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Using Both Lasix and AMP at Contest Time - - Again


The "Elder" Mod
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 5, 2002
A couple of questions for "contest day," since I've never used these 2 aids. I will probably be around 175 lbs for contest.

I'm under the assumption that 20mg (1 amp) of injectible Lasix, in the morning (for pre-judging). Another 20mg can be taken prior to evening show?

For the AMP, 200mg prior to going on stage (or would 300mg be a better starting point. I will inject it IM, not intervenous. Is there a time period recommendation before you go on stage? For example: inject at 8:00 A.M., on stage for prejudging at 11:30 A.M., is that too long a time period? Use prior to evening show as well.

Since Lasix reduces blood pressure somewhat, will it counter the effect from AMP?


A thanks to eye candy for responding to this at probb!
AMP - depends how much you weigh on the day, you can get away with 400mg. Take it all 1hour before going on stage. Definetelly IM ONLY as IV will enter the blood stream too quick and the vasodilation will be way too quick and you'll pass out.

Lasix - the inj is the most controllable and safe because you know exactly how much you have in your system at one time and you know exactly when it starts working and when it finishes.
This is what happens witrh diuretics: you take it, you piss out the water from the muscle and the vascular system, then you piss out the water from under the skin. The hours later the water returns in the muscles and veins. Later on it returns under the skin. You want to go onstage after the water came back in the muscles/veins but before it came back under the skin. All the above can take many hours - even 24hr+ It is all individual though and you have to experiment prior to the show and find your times.

And no, the Lasix will not affect the AMP results. Actually, AMP is used in greyhounds to stop the tying up syndrome' - it prevents cramps. I personally found that I can take any quantity of diuretics before a comp and I don't cramp thanks top the AMP, no matter how hard I flex on stage (I have a tendancy to overflex).
Thanks for the concise explanation on Lasix! I planned on getting plenty to experiment with - this info definately helps.

hey big A, could you enlighten me a little more about AMP, exactly what it does? where to find it? I hope that question is ok.
AMP - adenosine monophosphate. The most kick ass vasodilator there is. You inject IM 400mg one hour before going on stage and you will have the maddest veins you ever had.
As soon as you inject it, you will start severely hyperventilating (don't use it if you are an asthmatic) for about 1/2 hour. The end result will be that you will have HUGE veins all over.

Don't use more than 400mg unless you are BIG - 265lbs competition weight. I know a 200pounder that took 500mg and passed out for 15minutes because the AMP took all the oxygen from the brain. You use it properly, it has no side effects at all.

Brand name - Synthelator. You get it from 100% legal.

Welcome to the board bro!

AMP is Andenosine MonoPhosphate and is a vasolidator. In other words, makes you look real "Vascular." You need to careful w/it as Big A will tell you, as too much can make you pass out!

Big A - Your either real fast or I'm a SLOOOW typist :D

xcelbeyond said:
Big A - Your either real fast or I'm a SLOOOW typist :D


Thanks guys, maybe i can get some in 2.5 weeks, I'm going to try. I have a contest then and that would be the perfect thing to top it off. I knew they use AMP in the orig Kyno but that was all the knowledge i had of it.
I'm 5'7" and will go on stage at about 190. Will 400 mg be fine. Just ordered some and I will let you know how I liked it.
Just my opinion, since all I've done is research, haven't used it yet - 400mg should be fine. I'll be using 400mg and I'll probably be around 175 lbs contest weight.

Depending how good I look, I may also repeat for evening show!

While i have your attention, how do you think using glycerol about 8 oz. of the sweet shit about 2 hrs before pj. or would the AMP create the same fullness?
I'll let someone that's more knowledgeable about Glycerol respond - but I'll give you my opinion.

My understanding is that Glycerol pulls water into the muscle from the skin. If you time the Lasix properly - As Big A stated - you won't be holding any water. So no water to move?!?! The AMP will increase your vascularity - icing on the cake!

big-al said:
While i have your attention, how do you think using glycerol about 8 oz. of the sweet shit about 2 hrs before pj. or would the AMP create the same fullness?

I found glycerol to be useless.
I found glycerol to be useless.

Couldn't agree more, i played around with glycerol on this last contest prep, and didn't find any difference so didn't chance it at end. Waste if you ask me. I have heard a few guys say they like it with slin when bulking.
diuretics(sp) a very interesting subject. but are they a must for competition? is lasix the top choice to use?
diuretics(sp) a very interesting subject. but are they a must for competition? is lasix the top choice to use?
Even with extremely low body fat, i hold water within the skin, so skin looks rather thick (genetics). It's gonna take diuretics for me to shed that water to get the thin skin appearance.

There is probably another diuretic that's better (more predictable) than Lasix, but I can't remember it's name or can I get any. If Big A chimes in on this he can tell ya. I can easily get Lasix.

Your getting the "inside info" on contest prep/tips from the Pros and top level competitors here! :D

There is probably another diuretic that's better (more predictable) than Lasix, but I can't remember it's name or can I get any. If Big A chimes in on this he can tell ya. I can easily get Lasix.
You have me curious also. I am going to use the inj lasix, also. I can get my hands on it. I have also heard of dyazide and aldactone, but not familar enough with them. someone else chime in please.

without a doubt aldactone/diazide I.M.O this is the safest most effective combo out there i like using inj. furosamide(lasix) as a last minute deal(i.v. it backsatge) but only if i have to as i hate strong loop diurectics as they flatten you out and if you don't carb load right you'll get a very flat and watery, blurry look to you. I even pefer to use demedex the night before if i have to as opposed to lasix and if you must use lasix use inj. to control the half lifes as the inj. is very controlable whereas the oral's are just way to unpredictable. I do have a new product i got from a pro friend that i am experimenting with right now that isn't a diuretic and you don't even need diuretics and so far this product looks very promising and i will keep you updated(THANKS CHAD!LOL) wyldeone.
Ok wylde, Using 1 a-drol 50 per day to keep up size i guess through fri. before sat. pre-judging. Only have inj. lasix available for now. was going to cut water slowly 3 gal Tues 2 gal wed 1 gal thur maybe .5 to 1 liter fri. do 20 mg lasix fri am and 20 mg fri eve. while carbing up. then use mirror whether to do 20 mg sat morn. best i can come up with, using what i have available.

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