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want to try and get off trt


New member
Kilo Klub Member
Nov 19, 2009
well, been doing 100mg enth myself for about yr and a half now, went to donate yest and my globin was 17.5 which gives me round a 52.5 crit,132/90 bp, i feel tired all the time, sleep like shit etc etc.............so i wana get off and let my crit come down, and my body needs a break it seems.................can i use asin at 10mg a day solely to see if my natty kicks back? i have some nolva but wondering if its even needed.....and don't bang me but i need some guidance here as far as how much per day, per week etc etc, i believe i should run a 12 week pct and then get checked? i'm 44 btw
you could try HCG and clomid
100mg en is very low, IMO for HRT...no wonder you feel tired. You have shut yourself down and probably have less test then you did before (but I have heard of doctors going this low with HRT, I just think with a long ester, is very low)

get yourself some IGF-1, HCG, clomid, and nolva(or adex studies have shown it increases natural test)..maybe even a low dose of
t3..to help your body get back into the swing of things naturally..then work off all the PCT stuff.... you may also wanna try ZMA at bedtime..
100mg en is very low, IMO for HRT...no wonder you feel tired. You have shut yourself down and probably have less test then you did before (but I have heard of doctors going this low with HRT, I just think with a long ester, is very low)

get yourself some IGF-1, HCG, clomid, and nolva(or adex studies have shown it increases natural test)..maybe even a low dose of
t3..to help your body get back into the swing of things naturally..then work off all the PCT stuff.... you may also wanna try ZMA at bedtime..

Really?? The endocrinologists I have spoken with have told me that is the most common dose prescribed which usually brings a hypogonadal male into mid range.

Usually they start with gel which is a grand total of 35 mg per week after absorption.If that does not raise enough, two doses for 70 mg per week.
That is equivelant of 100mg of cypionate minus the esters.

Next step is injection usually a dose of 100mg every week or 200mg every two weeks.If not enough 200mg per week and that is the max endos will prescribe.

100 mg per week puts patients in the 500-600 range 7 days post inject.

200 mg per week puts patients in the 700-900 range 7 days post inject.
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100mg en is very low, IMO for HRT...no wonder you feel tired. You have shut yourself down and probably have less test then you did before (but I have heard of doctors going this low with HRT, I just think with a long ester, is very low)

get yourself some IGF-1, HCG, clomid, and nolva(or adex studies have shown it increases natural test)..maybe even a low dose of
t3..to help your body get back into the swing of things naturally..then work off all the PCT stuff.... you may also wanna try ZMA at bedtime..

No, 100mg/wk will put everyone within the normal range somewhere. It puts me at about 650 or so. That is a normal and most common dose, although most docs want you to go 200mg/2 weeks in once injection.
well, ive read clomid makes you moody, and zma could be bad for prostate,i know asin raises test and keeps estro at bay.................can anyone give me an asin and nolva(or would clomid really be a better choice) protocol i had it while back but cant seem to find it........i know you should start a week after last inject.......is hcg a must?, im pretty fin broke right now, bad breakup killed me

dug this up

Nolvadex Weeks 1-4 20 mgs a day weeks 5 & 6 10mgs a day
Aromasin Weeks 1-4 12.5 mgs a day weeks 5 & 6 6.25 mgs a day
HCG weeks 1-3 500 iu's a day
Tribulus weeks 1-4 1500 mgs a day
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I would recommend you use the HCG. Your boys have been shut down for a long while and it will help.
damn, guess ill have to get some, i have plenty of nolva on hand so am going to do the above
when you get premixed hucog, how many ius per cc if its a 10,000 iu vial?
I would recommend you use the HCG. Your boys have been shut down for a long while and it will help.

I tried that when I came off using steroid 2 years ago and it didnt do a thing for me. It helps while youre on it but as soon as you go off, bam right back where you started. Youre still not going to produce any LH. My endo was tracking all of it and we finally gave up and I went on HRT. HRT is going to be a lifetime thing for most all.
We're all different

I tried that when I came off using steroid 2 years ago and it didnt do a thing for me. It helps while youre on it but as soon as you go off, bam right back where you started. Youre still not going to produce any LH. My endo was tracking all of it and we finally gave up and I went on HRT. HRT is going to be a lifetime thing for most all.

