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Total Newbie question.


Mar 26, 2010
Hey guys... Totally new to this all... this is about my 4th cycle.. i am 25 and pretty muscular and lean naturally, i do not compete just love the attention and the bodybuilding lifestyle, CALL me crazy right? lol.. anyways my question is, is 20 weeks on test too long, eq for 16? any input would help... be nice guys thanks.
Hey guys... Totally new to this all... this is about my 4th cycle.. i am 25 and pretty muscular and lean naturally, i do not compete just love the attention and the bodybuilding lifestyle, CALL me crazy right? lol.. anyways my question is, is 20 weeks on test too long, eq for 16? any input would help... be nice guys thanks.

it really all depends

how long is softball season???

Hey guys... Totally new to this all... this is about my 4th cycle.. i am 25 and pretty muscular and lean naturally, i do not compete just love the attention and the bodybuilding lifestyle, CALL me crazy right? lol.. anyways my question is, is 20 weeks on test too long, eq for 16? any input would help... be nice guys thanks.

Love the attention eh? You will be on Tenny's hit list :confused:
If your asking if its too long of a cycle for you to return to normal when you are done and recover properly realy only your body can answer that. I think you will find most people on this board run very long cycles and some never come off doses under 200mg or more a week of testosterone for HRT. I myself am on TRT and am 29 years old. I started juicing small cycles when i was 19. From there i just kept increasing my doses and increasing my duration of my cycles. I also kept adding more and more compounds every year. Here is what i would recomend you do. Most people would say an 8 week cycle is harmless and for the most part it is. Im guessing you probably have already done a 8 weeker as this is your 4th cycle. So how did you recover from that with PCT? Next do a 12 weeker and keep your estrogen in check and i would recomend HCG twice a week at 250ius starting half way through your cycle at least. If you find you can recover will with a good PCT after 12 weeks then you might try 16 and so on. I found that 20 weeks for a full recovery was pushing it for me and that about the time i decided not to come off at all. I would just lose way to much mass cause when you do a 20 weeker if it is a pretty heavy cycle 1 gram plus of tatal compounds it takes your body a while to recover from that. Even with clomid, nolva, a-dex.

I would say you just need to ask yourself if you are ready to accept the possibility that the longer you push you cycles the more chance you have your test will never want to come back up to normal, but like i said HCG does help and i took it starting mid cycle for most of my cycles but i still got to a point where i came off everything for 2 years and lost all of the mass that i gained and it was about 50 lbs of it. I got my blood tested numerously before i got on TRT and my levels were usually around 160ish, normal is 250-1000.

Now im not saying a 20 week cycle is going to do to you what continuous cycling for a year did to me but im just saying be smart and if you want to recover and not be stuck on HRT for your life i would stay away from super long cycles. The amount and type of steroids your taking make a big differance also on how much the suppress you. I loved taking deca. It put alot of mass on me, but its also the worst on recovery. I did deca for 20 weeks plus with lots of test. Got me huge but i can tell you now i see some of my friends who dont go past 20 weeks who can still recover and feal normal and thats a good thing. I get winded so fast if im not on my TRT its rediculous. Im still shreaded but have no strength and no indurance without it.

Just feal your body out and listen to what its saying to you, i told it to fuck off for years cause i got greedy. Good luck hope this helps...

Oh and if you realy want to be safe get your testosterone checked before you start your cycle to get a baseline for what normal is to you. Then after your cycle dont start another one untill your levels have returned to normal for at least a few weeks..
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You can run test as long as you want. The duration really depends on your goals and experience bro.
As was said, it all depends on your goals.... but some things to consider:
The longer you're on the longer the recovery. Longer cycles may be more likely to impact fertility. Some guys have recovered after 10-15 years of continuous use. Some guys struggle with fertility after using a lot less. Gains seem to diminish after 6-8 weeks. A beater strategy might be to do shorter cycles and attempt to maintain size and strength between and surpass your best with each new cycle.
Like a one of respected members from this board has said many times; In bodybuilding the tortoise beats the hare in the end.
lost all of the mass that i gained and it was about 50 lbs of it. I got my blood tested numerously before i got on TRT and my levels were usually around 160ish, normal is 250-1000.

Do u mean u lost 50lbs of lean muscle tissue, or could it have been water?
250-1000 what do the numbers represent?
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THnaks everyone, very helpful.... thanks for not killing me for such a stupid question. lol.
THnaks everyone, very helpful.... thanks for not killing me for such a stupid question. lol.

lol we have all been there before.. im not new to the game, but new to the board so i get a lil backlash every now and then too.. haha :D
The answers you're going to get is apples and oranges. Many many people run EQ and Test for 20 weeks. How much are you taking a week? I also would recommend some HCG in the cycle.

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