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VET GEAR vs UG GEAR for sterility?


Jun 5, 2004
Do you guys think VET gear or UG gear is more sterile for the most part?

The way I see it Mexico is not regulated and is pretty nasty place to say the least. Also it has been know to be underdosed. Hit or miss...

The UG labs can be good if the source is reputable. The downfall is the gear is being made in someones house and may not the most sterile environment. The good UG is usually a little bit overdosed.

I'd love to hear some opinions on this topic from those who know....
I have liked some mex gear and others have made me sick as hell. The few UG labs I've tried I trusted the maker so I feel it was a better deal. Now when I start my vet company in Mexico, it will be a different story :)
I am off to bed right now because I have to get up early tomorrow morning but I can answer this one really well. I hit promuscle up with my response tomorrow....I like threads like this one.

Same here

I have a feeling me and Mav will have to debate this one out lol
There is a couple of UG labs that I use and trust but only only on select items. At least with Vet gear if you know your source even if underdosed its consistently underdosed to the same level so I know how much to take. Cant say that for sure with someone making it at home.

Even if they are honest they could make mistakes get in a hurry take to many customers and rush quality suffers. The bulk of my is usually vet or when its cheap european gear. Either way now days I would not even bother to try to buy primo vet euro ug its to expesive and not worth the risk of fakes. MM
the other side of the story..

With the raw-grades you know what your getting is real.
Ive seen MANY tests on the powders and not to mention
you can EASILY do a simple melting point test yourself.

From there its up to you to either be able to make it on your own
(which is going to be the best way and the cheapest way of course).
OR you had better trust your source or "lab" that your getting it from.

A good legit UG (i hate the word "lab" so Ill say product)
would be making a HUGE mistake to try and underdose or get oil happy..
If you do the math Its realy amazing how much the Mark-up is.

If I can Make lets use EQ for example..
I get the raw material from china I can Make a Legit bottle (even overdose it)
for appx 10ml @ 200mg my cost using 100% legit Hormone I can make it for
When its 3$ or less (2$ bulk) for 1g of hormone. ( for those of you
who dont know your grms yet... 1g = 1000mg)

Why risk my rep and the future of my UG products to save a measly dollar or two on the Hormones??? It would be a very bade move.
As you can see I could still Make 100% even 200-300% profit off of
A LEGIT product and even overdose it a bit to assure it tests out
and brings back happy customers.

Look at TTokkyo labs,lol
ever wonder why a mexican company was called ttokkyo??
Ill tell ya why.. the hormones come from China.. same EXACT thing we have access to now days Only They were a few years ahead of us. Same with IP.
Guys are just now starting to catch on in a big way/ Thats why you see these new Ug "labs" popping up by the hundreds.

Price wise and quality wise I have no doubt I could put out
a better-cleaner product and beet any mex prices.
bump what rajjin said, i'll never touch mex. vet. geat again, powder is just to cheap and to easy and if you have the right equiptment sterility is not a factor
who do you guys think is the best ug gear lab? I know there are alot of them. Which would you say were the top 3?
thats an easy one :)

I support them 100% and will
personally offer a refund on any product that should not test out
within reason and will also cover the lab test.

There are Soo many to choose from.
If I had to say who is the best imo that I dont have ANY ties to..
Id say supra#1 and Usgear#2

Ive seen numerous lab tests on the supra and its always been a bit overdosed. Ive used the us gearmyself with good results.

Now I have nothing against mex gear at all! One of my good friends
owns a shop In tJ and is 100% stand up and honest But
If there are better choices that are easier on the wallet a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.
Okay here is my response to this......

I am in no way bashin UG products whatsoever. I have thought many times of producing my own gear for sale , but have yet to do so. So please do not take this as a UG bashing thread.

The original purpose of this thread was to debate whether or not mex gear was as good as UG gear, and while I was going to side pretty much all with Mex gear I will take the time to point out why I feel in all actuality that both have thier good points and bad points. Lets start of with Mex gear.

