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urgent help needed please

Big Lee

New member
Dec 24, 2005
Just got my bloods done, my cortisol is double the recommended max. levels. They want to send me to an endocrinologist. Is there anything i can do to reduce it? Is there anything i might be doing that is making it so high? The only sides i notice is my right eye twitching. please help.
wow i never heard of having cortisol checked, did you ask for that specifically or why did they test for that
Just got my bloods done, my cortisol is double the recommended max. levels. They want to send me to an endocrinologist. Is there anything i can do to reduce it? Is there anything i might be doing that is making it so high? The only sides i notice is my right eye twitching. please help.

ironic Mine came back high also from my last test. One main factor is stress.

some info for you Cortisol Stress and Weight Loss

My Dr gave me Adrenal complex. I must say I noticed a difference in the way I was feeling after a week of taking it.

to add..I ordered some Humanafort also. I took it last year and didn't really realize the difference it made until after i stopped taking it.

i mean humanafort but typed humanpro as i was looking at the bottle..lol
Last edited:
Big Lee, do you have the values from the test taken?

adequate Sleep, adequate protein, vitamin c, arginine, AAS, etc, etc, can help with cortisol levels.

Inadequate sleep, inadequate protein and extreme caloric deficit (loss of LBM), stress, etc, can increase cortisol.

Low testosterone levels can increase cortisol, as can weight training and lack of recovery.

There are other things as well. But i'd focus on eliminating the problems first, and then seeing what things might correct and help the situation after that.

Maybe somebody like Rex Feral can give some advice as well....:)

Just got my bloods done, my cortisol is double the recommended max. levels. They want to send me to an endocrinologist. Is there anything i can do to reduce it? Is there anything i might be doing that is making it so high? The only sides i notice is my right eye twitching. please help.

Take immediately Humanofort 200mg 3 times per day, your cortisol should be almost in the good range after 72 hours. Also stop taking any stimulant.

Vitamin C is OK to edd it to the Humanofort.
Take immediately Humanofort 200mg 3 times per day, your cortisol should be almost in the good range after 72 hours. Also stop taking any stimulant.

Vitamin C is OK to edd it to the Humanofort.

Bump that's my plan.
Thanks for the responses. I had a full blood panel and kidney scan because i had very very high blood perssure (209/105). I am not on any A/S, just supps like: Vit C, D, E. Creatine and stim-type fatburners. I have also let my weight get too high. I am 280 when I have competed at 212 so I realise I am fat. I have cut the sodium, simple sugars and caffeine and BP has gone down to 135/85 which is getting better. I will take all the advice. I sleep OK, 7 hours a night but I do work in a high stress environment in a very busy call centre with a phone connected to my head 8 hours a day!
Taking Humanofort is a good start, let us know if the twitching stops and if you’re going to make an appointment with a endocrinologist. Best of luck to you.
Thanks for the responses. I had a full blood panel and kidney scan because i had very very high blood perssure (209/105). I am not on any A/S, just supps like: Vit C, D, E. Creatine and stim-type fatburners. I have also let my weight get too high. I am 280 when I have competed at 212 so I realise I am fat. I have cut the sodium, simple sugars and caffeine and BP has gone down to 135/85 which is getting better. I will take all the advice. I sleep OK, 7 hours a night but I do work in a high stress environment in a very busy call centre with a phone connected to my head 8 hours a day!

Make sure you have your Dr put you on BP meds right away. Hypertension is something not to mess with. Get it under control ASAP. I have my own BP cuff to monitor it on a regular basis. It took about 3 months to get the dossages right to get my BP under control, and for that I am thankful.

I just got my 3 bottles of Humanofort. I am having 3 x day as recommended. I am monitoring BP daily and trying the following to reduce BP and Cortisol. Please add comments and suggestions:

1. 3 x Humanofort per day with main meals
2. 10 min. day meditation.
3. replacing coffee with pure Cocoa powder/Stevia - 3 times a day (1tsp each)
4. 2 tbl apple cider vinegar twice daily.
5. Training lighter/slower with higher reps.
6. Aiming for 240prot/120carbs and 50fat per day.
7. 20 min. HIIT cardio a day - walking.
8. Scivation extend /LBA - 3 times a day in between meals.
9. Vit C - 500mg 3 times a day.
10. Normal vits - Chromium,D,E,ZMA,melatonin, Green tea ext. grapeseed extract.

