Hey j
has any one eva tested there gh with a prego test! Either by atually taking a full ml of gh before bed and then apon waking up using the test or by just squarting ur gh right on the test???
ya i have been out of the circle my wife and I where having sum issues so....put that first you know! As far as bb'ing gonna finish up my degree fist be done in dec.! I have been working out a few times a week though; god blessed me with a lil genetics so still holding 215-220lbs with a lil sixer! lol Started to hit it hard again last week. Minus the sups trying to get the wife prego!!
whats up man....I have no answer to your question but just wanted to say whats up....Oh and tell your boy "hella man" I want a rematch with him...LOL.. Im still pissed about New Mexico... Hope the both of you are doing well...Good luck with the pregnancy thing..
HUTCH: lol ya i iwll do! He is just a fat lil rolly polly now! afta the show he stoped working out! i think it was to hard for him! He said it changed him???? he said he would neva do another one! I call it weak!!!!!! How are you doing getting ready for anything?