If I can share...
You guys I know about diet and cardio, I have been down to 5% before, every winter I gain about 10 or 15 lbs. and every spring I lose it and lean out nicely with diet and cardio, but now that I am an older man I have noticed that even when I am fairly lean, I have more visceral fat than I should. I am doing the morning fasted cardio and will continue til I hit a plateau and then will add zenelean, But if I don't eat enough I lose too much muscle. Anyway thanks all who replied.
Thor, if I read your last post between the lines it seems you are kind of "closing" your post. If you don't mind, I hope I can explain an idea of visceral fat loss.
1) Visceral fat (and abdominal fat) has a high correlation with insulin resistance. Age and insulin resistance are also highly correlated (It sounds like your resistance is probably very low, but increasing).
2) Low intensity, long distance/time exercise has a large following of people claiming it's fat loss benefits because you tend to use FFA DURING the exercise at 50-60% of your MHR.
4) Peripheral fat seems to be more sensitive to the low-intensity cardio as well as decreasing insulin resistance.
5) Visceral fat seems to be more sensitive to HIGH-INTENSITY, short time cardio. This kind of exercise will use FFA AFTER exercise and burns more calories.
All fat is not necessarily the same, but it's understandable to see how one would think that. Fat has THREE different beta receptors that can be activated. There is also a high correlation between high visceral fat and CV disease versus those with more fat on their thighs/hips.
Can I encourage you to try sprinting, 2-3 times a week for one month? You can vary the routine: 50 yards * 10, 100 yards * 5. It may not seem like much, but half way through, you'll be puffing!
Some people may even "cross-train" this philosophy with sprinting on a stationary bike: all out for 10 sec, 20 sec, 30, etc.
Personally- I'll admit, I feel stupid sprinting on the stationary
so I have to wait until Spring if I feel like sprinting. It's been difficult for me to be consistent when I start (excuses, excuses) but I do notice a great improvement in my waist measurement in a short time.
This was longer than expected, thanks for your time.