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unpasturized eggs


Sep 22, 2008
Hey guys

I have a friend that owns a small farm. She has offered me a great deal on the eggs she has. The chickens are free roaming and have an awesome life.

The eggs are unpasturized and of course not fertilized. I am curious if it is riskier to eat these raw?

If so, I will just cook them, if not I will continue eating them raw.

Thanks guys,.
If it's a small reputable farm.. Raw is fine.. I put raw yolks in my shakes.
If it's a small reputable farm.. Raw is fine.. I put raw yolks in my shakes.

You could but could get salmonella too. I got it once and will never eat them raw again especially with all the stuff getting recalled these days over it.
I'd say go for it. I've been taking free roaming chicken eggs raw for years and have had nothing but great results.

So long as you wash the eggs before you use them and the chickens are healthy, which they should be if they are free roaming on a nice farm or good patch of land, you'll be fine.

Salmonella isn't a big deal anyways unless your immune system is weak.

When dealing with REAL eggs the benefits far out weigh the risks.
Salmonella is possible but i've yet to get it from raw eggs. Eat at your own risk I guess
Salmonella is possible but i've yet to get it from raw eggs. Eat at your own risk I guess

Yeah my immune system is lower now to fight off infections that I've been on Enbrel for my arthritis.
Hey guys

I have a friend that owns a small farm. She has offered me a great deal on the eggs she has. The chickens are free roaming and have an awesome life.

The eggs are unpasturized and of course not fertilized. I am curious if it is riskier to eat these raw?

If so, I will just cook them, if not I will continue eating them raw.

Thanks guys,.

I would feel MUCH safer eating those eggs vs. the big, make-more-money-at-your-expense corporate version of doing things. That is, stuffing thousands of chickens into a coup with low light and feeding them low calories so they will lay more eggs, breathing air full of fecal matter… feeding them antibiotics just to counteract the horrible conditions. That's the perfect formula for raising pathogens.
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I eat hundreds of raw eggs every week and have done for years without any issues....
I eat hundreds of raw eggs every week and have done for years without any issues....

Ha ha ha, hundreds? And I thought I got weird looks from my egg ladies when I told them that I drink a dozen or so a day.
I can't stomach raw eggs... :p
I eat hundreds of raw eggs every week and have done for years without any issues....

For real 100's, lol ? Whens the last time you had your cholesterol checked?
Thanks for the answers guys. I already eat raw eggs. I was just wondering if there is any issue with these particular eggs since they are NOT PASTURIZED.
Take at your own risk like somebody said. You can't be 100% certain about anything unless you cook them. A lot of guys microwave them but I guess you must down them in your shakes.
For real 100's, lol ? Whens the last time you had your cholesterol checked?

Show me the study that links dietary cholesterol to cholesterol levels in the blood... Let me save you many hours of research.. Cause there are none..

Also, the odds of salmonella poisoning is 1 in 30,000.. And alot lower with farm fresh eggs..

Some sites you can use to do some additional research.

Backyard Poultry magazine. Dedicated to more and better small-flock poultry.
Raising BackYard Chickens, Build a Chicken Coop, Pictures of Breeds
Show me the study that links dietary cholesterol to cholesterol levels in the blood... Let me save you many hours of research.. Cause there are none..

Also, the odds of salmonella poisoning is 1 in 30,000.. And alot lower with farm fresh eggs..

Some sites you can use to do some additional research.

The City Chicken
Backyard Poultry magazine. Dedicated to more and better small-flock poultry.
Raising BackYard Chickens, Build a Chicken Coop, Pictures of Breeds

I down a few dozen every week. Quick and easy..great when you work crazy hours. Doing this for about 3 years now. My cholesterol levels are perfect.
Take at your own risk like somebody said. You can't be 100% certain about anything unless you cook them. A lot of guys microwave them but I guess you must down them in your shakes.

Thats what I say too. Its a crap shoot these days eating them raw. I would prefer mine cooked these days.
Aren't raw eggs less digestable than cooked?

And if they aren't pasturized isn't there the biotin problem?
Show me the study that links dietary cholesterol to cholesterol levels in the blood... Let me save you many hours of research.. Cause there are none..

Also, the odds of salmonella poisoning is 1 in 30,000.. And alot lower with farm fresh eggs..

Some sites you can use to do some additional research.

Backyard Poultry magazine. Dedicated to more and better small-flock poultry.
Raising BackYard Chickens, Build a Chicken Coop, Pictures of Breeds

Yeah but this cat eats 100's a week! :eek:
Show me the study that links dietary cholesterol to cholesterol levels in the blood... Let me save you many hours of research.. Cause there are none..

Also, the odds of salmonella poisoning is 1 in 30,000.. And alot lower with farm fresh eggs..

Some sites you can use to do some additional research.

The City Chicken
Backyard Poultry magazine. Dedicated to more and better small-flock poultry.
Raising BackYard Chickens, Build a Chicken Coop, Pictures of Breeds

1 in 30,000? Where did that number come from? Why do people seperate the whites from the yolks then? Has fat and cholesterol in the yolks just been an old wives tale all these years then?

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