For decades Mex gear has been the choice of 70% of all bodybuilders. Sure there will always be those who like thier " Euro " gear because they say its cleaner or human grade or whatever other label you want to put on it. And thats fine there is nothing wrong with Euro gear whatsoever except the price and trying to get it past customs, which in todays post 9-11 United States is harder than it used to be because customs has stepped up thier game. 70% of all bodybuilder here in the US use Mexican based gear, be it in oral form or injectable Mexican gear has been the staple of many professional and ameteur bodybuilders.

Lets look at the real label though. This " vet " gear label. So many people are quick to point this out without knowing why it is labeled Vet gear. If you go into any farmacia in Mexico, in any town either near the boarder or in the interior, you are going to find american based companies selling thier brands of gear. You have schering who sells primoteston, primotestion, and testovirion. Then you have organon that sells sostenon 250 preloads and deca durabolin preloads. On the other hand you have mexican pharmacutical comapnies such as atlantis that sell stenox and sten. Now all of these products are labeled " Human grade ". Why?? Because they come from reputable pharmacutical companies and are only used for resale in human use pharmacies. However the prices of these products are usually so high that it makes the normal bodybuilder resort to other means because financially he cannot afford an entire cycle with these products unless he was living lifestyles of the rich and famous.

So why do we have all of these supposed Vet grade companies out on the market?? Companies like brovel, tornel, leoffler, and intervet have been around for years producing what we have commonly come to know as "Vet Gear". Gear that was originally designed for use in animals but somehow is okay for use in humans. It got the reputation as a second grade hormone and that should be used only if other means are not available. I have heard stores that people have even thought they we growing dog parts in them by using this?? I know it sounds obsurd but I have heard this.

Lets set the recors straight.....Vet gear in mexico is labeled Vet gear for one reason and one reason only. Money. If you really want to come down to it comapnies like Sydgroup, Brovel, tornel, etc are all underground lab companies much like the ones that are popping up all over the net these days. Do you really think that denkall a company that makes some of the best mex gear out there has designed a 75mg anadrol tab for a dog. Or Quality Vet? Do you think quality vet has designed a 50mg primobolan tab so vets can prescribe them to sick cats and parakeets???

Lets me frank here folks, it only takes common sense. When was the last time you ever took your dog or cat to the vet and you vet said, " Your dog needs hormone replacement therapy. I am prescribing 400mgs of denkall test 400 per week" or "your cat has low test count. Give him one of these dianabol per day and he gets 2 refills on the bottle". I have never heard of this.

Now think about this. If this gear from these "vet comapnies " was really intended for animal use, why would they come out with all of these different testosterone esters. Does a cat really need cypionate over enanthate???? Does a dog need to use sustanon over prop??? Sydgroup has a deca cypionate. If you were a vet what good would deca cypionate have over the decanote ester??? Quicker release time?? In a cat or dog?? Please.

Everybody and thier brother by now should know that these vet companies have designed these injectables with one target audience in mind. You and me. The american bodybuilder. You can forget the bodybuilders in Mexico, they can't afford to eat 100g of proteina day much less use gear, so these companies know the amount of money that can be made from selling to american bodybuilders.

Now whay is it labeled vet gear and sold in vet shops ( graneros or veterinaria's ). Very simple. Most enterprising mexicans do not have the money to go the legal route with human labeling for thier gear. There is alot of red tape even in mexico that has to be done in order to get your product into a farmacia for sale. Alot of money that could be easier spent buying product and selling it. These comapies liek brovel and QV have thier own labs much like american companies. This part is true. And they do have safety regualtions they must adhere to although not as strict as human grade facilities, so this is the main reason that they are sold as bet gear. Just to get around all the BS red tape. Nothing more nothing less. It has nothing to do with the quality fo the product of its intended use.