I am only 33 so am taking a very proactive approach. I have competed before so have been very lean (striated glutes) and also bulked to 310 (fat) and have deadlifted 605 x 3 raw and 505 x 11 raw so i have put my body through a lot of stress I guess. Not sure what/why has caused this problem.
especially look into

Acetyl-L Carnitine
Just got my bloods done, my cortisol is double the recommended max. levels. They want to send me to an endocrinologist. Is there anything i can do to reduce it? Is there anything i might be doing that is making it so high? The only sides i notice is my right eye twitching. please help.

..........then do what your doctor says and see an endocrinologist?.....:confused:
I just got my 3 bottles of Humanofort. I am having 3 x day as recommended. I am monitoring BP daily and trying the following to reduce BP and Cortisol. Please add comments and suggestions:

1. 3 x Humanofort per day with main meals
2. 10 min. day meditation.
3. replacing coffee with pure Cocoa powder/Stevia - 3 times a day (1tsp each)
4. 2 tbl apple cider vinegar twice daily.
5. Training lighter/slower with higher reps.
6. Aiming for 240prot/120carbs and 50fat per day.
7. 20 min. HIIT cardio a day - walking.
8. Scivation extend /LBA - 3 times a day in between meals.
9. Vit C - 500mg 3 times a day.
10. Normal vits - Chromium,D,E,ZMA,melatonin, Green tea ext. grapeseed extract.

I am only 33 so am taking a very proactive approach. I have competed before so have been very lean (striated glutes) and also bulked to 310 (fat) and have deadlifted 605 x 3 raw and 505 x 11 raw so i have put my body through a lot of stress I guess. Not sure what/why has caused this problem.

Your Cortisol should come down very quick, the product that I make for Dogs (with the Humanofort) sufering with cushing`s disease it shows to lower the cortisol levels just after a few hours.
High cortisol level or low cortisol seem to have strong effects on the bodys systems, happy to have seen this. Thanks and keep on wt the updates please
I just got my 3 bottles of Humanofort. I am having 3 x day as recommended. I am monitoring BP daily and trying the following to reduce BP and Cortisol. Please add comments and suggestions:

1. 3 x Humanofort per day with main meals
2. 10 min. day meditation.
3. replacing coffee with pure Cocoa powder/Stevia - 3 times a day (1tsp each)
4. 2 tbl apple cider vinegar twice daily.
5. Training lighter/slower with higher reps.
6. Aiming for 240prot/120carbs and 50fat per day.
7. 20 min. HIIT cardio a day - walking.
8. Scivation extend /LBA - 3 times a day in between meals.
9. Vit C - 500mg 3 times a day.
10. Normal vits - Chromium,D,E,ZMA,melatonin, Green tea ext. grapeseed extract.

I am only 33 so am taking a very proactive approach. I have competed before so have been very lean (striated glutes) and also bulked to 310 (fat) and have deadlifted 605 x 3 raw and 505 x 11 raw so i have put my body through a lot of stress I guess. Not sure what/why has caused this problem.

Looks like you have a good plan going, but you should also take your body weight down. I wouls NOT go on bp meds. Do what you can w/o the meds, and i am sure you can get that under control. Often...once you start bp meds you have to take them forever. Again your plan seems good but i would do what you can w/o the bp meds. Your cortisol will come down. Good luck
High cortisol level or low cortisol seem to have strong effects on the bodys systems, happy to have seen this. Thanks and keep on wt the updates please

Steroids, (especially when is abused) nimic the action of the adrenal glands, the body`s most powerful regulator of general metabolism and they do suppress the body`s ability to express a normal respons. For ower 30 years is known that steroids can rotuinely cause over-activity of adrenal hormon cortisol.
Steroids, (especially when is abused) nimic the action of the adrenal glands, the body`s most powerful regulator of general metabolism and they do suppress the body`s ability to express a normal respons. For ower 30 years is known that steroids can rotuinely cause over-activity of adrenal hormon cortisol.

Def a much overlooked side effect of steroids by new guys like me and most likely many others. I will have to look into this some more. Thanks Emeric
Steroids, (especially when is abused) nimic the action of the adrenal glands, the body`s most powerful regulator of general metabolism and they do suppress the body`s ability to express a normal respons. For ower 30 years is known that steroids can rotuinely cause over-activity of adrenal hormon cortisol.

So for those who are using what is the best way to counteract this??
Take immediately Humanofort 200mg 3 times per day, your cortisol should be almost in the good range after 72 hours. Also stop taking any stimulant.

Vitamin C is OK to edd it to the Humanofort.

do you mean ascorbic acid or do you have a source for the vit c complex in pill form? In the US all I can find is ascorbic acid which is fermented corn sugar (try to steer clear of corn personally).

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