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what 1950's-1960's BB gear dosages?


New member
Jul 25, 2005
I've read a bunch of times of Sergio, Arnold and other BB greats took gear openly but that it was paltry amounts to what's available and taken today.

How would their dosages compare to what's available today? Is it the same dBol people get today? Was what guys like Larry Scott, etc. taking be not much more than say a good stack of Creatine, BCAA and L-Glutamine today?

The reason I ask this is if it's the case that the gear these guys took is a fracton of what guys take today, or that guys who don't take gear but can get via legal supplements, with 40 or more years of accumulated BB knowledge then why don't we see more Sergios and Arnolds walking around? These guys looked freaky then and are still freaky today.
Bottom line is nobody knows what they took for dosages except them. Dbol is Dbol, it's the same stuff now as it was then. I tend to think they took high dosages, maybe not what pro's are taking today but still decent dosages..Slin and HGH weren't used as well.

and creatine, BCAA's and glutamine as good as some people think they are (I think they don't do much if anything in terms of muscle growth) don't do much in terms of muscle growth when compared to even small amounts of androgens. Larry Scott openly admitted to Dbol usage, dbol is an androgen and increases protein synthesis via mRNA transcription and contrary to what some people think dbol only cycles will still result in retainable LBM gains. Creatine, BCAA's and glutamine won't increase protein synthesis in the same manner, and more than likely not at all!!

Why don't we see more Arnold's and Sergio's walking around. Well there's too many reasons for that..but you'll NEVER see an Arnold or Sergio walking around as a natural just using OTC products or maybe that one person who's the genetic elite .099% of the population that can attain that naturally.. Work ethics, genetics, drugs, training styles. Who knows. The only thing I know is that I prefer their physiques to those of today.
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d-bol potency

I have to disagree that dbol is dbol. I remember back in the mid seventies guys blowing up huge and making incredible strength gains on 15 mgs of the Ciba Dianabol. Now you don't get near the boost from 15 mgs of the dbol today. It sems high quality American made juice had a better kick to it. The names I remember (and miss dearly) are Ciba-dianabol, Searle-anavar, and any USA based test or deca. Maybe some of the other geezers here like myself will remember the days of all US acquired gear.
Bent_O_Bar said:
Was what guys like Larry Scott, etc. taking be not much more than say a good stack of Creatine, BCAA and L-Glutamine today?
Those supplements don't compare in any way to even the tiniest amounts of AAS. You could take all the supps in the world and it wouldn't come anywhere close to what 10mg of dbol would do. No comparison whatsoever.
I too agree with Tom. The d-bol of today does not compare to the eastern block version of d-bol. The one used back in the early days was incredible stuff. It was also very harsh. It did result in LBM gains that were retained after the discontinuance of use. These guys back then had a more strict diet and I believe as technology in foods has advanced we have gone backwards in the purity and quality of the micro and macro nutrients of the foods they ate. These guys were the pioneers of what we are seeing today. They experimented with diet, drugs and training. It is what gave us our training protocols of today.
I was referring to the chemical structure of dbol. It's the same now as it was then. Sure the potency may not be the same now but that's going to be because of impurities in the manufacturing process and/or incorrectly dosed product.. but speaking from a chemical standpoint dbol is dbol.
Nilevar was was one of the first drugs available in the 50's or 60's. An oral similar to Anavar. I think I read it was first developed for cows, but not sure about that.
Tom said:
I have to disagree that dbol is dbol. I remember back in the mid seventies guys blowing up huge and making incredible strength gains on 15 mgs of the Ciba Dianabol. Now you don't get near the boost from 15 mgs of the dbol today. It sems high quality American made juice had a better kick to it. The names I remember (and miss dearly) are Ciba-dianabol, Searle-anavar, and any USA based test or deca. Maybe some of the other geezers here like myself will remember the days of all US acquired gear.

