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Trestolone/Ment significantly increases my hematocrit levels!

Evidence of MENT Aromatization & Conclusions About its Estrogenic Potency

MENT, along with other C19 androgens & 19-norsteroids, was incubated with recombinant human CYP19 + P450 & an NADPH complex, cells were transfected with luciferase, a reporter gene that "lights up," the relative light units (RLUs) indicating transactivation potencies. [100].

MENT's aromatic product (7α-methylestradiol; 7α-ME) is more than 4X (!) as potent ("efficacious," a bad thing here) than estradiol (E2) in ER-containing cells. [100]. Efficacy is determined by measuring the effect, e.g., growth (here, in breast cancer cells). The EC₅₀ (EC50) is determined by the concentrations at which the ligand triggers growth (this may be confirmed by measurements of cell cycle progression (i.e., the S-phase entry during the cell cycle).

The binding affinity (IC₅₀) of MENT's aromatic product (7α-methylestradiol) is 102% that of estradiol [100], which is typically used as the reference compound for ER binding given its noteworthy efficacy, potency, and affinity for the ERα receptor, in the literature.

Given the findings of Attardi et al, in comparing the rate of aromatization between MENT and Nandrolone, that "At 180 min, about 23% of MENT was converted to 7α-ME and about 13% of 19-NT to E2," knowing that Nandrolone aromatizes at 20% the rate of T [101], we can deduce that MENT aromatizes at roughly 35% the rate of T... to 7α-ME (an aromatic product with four-fold E2's potency, i.e., for causing growth in breast cancer cells). Simple multiplication of the rate of aromatization (35%) * EC50(7α-methylestradiol) * RBA(7α-methylestradiol) ≈ a 40% greater growth potential in ER-containing cells than T.

Keep in mind that you also need to consider the rate of breakdown of the produced 7α-methylestradiol, as well as the estrogenic potency of the resulting metabolites (Peter Bond, Oct 20 2021).

This would seem to support the anecdotes that MENT is quite a potent gynecomastic agent. With consideration of practical use, if the MENT dosage is ~70% the Test dosage it's on par with the estrogenicity of T, and given the aromatization to 7α-ME rather than E2, this consequence is unlikely to be reflected in bloodwork results. By way of comparison, e.g.: 35 mg daily of MENT E ≈ as estrogenic as 350 mg of Test E weekly.

[100] Attardi BJ, Pham TC, Radler LC, Burgenson J, Hild SA, Reel JR. Dimethandrolone (7alpha,11beta-dimethyl-19-nortestosterone) and 11beta-methyl-19-nortestosterone are not converted to aromatic A-ring products in the presence of recombinant human aromatase. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2008;110(3-5):214-222. doi:10.1016/j.jsbmb.2007.11.009
[101] Ryan, Kenneth J. “Biological aromatization of steroids.” Journal of Biological Chemistry 234.2 (1959): 268-272.
Your understanding is incorrect, its aromatization occurs in the same sites as for any other aromatizable androgen, wherever aromatase is expressed.

Its aromatic product, 7α-methyl-E; 7α-ME; 7α-methylestradiol, is well described. There's nothing to suggest it is "metabolism resistant." If it were, it would be more potent as a result and not less.

MENT's estrogenicity is far greater than that of Dianabol or Methyltestosterone.

At least those merely aromatize to 17α-methylestradiol, a less potent aromatic product, and are sterically hindered by 17α-methylation, reducing their rate of aromatization by ~2/3. MENT is not a 17α-alkylated AAS, so it is not sterically hindered in vivo.

Do you happen to peruse Reddit's /r/steroids?
Some corrections of typos.
This shows that the liver can additionally "aromatize" 19-nortestosterone derivatives, e.g., norethisterone, norethynodrel & tibolone, to yield an aromatic product by metabolism by liver CYP450 enzymes besides CYP19A1 (human aromatase).


A great study on this to better understand the mechanisms in play that I'm sure @Type-IIx has already come across.

The number of people that assume AIs are ineffective with 19-norsteroids is staggering and really shows a complete lack of understanding of the studies they are referencing as well as the compounds they are using.

A great study on this to better understand the mechanisms in play that I'm sure @Type-IIx has already come across.

The number of people that assume AIs are ineffective with 19-norsteroids is staggering and really shows a complete lack of understanding of the studies they are referencing as well as the compounds they are using.
You seem smart. Looking forward to more posts of yours. Welcome to the show.

A great study on this to better understand the mechanisms in play that I'm sure @Type-IIx has already come across.

The number of people that assume AIs are ineffective with 19-norsteroids is staggering and really shows a complete lack of understanding of the studies they are referencing as well as the compounds they are using.

AI’s bind to aromatase enzymes primarily in adipose tissue. Nandrolone can convert to estrogen through the liver so AI won’t prevent it from aromatizing. Nobody has to agree with me, you can prove me wrong by running a high dosage deca only cycle and see if arimidex will lower your estrogen…it doesn’t matter though because deca barley can aromatize, it doesn’t for me based on e2 bloodwork.
AI’s bind to aromatase enzymes primarily in adipose tissue. Nandrolone can convert to estrogen through the liver so AI won’t prevent it from aromatizing. Nobody has to agree with me, you can prove me wrong by running a high dosage deca only cycle and see if arimidex will lower your estrogen…it doesn’t matter though because deca barley can aromatize, it doesn’t for me based on e2 bloodwork.
We can prove you wrong with basic physiology & biochemistry too. Indeed, it's already happened here bro.

I'll never understand the instinct to double down on your mistaken beliefs after being given good information. Why can't people simply be happy to learn something new?

We weren't assholes.

