pumped ,, test is test once injected your body does not know cyp from prop or sust250mg it is just testosterone ester the differnce is the duration the drug works in body
suspension -fast acting everyday or every other day
prop - fast acting every other dayor every 2 dayz
cyp and enth---- once aweek ( stays in yourn system 10 to12 dayz
susta is has 4 differnt esters fast med and slow amix you can say
so they all are good but changing them keeps your receptors all working quick explanation not that simple but an out line to go bye good luck TT
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ps ,, faster acting test or more precontest for the reason you can make adjustments easier such as susta cyp and enthate if you take you must wait a couple weeks.. so example a shot of propianate last only a couple of days so you can watch water retension... longer acting will stay in you longer making water adjustment impossable till the 2weeks pass so fast acting really is for comp. longer acting for offseason