Very true! Oh for that Upjohn cyp! :p
I cant believe people still think the stuff from the old days was better. Nostalgia maybe. dbol is dbol is dbol!!!! its not any chemically different now or then. its the same. maybe some brands are underdosed but thats all.
no comparison.....

it takes at least 30mgs of todays dbol to get the same effect as 15 mgs of the ciba blue tabs. i can't back it up scientifically but most older guys who were around in the 70's say the same thing.
Tom said:
it takes at least 30mgs of todays dbol to get the same effect as 15 mgs of the ciba blue tabs. i can't back it up scientifically but most older guys who were around in the 70's say the same thing.

all that says to me is that the product put out today is underdosed or the 15mg's from years past was overdosed.. the chemical structure is the same.

Methandrostenolone is Methandrostenolone, the chemical structure is the same.. people are simply dealing with inaccurately dosed product, that simple.
couple of things

Is the Dbol today really methandrostenolone? My Dbol is methandienone and I don't know if it is exactly the same or not,but why a different chemical name?
In Arnold's day it was common to crush up dbol and inject it, maybe when you inject 20 old cibas a day that's where its at. Maybe when people combine different anabolics together they compete for receptors and sometimes end up cancelling each other out or not being as effective as just sticking with one.
Tom said:
it takes at least 30mgs of todays dbol to get the same effect as 15 mgs of the ciba blue tabs. i can't back it up scientifically but most older guys who were around in the 70's say the same thing.

I have to agree too. I used some of this dbol back in the mid 80s. I only took 25mg/day and grew like a weed. Something was magical about those little blue tabs. I would like to know why they were so much more powerful.
DinoHeavyD said:
In Arnold's day it was common to crush up dbol and inject it
never heard that before.
DinoHeavyD said:
Is the Dbol today really methandrostenolone? My Dbol is methandienone and I don't know if it is exactly the same or not,but why a different chemical name?

I think it is just a matter of nomenclature, how they name the compounds. They use a bit of a different method in europe as opposed to the US I believe, but it is the same substance.

1-Dehydro-17a-methyltestosterone [72-63-9]
Synonyms: 17a-methyl-17b-hydroxy-1,4-androstadien-3-one; 17beta-Hydroxy-17-methylandrosta-1,4-dien-3-one; 1-Dehydro-17a-methyltestosterone; Metandienone; Methandienone; Methandrostenolone;
The good old days

I cant help but wonder if what the old timers are saying is true. I have had many conversations with some local heavy hitters from the 80's,and they all say the same thing. "DBol was better back then,anadrol was better,not like this underground shit these days" And on and on. But there is a part of me that says its just like anything else with the old timers "BACK IN MY DAY WE USED TO WALK 5 MILES TO SCHOOL,IN THE SNOW,UPHILL BOTH WAYS,AND WE DIDNT EVEN HAVE SHOES":D

P.S. Thats an actual quote from my dad,haha
I cant help but wonder if what the old timers are saying is true. I have had many conversations with some local heavy hitters from the 80's,and they all say the same thing. "DBol was better back then,anadrol was better,not like this underground shit these days" And on and on. But there is a part of me that says its just like anything else with the old timers "BACK IN MY DAY WE USED TO WALK 5 MILES TO SCHOOL,IN THE SNOW,UPHILL BOTH WAYS,AND WE DIDNT EVEN HAVE SHOES":D

P.S. Thats an actual quote from my dad,haha

All I know is I have to take a much higher dose of dbol these days to achieve the same results that I got back in the mid 80s when I tried some of those dbols. One thing that could be causing this effect is the fact that I was a newb back then and it was my first time using, today my body has built up some sort of tolerance to the effects? Or perhaps its because my lean bodymass is much higher now than it was back then?
Bent_O_Bar said:
I've read a bunch of times of Sergio, Arnold and other BB greats took gear openly but that it was paltry amounts to what's available and taken today.

How would their dosages compare to what's available today? Is it the same dBol people get today? Was what guys like Larry Scott, etc. taking be not much more than say a good stack of Creatine, BCAA and L-Glutamine today?

The reason I ask this is if it's the case that the gear these guys took is a fracton of what guys take today, or that guys who don't take gear but can get via legal supplements, with 40 or more years of accumulated BB knowledge then why don't we see more Sergios and Arnolds walking around? These guys looked freaky then and are still freaky today.

shows you what hard work, correct diet and determination can do for you. Anyone could guess at the doses used then. Who really knows?
Old days

We used to live on the side of the road in a shoe-box!

Never could afford that darn lid. :(

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