I know I wasn't trying to demean you. I was giving you good information, but your instinct is to become defensive.
AI’s bind to aromatase enzymes primarily in adipose tissue. Nandrolone can convert to estrogen through the liver so AI won’t prevent it from aromatizing. Nobody has to agree with me, you can prove me wrong by running a high dosage deca only cycle and see if arimidex will lower your estrogen…it doesn’t matter though because deca barley can aromatize, it doesn’t for me based on e2 bloodwork.
Your anecdotal experience is no doubt correct and is not required if you understand the MOA of AIs. You said it yourself, but did you take any time to think about it? Nandrolone aromatizes at ~20% the rate of Testosterone, evident from the article @Type-IIx referenced earlier. Therefore, it requires significantly less aromatase to complete enzymatic conversion. It should quickly become apparent to you that a greater inhibition is required to have an effect on your already low E2 then. This understanding is even more important when utilizing MENT, where the aromatic product is more potent but still converts at a rate significantly less than testosterone.

It's not about winning an argument man. If you're going to reference articles to substantiate your case at least take the time to read and understand them.
Its posts like these that gives my brain a boner...
Because really what difference does it make what science says and how it happens - for 99% of users it doesn't matter... the only thing that matters is that for most people even small doses of ment aromatize like the devil's bitch lol
Because really what difference does it make what science says and how it happens - for 99% of users it doesn't matter... the only thing that matters is that for most people even small doses of ment aromatize like the devil's bitch lol
I just fuckin love the science its my "fetish" :D but you are deff right here 99,9% doesnt give a fuck about the science behind the just want to be a big fuckin beast! Happy new years to you in Poland.
It's not surprising. There is an opposite relationship between androgenic potency & haematopoeitic potency. MENT is a relatively attenuated androgen, so it's an ideal case for a potent hematinic agent. Dianabol is particularly haematopoietic also.

And, by contrast, Cheque drops (mibolerone), which is 17α-methylated MENT, a modification that confers dramatic increases in androgenic potency, the opposite is true: there is virtually no effect on haematocrit/haemoglobin/erythropoieisis by mibolerone.
What’s your thoughts about how much proviron affects hematocrit levels. It’s my understanding that proviron can slightly increase hematocrit levels, but nothing significant.
What’s your thoughts about how much proviron affects hematocrit levels. It’s my understanding that proviron can slightly increase hematocrit levels, but nothing significant.
in healthy humans ? ive read it in anemic patients but never seen it in healthy humans.
We can prove you wrong with basic physiology & biochemistry too. Indeed, it's already happened here bro.

I'll never understand the instinct to double down on your mistaken beliefs after being given good information. Why can't people simply be happy to learn something new?

We weren't assholes.

I know I wasn't trying to demean you. I was giving you good information, but your instinct is to become defensive.
DECA E2..png

Why would one make this up?


  • Deca E2.png
    Deca E2.png
    233.8 KB · Views: 16
View attachment 188998

Why would one make this up?
I don’t think even @Type-IIx could tell you the exact reason for why the authors decided to “make this up.”

Although you said it sarcastically, they quite literally did make it up. You failed to reference your source, but not to worry.

The source is a book called “Built to Survive: A Comprehensive Guide to the Medical Use of Anabolic Therapies, Nutrition and Exercise for Hiv+ Men and Women”

The source referenced in this excerpt is

This article has absolutely nothing to do with its conversion into E2. So yes, completely made up.

I’ll withdraw from this conversation going forward as it’s clear you still have yet to follow the basic prerequisite of reading the sources you’ve chosen to validate your claims.
I don’t think even @Type-IIx could tell you the exact reason for why the authors decided to “make this up.”

Although you said it sarcastically, they quite literally did make it up. You failed to reference your source, but not to worry.

The source is a book called “Built to Survive: A Comprehensive Guide to the Medical Use of Anabolic Therapies, Nutrition and Exercise for Hiv+ Men and Women”

The source referenced in this excerpt is

This article has absolutely nothing to do with its conversion into E2. So yes, completely made up.

I’ll withdraw from this conversation going forward as it’s clear you still have yet to follow the basic prerequisite of reading the sources you’ve chosen to validate your claims.

Nobody was being sarcastic, I don’t see the reason why the author would lie about AI not preventing nandrolone from aromatizing. Simple as that.

The study you attached has nothing to do with nandrolone Aromatization.

Feel free to withdraw from the discussion🤷🏿‍♂️
I'm aware, and that's the study your reference cited buddy. Hence they "made it up

Anabolics 11th edition also states nandrolone aromatizes in the liver and not adipose tissue. I don’t care to convince you. Believe what you want.
I'm aware, and that's the study your reference cited buddy. Hence they "made it up."

Here is another one for you.
I don’t think even @Type-IIx could tell you the exact reason for why the authors decided to “make this up.”

Although you said it sarcastically, they quite literally did make it up. You failed to reference your source, but not to worry.

The source is a book called “Built to Survive: A Comprehensive Guide to the Medical Use of Anabolic Therapies, Nutrition and Exercise for Hiv+ Men and Women”

The source referenced in this excerpt is

This article has absolutely nothing to do with its conversion into E2. So yes, completely made up.

I’ll withdraw from this conversation going forward as it’s clear you still have yet to follow the basic prerequisite of reading the sources you’ve chosen to validate your claims.
Yeah i have this book in my collection its got some nice tips etc but also some weird statements.
View attachment 188998

Why would one make this up.
Patrick Arnold has stated catalyzation of nandrolone via hepatic 1β-hydroxylated would be the primary site. He also felt it may occur in other tissue.

I had this conversation with him a few years ago.

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