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wanna know everything


New member
Jun 18, 2003
hey guys, wat major better if u wanna know it all when it comes 2 gear nutrition etc., biology, chem?
Professional Muscle University!

Major in NUTRITION with a MINOR in KINESIOLOGY or SPORTS SCIENCE. Then as some of your electives, take an upper division CHEM or BIO.

As far as GEAR, you need to attend PMU as XCEL stated :)
It all depends on what you want the degree for! If it's to get a "mainstream" job, then as Steak said. If you want want to learn about the science of bodybuilding, it's right here. Your "formal education" is only going to teach you theories that are contrary/completely opposite of what we do. I work with a guy who has a Master in Physiology and has raced bicycles on the National/International Level (and is still relatively active in that sort of thing). He argues with me ALL THE TIME that I eat incorrectly and train ALL WRONG with my cardio. And of course, he's all of 5' 9" and 145 pounds!

I should also emphasize:

Ask, absorb, understand, THEN APPY IT - try it and experiment with it! Use "mistakes" as a learning tool to propell you forward.

University work will only teach you what others have researched in the medical field. It will not inform you of what the body building world needs to know. Yes you will learn the basics, but to learn what most want to know, you have to trust the people around the body building community.

Trust us when we say a dietian will tell you that our life style and the way we eat is all wrong...but in reality it is right for us.

I have taken a couple nutrion classes(nutrition, nutrition for the athlete, and nutrition for the elderly), and in all those classes, I have argued with the instructor behind closed doors about the proper nutrition for a person carrying well above average muscle.
xcelbeyond said:
Professional Muscle University!


Thats great Xcel! :D
Does that make us mods professors of anabolic science?!?!?:cool:
ok finaly something I know a great deal about. basicaly there are a few majors withing nutri sci feild one being the path to being a diatican the other is toxicology i have no clue why its in this catagory and the third which Iam is a nutr sci major with an emphasis in bio chem. oh yes and be must be ready to learn stuff that u know is complete bs. But the plus of my major is that its pre med and iam probely gonna go to med school. Ive even had teachers tell me my dieting approaches are dangerous sometimes u just have to patronize them
this n mass monsterz got some gr8 bros that know there shit

i wanna be the greatest bbing chemist of em all... muhahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahah

anyways im starting my 1st cycle n bout 2 weeks it looks like this

1-8 400mg tenan
1-4 30mg dbol ed (maybe)
7-11 100mg ed tprop
8-12 winny 50 mg ed
10-12 5000iu hcg
11-14 clomid

love the pro muscle univ. excel. you are right about what you learn in school vs. applying methods that we use. I learned alot in school.....I majored in sports med with a minor in nutrition and can honestly say that I don't use too much of what I learned when when it comes to bbing! You sure can learn alot on this board though:D Take care.

dalastnatty said:
1-8 400mg tenan
1-4 30mg dbol ed (maybe)
7-11 100mg ed tprop
8-12 winny 50 mg ed
10-12 5000iu hcg
11-14 clomid
You probably don't need it for it's anti-aromatase qualities but I'd consider adding a small amount of either letrozole or anastrozole - to control bloat from enanthate and d-bol. While you really will amaze yourself how much you can "blow up" (from bloat), but you'll lose it as fast as "popping a balloon!" You don't really say how much you're taking at a time with hcg - i'd limit it to no more than 1,000iu ED.

ty... now im thinking other cycles, man im like a kid in a candy store

now im thinkin

1-4 sust 500 mg
1-8 eq 400 mg
1-8 fina 50 ed then 75 (maybe 4-8 75 ed or not at all)
5-8 prop 100 mg ed

i like this cycle b/c its shorter good 4 stayin lean....anybody else get this jumpy when about to start cycle?
Some more info...


If you go the nutrition route, unless you do a double major, you will might miss out on some exercise-related info with just a minor. THis will all depend upon the way the program is constrtucted (flexibility in choice of classes). Ideally, this would be a great way to go.

There are several programs where you could be taught by professors who are indeed "in the know" as far as AAS use and resistance training. These kind of higher up guys might not even be teaching, though, and if they were, they might not have time for U-grads.

I personally would look into something like this:

Find a small school with 1 professor (or more) that are intetested in BB'ing or at least wt. training (abd body composition for instance). They are out there (trust me ; ) ). Do a Kines (exercise science) major with a nutrition and perhaps even a biochem minor.

In your minors, I would take pharmacology, endocrinology and biochemistry. YOu may have to suffer through Organic Chem to do this.

Take extra phys. classes, esp. muscle phys if you can. YOu can go to a larger U. and take these perhaps. You might also be able to sit in on a grad class when you're a senior.

IN your major, work with this professor in his lab doing the kind of research you are intetested in. It prob. won't be: does muscle grow better on 1000mg test / week or 1000 mg Deca / week. Many prof's who study ergogenic aids are willing to be felxible.

Do a Sr. project w/ this professor, too, where you would have more control over the topic. The door is wide open for research w/ BB'ers.


P.S. PM me if you have more questions or want more details!
gracias... im not instrested in excercise science

its no question that wat u put into ur bod (food supps gear)is much more important than training....but i still train like a champ:D
dalastnatty said:
ty... now im thinking other cycles, man im like a kid in a candy store

now im thinkin

1-4 sust 500 mg
1-8 eq 400 mg
1-8 fina 50 ed then 75 (maybe 4-8 75 ed or not at all)
5-8 prop 100 mg ed

i like this cycle b/c its shorter good 4 stayin lean....anybody else get this jumpy when about to start cycle?

Hey bro-start another thread.
You are superseeding this topic, what you are asking 2nd time is totally unrelated to the thread topic.
Good info from all the posts.

I double majored in dietetics and exercise physiology.
The dietetics cirriculum mandated classes in chemistry, biology, and microbiology.
Electives I took were in pharmacology.
Real world info is King, but classwork does provide a nice base to work from.

Keep in mind than with dietetics, if you don't get your RD it will limit what you are eligble for job wise.

Also keep in mind the men to women ratio. In my class only 6 guys, 71 women.
i know i have a habbit of constantly changing the subject


EDIT: palumbo has bs in bio/biochem and teaches his own class at dowling...thatd be a nice prof to have lol
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