My guess is that cornstarch would have an osmalality much lower due to the increase in amylose content. It will more than likely pull more water into the intestines causing GI distress imo. I've never used it though, cornstarch that is. I know that the 25% doesn't seem like much, but it can have a profound effect on the osmalality and the way it is digested and abosrbed. To make matters worse, the 25% of amylose is resistant starch, meaning it cannot be broken down by enzymatic reaction, thus the further it sits in the stomach, the more distress it will cause. To add on to that, the further it travels downt he GI tract, especially the colon, the more it will serve as a feeding ground for intestinal bacteria, thus causing gas and discomfort.
You can give it a try. I see a lot of guys state they will try the cornstarch idea out, but I never hear an outcome after that. I'm sure if it were successful, you would hear more about it on the boards though.