling hot, etc.

Note that oral T3 does peak between 2-4 hours and closer to baseline after 24 hours.. If you keep focusing on TSH and RT3, you may never optimized/euthyroid.
Oddly enough, I don't get elevated heart rate or any of that when I seem to be taking too much T3. Just horrific brain fog to the point I have to cancel my day and lay in bed.

In any case, I am now on combo therapy and never plan to attempt T3 monotherapy ever again.
Oddly enough, I don't get elevated heart rate or any of that when I seem to be taking too much T3. Just horrific brain fog to the point I have to cancel my day and lay in bed.

In any case, I am now on combo therapy and never plan to attempt T3 monotherapy ever again.

T3 mono is the worst protocol for sure. I also never felt the heart rate on high T3 experiments but cognitive function sucked. (likely hypo in some parts of brain without T4,but true hyper is known to cause cognitive issues as does hypo).

T4 and T3 affect tissues differently, so you can be hypo , euthyroid and hyper in different tissues at the same time.
My t4 is almost not existent, t3 is close to top of range and tsh is 1.2
I’ve had my thyroid tested many times over the years and it’s always normal even thou I thought something might be up and also have a nodule. Seems like the cortisol is low because if I add any t3 or t4 I get sleepy and or hyper feeling. Plan on getting more bloods but it’s not easy with my insurance currently and the way NY makes it impossible.
I am starting to think you are correct. All my blood work for everything else that was checked is normal. I honestly don’t feel much better since being on the dessictated thyroid. I do have a little more energy but still have fatigue, elevated heart rate at times and dry skin. I feel this is thyroid related in some way but can’t pinpoint it. I will ask for a slight increase when I am due for a refill and see if that helps. Thanks again for all your help
Is your dry skin on hands and feet? Mine is

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