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use of Tirzepatide?


Nov 15, 2011
is there a place for this compound or similar compounds? The research is a little muddy on if muscle loss occurs.
is there a place for this compound or similar compounds? The research is a little muddy on if muscle loss occurs.
muscle loss occurs if you forget to eat
@Type-IIa has some posts where he mentioned that glp-1 agonists should even be advantageous for bodybuilders
Man I take Tirzepatide so does my 2 bros, my mom, my bro's gf and my sis. All the women who use this lose muscle as they have a just eat less shit diet.
My 2 bros and myself all at least take trt I take juice mainly because I am just an addict. So both my bros workout as do I. My 2 bros get retard strong when they workout very quickly. I don't, I am about 255 and am the runt of the litter. Anyway if your Not going to watch your macros and just eat less shit you will probably lose muscle. If you workout do a little test and watch your diet you will lose about as much muscle as you normally would in a deficit. Got to watch how much you take or you'll have a hard time getting down even 2500 cals of clean food. I personally do 5mg every 10 days. My mom will come over to my house and be like I need my shot like a.heroin addict until she gets her.shot of 7.5mg/wk my sis.takes.15mg/wk and both bros.do 10mg/wk. In case you don't know start off at 2.5mgs/wk first 4 weeks and add 2.5mgs/wk every 4 weeks until you get enough appetite suppression
Man I take Tirzepatide so does my 2 bros, my mom, my bro's gf and my sis. All the women who use this lose muscle as they have a just eat less shit diet.
My 2 bros and myself all at least take trt I take juice mainly because I am just an addict. So both my bros workout as do I. My 2 bros get retard strong when they workout very quickly. I don't, I am about 255 and am the runt of the litter. Anyway if your Not going to watch your macros and just eat less shit you will probably lose muscle. If you workout do a little test and watch your diet you will lose about as much muscle as you normally would in a deficit. Got to watch how much you take or you'll have a hard time getting down even 2500 cals of clean food. I personally do 5mg every 10 days. My mom will come over to my house and be like I need my shot like a.heroin addict until she gets her.shot of 7.5mg/wk my sis.takes.15mg/wk and both bros.do 10mg/wk. In case you don't know start off at 2.5mgs/wk first 4 weeks and add 2.5mgs/wk every 4 weeks until you get enough appetite suppression
LOL I wish 255 was the runt of the litter in my family tree. Both my brothers have major GI issues and Chron’s.

They both are just at and over 6’0 and weigh less than I do (200lb). 😂 They’re PD so train and eat totally different as they’re active on the force.

But to your point every extended family member in my family uses some form of Semaglutide (not my brothers). They’ve all lost huge amounts of weight with it, but the biggest issue I see with them any most is using too much, too long and it burning out the thyroid and HPA-Axis. They just all look “fried” all the time, but refuse to back off or give it a break.

I think it absolutely has its place and can be beneficial for some. I personally would never use it in bodybuilding if competing. But for someone looking to get or stay lean who needs that leap it’s amazing. It’s just finding that line of when does too much of a good thing become a bad thing IMO.
I experimented with a low dose of tirzepatide during summer, ran 2.5 mg once per week. It completely killed my appetite & also gave me extreme fatigue to the point i could barely function throughout the day. For BB purposes i would run much less then clinical recommendation, maybe .5mg then work out .5 with split shots throughout the week. This was like injectable stomach flu, the appetite suppression for me came from constant nausea
Had posted this in the other thread
talks in detail about all the drugs in the GLP-1A category and has some good info on Tirzepatide too

If you can get Retatrutide, it is far superior to all of the others
Yea its.available about 100 more but I have no idea on the dosing so if anyone does please share!!
Yea its.available about 100 more but I have no idea on the dosing so if anyone does please share!!

I'm currently using 2.5mg twice a week, it's working well and don't really have any sides to speak of.
You start there? Or go up to that?? What you think so far?

Yea I started at this dose, the clinical trials have some pretty wild variances in the doses patients were given so I wasn't sure where to start and just settled on this. It's only been a few weeks and my first time using it so unfortunately I don't have a lot of insight on dosing.

It's working well, I'm barely hungry and haven't had any sides to speak of.

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