Now lets look at the lab part. Yes each of these comapnies has a lab. Brovel makes a plethora of vitamins etc as does many of the others like loeffler, tornel. These 3 comapnies are actually the only LEGIT mexican grade vet gear out there. These 3 comapnies have to adhere to strict legit laws in mexico. Now do they always follow them? Probably not because mexico as we all know is mexico and doesn't always enforce the laws like they should. However companies like DENKALL,QV, SYDGROUOP, ANIMAL POWER, etc are all underground mexican labs. Plain and simple. They get by with the classification as veterinary companies but lets cut the bullshit here. Anybody in the know , knows denkall makes nothing but steroids, so do the rest. Thier sole purpose is to make and sell anabolic steroids in vet shops at a lower price to undercut farmacia and gain a stronghold on the gear industry in mexico. Since gear is legal there, so is thier business.

This is the reason we see new mex companies popping up every day. Becuase enterprising mexicans see the potential to make alot of money and set up thier own comapny to make gear and sell to vet shops so that american bodybuilders will buy and use and make them rich. This idea works and is why new companies like sydgroup and animal power are coming up.

Now lets look at the product itself. This supposed vet gear. Anybody with any ounce of intellegence knows that mexico our third world neighbor has no money or resources to actually produce its own hormones for steroids. Because of this where do these mexican companies go to get thier hormone. rAJJIN nailed it. CHINA!!! Yes thats right. For years bodybuilders have been using chinese based gear with mex label slapped on it. Brovel , tornel, ttokkyo, sydgroup, denkall, QV, they all get thier raw powder and bases from china. The import laws are alot less strict and they see they same profit as alot of these UG labs do. So if you really want to come down to it , you are using the exact same gear that alot of these under ground labs like red star of china, black label, blue diamond etc use. Same powder, same oil, bought from the same place.

So somebody please tell me since this is the same raw powder and oil that these supposed UG labs use which is " Human Grade " somehow gets turned into vet grade and is junk just by being sold in mexico?? If thats the case then either vet grade mex gear is actually human grade disgusied as vet to allow mex companies more leeway to make profit or all of these UG labs are vet grade and lying to you. Which is it???

Now lets come to sterility and dosing.....

Some people say mex gear is dirty. That they have found floating bugs and shit inside thier brovel t-200. Well you know how idiotic bodybuilders can be. Most bodybuilders are a bunch of lemmings and if one says its dirty they all say its dirty. Pretty sad but true. In all my years of using Mex gear I can honestly say I have never ONCE had anything floating in any of my gear. NOT ONCE!! And I have used every brand. So I really do not know where the floating shit came from. Maybe somebody did have dirt in theirs I don't know but lets get something straight. These companies reputations are on the line here. Brovel, tornel, they all know that american bodybuilders are picky and are not going to risk thier rep by allowing dirt in their product. Simple as that. Now I am not saying it has never happened because it might have but not to the proportionate level people have blown it up to be. Now are they dosed correctly? Well this has been a problem for mex companies for a while. ANd I have to agree that for a while mex companies were skimming a bit in order to increase profits. Anybody notice that when brovel and tronel were having legitimacy claims all of a sudden Denkall and QV popped up. Thier products were dosed correctly and brovel and company had to take notice and realize these other companies were taking thier business. So what did brovel and tornel do , they dosed thier products correctly and added more like anadrol and tronel added supertest. QV fell into this trap. For a while QV was the premier mex company. Brovel and the rest couldn't touch them. Then QV started getting lax with thier product and people started to complain. This is when Sydgroup popped up and took over and now all of a sudden withing the last 8 months QV has added oral tablets. This is the reason new mex companies like Sydgroup and animal power are popping up. Because they know if they can make a legit and clen product that continues to meet label claims they will have the strong hold on the mex gear market. Its a never ending revolving cycle.

To be honest it is in the best intrest of american bodybuilders to have this continually happen. Because as long as new mexican gear companies are popping up with new gear taht is dosed correctly or over dosed tehn this will force other mex companies to step up thier game and keep coming out with a good product in order to stay in business. The american bodybuilder wins all the way around because we have alot to choose from.

Now lets look at UG labs.