Last year I came off my HRT and followed the "POWER" protocol from one of the Anabolic 200X books. Two months after I concluded the pct (w/HCG) my levels were higher than they were when I was prescribed HRT. Granted I believe ones expectations have to be realistic and shouldn't expect recovery beyond where they were prior to starting HRT. In fact the damage from two years use of HRT most probably caused further loss. It would seem that each of us do respond differently to PCT as we do other exogenous hormones. Some people claim they can come off and not use any PCT and recover better than when they do.
Really?? The endocrinologists I have spoken with have told me that is the most common dose prescribed which usually brings a hypogonadal male into mid range.

Usually they start with gel which is a grand total of 35 mg per week after absorption.If that does not raise enough, two doses for 70 mg per week.
That is equivelant of 100mg of cypionate minus the esters.

Next step is injection usually a dose of 100mg every week or 200mg every two weeks.If not enough 200mg per week and that is the max endos will prescribe.

100 mg per week puts patients in the 500-600 range 7 days post inject.

200 mg per week puts patients in the 700-900 range 7 days post inject.

From the website of the American Association of Clinical Endrocrinologists:

Parenteral Testosterone Preparations

Testosterone enanthate and testosterone cypionate are long-acting testosterone esters suspended in oil to prolong absorption. Peak levels occur about 72 hours after intramuscular injection and are followed by a slow decline duringthe subsequent 1 to 2 weeks (49). For complete androgen replacement, the regimen should be between 50 and 100 mg of testosterone enanthate or cypionate administered intramuscularly every 7 to 10 days, which will achieve relatively normal levels of testosterone throughout the time interval between injections (50). Longer time intervals are more convenient but are associated with greater fluctuations in testosterone levels. Higher doses of testosterone produce longer-term effects but also higher peak levels and wider swings between peak and nadir circulating testosterone levels; the result is fluctuating symptoms in many patients (51). The use of 100 to 150 mg of testosterone every 2 weeks is a reasonable compromise. Use of 300-mg injections every 3 weeks is associated with wider fluctuations of testosterone levels and is generally inadequate to ensure a consistent clinical response. With use of these longer interval regimens, many men will have pronounced symptoms during the week preceding the next injection. In such instances, a smaller dose at closer intervals should be tried. As a guide, testosterone levels should be above the lower limit of normal, in the range of 250 to 300 ng/dL, just before the next injection (52). Excessive peak levels and side effects should also be monitored and used to adjust the dosing regimens.
I would go to a doc and get everything sorted out. I would be shocked if your body rebounded......
What protocol for HCG are you going to follow for this?

see above

Last year I came off my HRT and followed the "POWER" protocol from one of the Anabolic 200X books. Two months after I concluded the pct (w/HCG) my levels were higher than they were when I was prescribed HRT. Granted I believe ones expectations have to be realistic and shouldn't expect recovery beyond where they were prior to starting HRT. In fact the damage from two years use of HRT most probably caused further loss. It would seem that each of us do respond differently to PCT as we do other exogenous hormones. Some people claim they can come off and not use any PCT and recover better than when they do.

wana see what happens

I would go to a doc and get everything sorted out. I would be shocked if your body rebounded......

no bennys till jan 1, gonna try this then go to endo, get readings and go from there..............if im good im good, if i gota get back on hrt so be it , but my body is def telling me i need a break from what ive been doing on my own, from now on my hrt , if needed , will be endo monitored
If the endo prescribes cyp or enan, do you go to their office for the injections?
If the endo prescribes cyp or enan, do you go to their office for the injections?

Very few have you come in for injections.You get a prescription for Testosterone and syringes and do it at home.
Your gonna need as many ancilliary's as you can get, Nolva, clomid, hcg (very important).
being i was on for a year and a half or so, should pct be longer than 6 weeks?

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