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Tough Old Man

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Kilo Klub Member
Nov 18, 2005
On Friday the 18th of this month, approx 9 days ago something strange happened. It was about 1:00 pm and I was on this site posting as usual and I hear Linda screaming from the top of her lungs in my bedroom. So even though I can hardly walk because of a super sore quad from an injection, I move as fast as I can to see what is wrong.

Now I want to let you know that I live in the hills here in Baja and it had been warm for about a week. Because of one of my 6 dogs who love’s to tear up screen doors, my bedroom which has a sliding glass door in it, is missing the sliding screen door. So I had been opening the door a little bit doing the warm days. Well I meet up with Linda and can’t calm her down. After a little while she takes off running into the other room. So I follow her and finally calm her down and ask her, what is the problem? She informs me that there is a snake in our bedroom. So I go back in there and I look everywhere. I find nothing.

Well that night she wakes up around midnight, turns on the light and just keeps staring down at the floor. That wakes me up and you guess it, we end up removing everything from the bedroom. We find nothing and put everything back. That takes us until 6:00 am. The next afternoon Sat Linda again starts removing things from the bedroom and just drives me crazy all day. I tell her all day that there is no snake and she probably saw something and just freaked.

So we go to bed that night and we both get some sleep. The next day around 1:00 pm again I hear her scream again I run into the bedroom. The difference this time is I know what she is screaming about. I look over at the sliding door and there sets a baby rattlesnake.

I ended up killing it and I ended up telling Linda that I guess she wasn’t crazy after all. Imagine we slept in that room for at least two days with a rattlesnake in there.
and that's why I live up north....lol fuck those snakes man...I'm scared of those worse than heights. Thankfully you guys didn't get bitten. Where do you think it was hiding in the room? Or did it sneak back in later?
Phil do you want me to buy you a pet snake for Christmas? I'll be more than happy to....how about a black mamba? :D
Isn't he cute?


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Man ya gotta put those dogs to good use. :)

Put the 6 of em in there and I guarantee they would have found it. Rather get my dog snake bit than my wife. Most dogs can take a snake bite and be ok but not so much people. Then ya just treat your dog for a week or 2 and they are all better.

Hunting with dogs for over 20 years you get see your share of snake bytes, both human and dog. A rattler bite does some damage to a dog but I'll take that over what it does to a human.

Crowler said:
Man ya gotta put those dogs to good use. :)

Put the 6 of em in there and I guarantee they would have found it. Rather get my dog snake bit than my wife. Most dogs can take a snake bite and be ok but not so much people. Then ya just treat your dog for a week or 2 and they are all better.

Hunting with dogs for over 20 years you get see your share of snake bytes, both human and dog. A rattler bite does some damage to a dog but I'll take that over what it does to a human.

Funny you should say that. Really I have 6 lg dogs and one mini wienner dog. The small one and a big one slept in the room for the next day. They didn't find anything. I have no idea where it was. I mean we emptied the bedroom of everything and didn't find it.

Also in reply to the bites, I have a friend that is missing half a leg from a rattlesnake bite 2 years ago. Hell we live 30 miles away gro the nearest doctor or hospital down here. there's no phones where we live and no ambulance service.
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good ending, lets hope momma and poppa dont come looking for their seed
aaaaah come on, they eat the rats. Acually you're all right. A rattler can really mess
you up.
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Dam have no idea what that would be like there are no snakes at all in New zealand :)
o shit bro that story gave me the ebbeejeebee's (yuck) here in kentucky we have a lot of copperheads, and the baby ones are the worst to get bit by cause they don't know how to control the venom injection yet, adult copperheads will give you just a dose of venom, but a baby copperhead will dump all his venom in you on one bite, cause they don't know any better! you have a much better chance surviving a adult copperhead than a baby copperhead bite, i don't know if rattler's are the same way but you don't want to find out the hard way. Im glad everything went ok for your family and no one was hurt!
b-boy said:
o shit bro that story gave me the ebbeejeebee's (yuck) here in kentucky we have a lot of copperheads, and the baby ones are the worst to get bit by cause they don't know how to control the venom injection yet, adult copperheads will give you just a dose of venom, but a baby copperhead will dump all his venom in you on one bite, cause they don't know any better! you have a much better chance surviving a adult copperhead than a baby copperhead bite, i don't know if rattler's are the same way but you don't want to find out the hard way. Im glad everything went ok for your family and no one was hurt!
Oh yes the rattlers here are bad news and the baby's are diffenately the worst
We got all kinds of snakes here in N Fla. and my motto is the only good snake is a dead snake. J.R.
The thing about rattlesnakes is that they live in every part of the country. Each region of the US has a different species or variation of rattlesnake. They are fiesty little bastards and I have seen what happens to people when they get bit and its not fun at all. Not life threatening unless your weak, ill, or your immune system is not good but still thier venom will make you feel like you want die and from what I hear its super painful. The thing about a rattlesnake is no matter how big they get ( I have seen them personally at 6ft long) is they are afraid of humans and dogs and will try to get away from you before they do anything else, which is probably the reason you couldnt find him when you were searching your bedroom. Luckily he wasnt hiding in an area in your room where he couldnt get away and would have bit you but they still use thier rattle so you would have heard him rattle before he struck. They let you know they are pissed off first.

Not to hi jack this thread but speaking of snakes. I live in missouri where we have water moccasins and those little fuckers look for fights. I have been fishing in a canoe at lake of the ozarks and have had those little bastards swimming in the water, see me and turn and come up the paddle just to mess with me. Now thats a little bastard.

I live here on the mid east coast and thank god we don't have much
of a problem with poisonous snakes. But I do know for a fact that the
one snake out of all here in the U.S. that is the most poisonous even
including the coral snake is the mojave rattler. From the babies on up.
They can kill a small child with no problem.
I live in missouri where we have water moccasins and those little fuckers look for fights.
Im in NE so dont see many, mosly Copperheads ocassional Timber Rattler, but one day I was fly fishing
and a water moccasins, small about 2ft kept on following me in the river. I had to hit it with my fly rod and it still came after me. I had to get out of the river because it just kept coming towards me. Thought it was going to swim right up into my wieghters.

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