Since I am not a fan of these I will make this part shorter. UG labs are doing nothing that mesican companies haven't been doing for years. Buying raw grade powders from china and converting them for sale to the internet public. This is a growing trend that seems to have taken the internet bodybuilding world by storm. Anybody with a little cash, access to raw powders from china, and the BA, BB, and equipment can have thier own " lab". Now rajjin is correct you can make 200mg/10mL vial of EQ for around $15. Mex companies make it for even cheaper as the sell to vet shops for that price. ( TRUST ME I KNOW ;) ) By doing this they can sell that same EQ for $65.00 to the internet bodybuilder, slap a label that look nice and make $50 profit. You do the math. It doesn't take a genius to figure out how much profit there is in that business.

The problem is this. Unlike the mex scene where a new company pops up every 2-3 years. A new UG lab pops up every day. The internet market has become so oversaturated with UG labs popping up that eventually nobody will be making a profit. There just aren't enough people to go around especially when it takes time to build a reputation. Now like I said, if you are well known and make a good product maybe the UG way is they way to go for you because there is alot of money to be made.

However only if you can get the powders on a consistent basis. Customs has thier eye on all of this. Constant supply is another downside to the UG lab. Usually the UG lab is one or to guys sitting at a kitchen table making EQ and Test and all these others they same way you make tren from tren pellets. Now granted usually nothing is wrong with this but if you want to talk about sterility, how can you be so sure the gear you just bought from this UG lab that was made in a kitchen ( and it was ) is anymore or less sterile than mex gear? You can't. You have to take that chance. How do you know it is dosed correctly?? Sure there are conversion articles out on the web that tell you exactly how to make a 200mg/10cc vial of test, but how can you be sure the UG lab followed it correctly, or its even EQ and not test? Your gonna say a lab report. Okay well thats fine, but anybody can get a lab report that say this is 200mgs and then start skimming it. As long as you have that one report from the first vial you made you can be putting test enanthate in there and claim it was EQ and if anybody said anything you always have that lab report to prove them wrong.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not bashing UG gear. I am merely stating both sides of the coin here. People hate on mex gear because they say its this or that but in all reality what they fail to realize is that its the identical product as the UG labs. ( yes maybe a bit more BA .) So alot of these arguements no longer hold water.

In my opinon I will always trust mex gear over a UG lab because at least in mexico I know thier reputation is going to assure me of a decent product that works. with a UG lab that pops up and then closes as fast I personally can never be sure of what I am getting.

But mex gear isn't made for dogs and cats. That is the one point we should all know by now.

Good Post

I was waiting for your reply :)

I cant disagree with any of what your saying.
BUT you do have to take a look at Dr.Molina and ttokkyo
he was Underdosing and scamming all of us untill finally busted for
Ketamine. Damn Meskin.

I can tell you the demand for mex goods in the last few months
arent near what they were say this time last year. that 70% is dropping daily. To many middlemen and the border to get past.
That leaves the Farmacias profit and usually a Mule fee or Risk of crossing it yourself. Mailorder is just not an option from mex to the usa.
So either you have to make the trip (which Ive done and bout shit myself
the last time) Or if you are lucky enough to Know the Mex Mules
you still have there fee Gas Money etc etc.

Or you can order from a us remailer aka middleman
and thats just that many more hands its been thru which equals
better chance of fakes and More /Markup.

Im not bragging But I can basically get anything from anywhere in the world.
Just something Ive worked on in my years on these boards and Ive met the rite people. you name it Russia, Poland, Romania, czech. slovakia, Uk, Thai
China, Mexico, India basically anywhere.

Rite now The best way to get REAL gear for the best price in the entire world
is to make it yourself from the raw hormone. IMHO.

The best way to get the MOST sterile gear in the entire world
(which is what this thread was about hehe)
would be to get Pharmacy grade aka Human grade from a Major lab.
Schering Organon Norma Jelfa etc
BUT I might add be ready in most cases to get out your pocket book and keep a close eye for Fakes.
I agree. Dr. Molina from Ttokkyo was a piece of shit and deserved what he got but there again he was messing with a recreational drug and if he hadn't been messing with it ttokkyo might still be here today.

