Toney is a believer in colonics... and his abs are definitely genetic and he has a great midsection with a tiny waist. Guess he loox amazing right now, not really training too hard and still loox in amazing shape. Just goes to show you how much genes play a role in everything. Im not completely sold on the colonics yet, everyone ive heard has done is has said their midsection seems flatter and not as distended if it was before. They even put herbal remedies in it and what not. Though counter arguments say it cleanses out the good forms of bacteria. Im doin some more research on it... dont like the comparison but theirs a reason they backflush your radiator in your car to remove debris that is resistant to coming out the normal pathway. Something definitely to look into and do research on. I havent seen the article yet, I do know and have seen Toney at my gym, he does not train heavy anymore, real light and focuses on contraction and isolation more so then heaving weight. The man has some freaky ass quads for a tall guy.... damn they r huge. Overall great guy, not arrogant and will talk to anyone