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Weighted dips


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Apr 20, 2009
What is the most weight some of you guys have used on these? Has anyone been injured and do you consider them generally safe or is this an exercise with a high rate of injury?

This is the chest exercise I can add weight to the fastest but don't want to push to where I get hurt. I always try and stay in the 15 to 30 rest pause range with the first set being above ten. So usually land in more of a 20-30 rp
I slowly built myself to having 135 lbs added, probably won’t go heavier.

No injuries, just kept the eccentric phase super controlled all the time.

I think it can be dangerous if you drop quick and bomb out at the bottom and make your shoulders catch the weight and arrest the fall.
I love the stretch you get from dips, but doing them heavy gets precarious and dangerous. I do them as the last exercise in a chest workout and do regular dips, or pec minor dips probably every other workout
2 x 45 = 90. That was about 40 years ago. And I weighted 155.
Now I do about half that amount. But then again, I try about about
half as hard ;)

Never had an injury from doing them. In fact, I think properly
performed, they can help prevent shoulder injury's. And I go
deep, not just parallel.
I used to do 3 45lb plates, 135lbs, for 8 to 10 deep reps.

I was doing martial arts, boxing, kickboxing and working as a bodyguard back then ('96 and on). I kept my weight at 200lbs, give or take a few pounds. I hit pretty hard back then thanks to those heavy dips!
Two 45's for 12 reps.Stopped doing them years ago though.Recently got huet doing weighted stretch with them.Totally my fault though.
Good to know guys are going heavy with no issues, going to up the weight to 2x 45s this week
In my teens and early 20s I was doing 2-3 45lbs plates for reps. Now that I'm nearly 40 I realize I could have made the same gains with half the weight and saved my joints. The lower and heavier you go with this movement the more you compress the shoulder and elbow. If you have compromised form then even more so. I would say this is a risky exercise for the gains when going too heavy and too far in range of motion. Heavy is relative to you though.
If you’ve ever had an AC Joint injury, it’s best to limit excessively loading on dips past body weight.
If you’ve ever had an AC Joint injury, it’s best to limit excessively loading on dips past body weight.
I separated my AC joint in a car accident. That took a long time to heal. I guess I didnt need surgery because they didnt mention it to me. To this day it can still hurt every now and then. I hurt it back in 1989 too. Its a lifetime type of injury.
1 50 kilo plate for reps back in the 90's. Separating and dislocating one shoulder leading to a couple surgeries. Has me using the assisted dip machine.
The injury happened doing the dips?
I switched to using a dumbell because it was easier once I got up over 100 lbs. Think the most I used was like 130 lbs.
I separated my AC joint in a car accident. That took a long time to heal. I guess I didnt need surgery because they didnt mention it to me. To this day it can still hurt every now and then. I hurt it back in 1989 too. Its a lifetime type of injury.
You are right about that. That’s a long time. I’m delaying my distal clavicle excision for as long as I can without doing more damage. Been almost a year now.
You are right about that. That’s a long time. I’m delaying my distal clavicle excision for as long as I can without doing more damage. Been almost a year now.
Mine is on the distal end as well. For the most part it never hurts, but maybe once every other year it will randomly hurt for a week and then go away. It's weird.
I've logbooked 150 lbs for DC rest pause sets of 20+ reps

Worth the tendonitis gained from that :)
Never went heavy on this excercise. Most of the time I just do one 45lb plate, and rep out till failure.


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