I agree with you that getting mex gear into the US is becoming a pricey business venture. Trust me I know this all to well. But I feel mex gear will always be around only because its widely known. Alot of the people who use gear never come on these message boards and do not know of all the underground labs that we do. And the people on these boards that buy a majority of the gear, resell to the no name people in gyms all across the USA. Now these people know fo mex brands because they read the bodybuilding magazines and those mags are pretty up to date with all the new gear coming out of mexico because unlike the UG scene there ins't a new mex lab popping up everyday. So the consumer has a chance to get to see the product before they buy, whereas with a UG lab sometimes people haven't ever heard of them and are sometimes skeptical.

Like I said I am in no way bashing UG gear. I have thought many times of getting into it myself and maybe one day I will, but until the mex scene comletely dries up or the busness isn't there any longer , there will always be a need for it. Just my opinon.

I hear ya

Your a little better connected then most as well :)
I agree with you on all you said. Mexico and steroids are like
Milk and cereal lol

we cant have a mexico with no steroids... yes theyve been around
Forever and always will be. Im just glad as you said we have all these options an can keep it competitve which means the quailty up and the prices low.
here is my personal exp and everyone is going to be different, with sust the pakistan good lean results and not much pain or swelling,sust pre loads from mexico lots of pain and swelling and heat from the site i will never use them again,ug lab 500 mg per ml swelled like a mother no pain or redness just swelling should have put it in my bi's - lol good gain but to much swelling, deca 300 from a mexi company i will not name but very populare no swelling or pain and no noticeable gains, my buddy took some and leand out some with no gains when he took some ug lab deca 300 he gained 8 lean pounds, he was only taking deca both times,i liked ttokkyo's eq but ug lab was better results, test susp from jurox total shit, ug lab susp a lot better as far as not clogging and less knots in the muscle, i can't use susp we just don't get along, as far as test 200mg ml go's i like the ug lab best, then american like up-john or generic (something south),then i'd say euro ,i liked primoteston 250 from mexico , but the vet stuff i can't say i remember try it, i know i have i just don't remember.
i think some ug labs are great companies some not, do some research, lots of good euro stuff but hard to get and some fakes, american gear great stuff but hard to get other than test,mexi companies well lets just say most problems i've had were with them but some offer good products even top of the line for a good price and easy to get, i worked with mexicans and enough said on that, you give them a mortar mixer and they jam it up, then they mix it to stiff and end up mixing with a shovel ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? :rolleyes:
I appreciate all the honest and helpful info!!!

I need to learn how to make this stuff one day. :D

My experience with QV has been both good and bad. Ive had great results with it at times but two bottle which had legit lables and all didnt do jack for me. Supposedly it came from a border town and I was told after the fact you have to go deep into mexico for the real stuff because the border pharmacies sell fake gear with all the right labels. Is this true???????

I'm on UG gear right now for my first time and it's working. I feel sluggish but its working??

So it appears to be somewhat of a gamble anyway you go about it.
I don't know where in the heck people come up with border towns sell fake gear. Maybe some asswipe vet shops do try to do this. I am not saying it hasn't happened but I know of 4 vets off the top of my head and 2 pharmacies in Juarez that don't, and I know rAJJIN knows a guy in TJ that won't sell fake shit.

I mean think about it. These mexicans are not going to risk a bunch of angry bodybuilders coming back to the vet shop and beat thier asses for selling them fake shit. They just wont.

I am of the opinon that most of the fake shot comes from domestic US remailers that are shady as hell and produce fake looking vials and products to scam people. Just my 2cc.

Black market

Its always a gamble when your dealing in the black market.
best bet is get in good with the guys you trust and stick with them.

If you ever have doubts and are willing to spend appx 100$
on the lab testing I can lead you in the rite direction.
100$ isnt much to know your source and what your pumpin in your body
is what its suppose to be.

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