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Time to identify as morbidly obese

The up side is that big pro bodybuilders can claim that status as well or sue for discrimination.!
Filing for discrimination(even if 275+ jacked) only works one way. For certain demographics.
You sir fit into neither of those demos
I always carry an extra seat belt extender with me. It comes in handy when I'm heavier and when I'm lean there's always at least 2-3 people around me that I can offer to borrow it.
This is the "me-too" movement to the transtesticles who want to identify as a woman. Every single day now in the news we are hearing about a women's athletic record being broken by a transtesticle. What about the women athletes who identify as a woman and are truly a biological woman. I want a f**king free second seat when I fly, so I have a spot for my toy dog in its crate to sit next to me during my flight. That is my right as a progressive forward-thinking American. 🇺🇲
Filing for discrimination(even if 275+ jacked) only works one way. For certain demographics.
You sir fit into neither of those demos
Hey speak for yourself. I am a senior citizens so i am a protected class and am far wider then most people. I saw an ortho a couple years ago for the first time and he stopped in the doorway when he first saw me and said " do you know you are really wide." So i have had a medical prognosis depicting my exaggerated size"!!!
Hey speak for yourself. I am a senior citizens so i am a protected class and am far wider then most people. I saw an ortho a couple years ago for the first time and he stopped in the doorway when he first saw me and said " do you know you are really wide." So i have had a medical prognosis depicting my exaggerated size"!!!
Are you male ? Are you white ?

I'm male? Not really white. And I still get no love in the 'victim' sweepstakes.

So I know youre not.

Put on a wig, wear a blood spattered tampon and panty liner in your ass, then you may get a court to hear your case.
Are you male ? Are you white ?

I'm male? Not really white. And I still get no love in the 'victim' sweepstakes.

So I know youre not.

Put on a wig, wear a blood spattered tampon and panty liner in your ass, then you may get a court to hear your case.
How i self identify can change depending.................. But that is the American way!
When I was like 7 or 8 years old, we were at an amusement park near where we lived called Kings Island. We used to go multiple times a summer. They have a somewhat famous wooden roller coaster there called The Beast. Very old school. tiny ass seats and only a lap brace. As we got up to be the next train. The train before us was loading. This dude rolls up in homemade cutoff jorts, and has the most insanely striated separated veiny quads. Guy looked like a competitor, not sure if he was, but this was in the very early 90's not sure if dudes walked around that lean for fun back then. Anyway as I ramble, his legs were to big to fit in the car and he had to get out and wasn't allowed to go on he ride. He was too wide, but also they couldn't get the brace to even lock in the highest position. It was a safety hazard. I thought it was the coolest fucking thing ever, I mean not that he could ride, but he was too muscular. He was cool about it and joked / said something like this ride aint a beast Im a fuckin beast or I guess I am too much of a beast for "the beast" lol
Whatever makes the general population hate fat fucks more is good in my book

Also, buying puts on southwest

There is NOTHING that can make society hate fat fucks more than they hate themselves.

All jokes aside, shouldn't judge people like that. Yes, 99% of fat people are just lazy, but you don't know who has medical issues or other life circumstances that make it difficult to prioritize fitness.
Yes, 99% of fat people are just lazy, but you don't know who has medical issues or other life circumstances that make it difficult to prioritize fitness.

Being fat is not about being lazy, it’s about eating too much

Some of the skinniest people I know are insanely lazy.. they just don’t eat much
Why fly Southwest when you can just catch a flight on spirit airlines and have the chance to witness or be involved with some petty racially charged argument during the whole flight?

I’ve had this happen on a spirit flight to Mexico one time. it was so awkward. Old southern white ladies talking shit to the Mexican gals headed INTO Mexico. Like, you know you’re in their country now, right bitches?
There is NOTHING that can make society hate fat fucks more than they hate themselves.

All jokes aside, shouldn't judge people like that. Yes, 99% of fat people are just lazy, but you don't know who has medical issues or other life circumstances that make it difficult to prioritize fitness.

If you can do it, they can to right.
Are you male ? Are you white ?

I'm male? Not really white. And I still get no love in the 'victim' sweepstakes.

So I know youre not.

Put on a wig, wear a blood spattered tampon and panty liner in your ass, then you may get a court to hear your case.
I had to give a training at a university campus went in the men's restroom to piss....there were actually tampons, no joke
Being fat is not about being lazy, it’s about eating too much

Some of the skinniest people I know are insanely lazy.. they just don’t eat much
This is a good point. Example the gym permabulkers working out 6+ days a week only to walk around 15% plus year round. Not talking about competitors off season who diet down but guys who think a number on a scale is more important than how they look.
This is a good point. Example the gym permabulkers working out 6+ days a week only to walk around 15% plus year round. Not talking about competitors off season who diet down but guys who think a number on a scale is more important than how they look.
Supposedly this guy is 16%
I have yet to see an average build at local gyms. Or any gyms that are as 'lean' as this guy.
Most Joe Lifters have a pudge walking around with imaginary flared lats.
If this is 16% then most gym goes are around 25%

I read this as a good thing. Get fuckin huge, guys! Free airplane seats!

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