It is possible to use the syringes that you can buy in vet supplies/farm stores or are they different than the ones used on humans. I know about the needle sizes just wondering if they would fit on those syringes.
Man I use to pick some up at The farm supply in emergency Situations.
The closest I could ever find was a 3cc with a 23 3/4 x 5/8
So a Short Little Fat Needle. I dreaded them everytime I used one.
Man I use to pick some up at The farm supply in emergency Situations.
The closest I could ever find was a 3cc with a 23 3/4 x 5/8
So a Short Little Fat Needle. I dreaded them every time I used one.
To correctly answer the question asked........NO the syringes are no different, the measurements are the same, then select your needle size! Depending on what you are shooting a 25 g should be fine!
I had a guy that worked for me using those...Short as hell, but you could squeeze a soda can through 'em...Ouch !! This same fool was running a cycle with only 2 pins when I first met him (one to draw and one to inject), til I off'ed him 100 or so...Big as hell, but like they say, no brain no pain