I haven't had this happen for quite a while, but lately its been happening too often. My problem is about 8 or so hours after i train the muscles i just worked get this unbearable pain in them. its not soreness, its like a cramping/burning pain. for example, i trained chest and tris last night and this morning i woke up and it KILLS to even move them. feels like my muscle is going to tear. i will move around a little and stretch and it starts to go away, then after sitting still for a while, the minute i try to move, its terrible. i don't know what causes it. it only happens sometimes. and it does not last even a full day. i don't know if it has something to do with vitamin/minerals, sodium or potassium? not enough fluids, too much fluids? thought it might have something to do with what i ate immediately after, but it happens sometimes if i have a shake right after workout, sometimes if i have solid food meal. if anyone knows anything or can offer some help, i greatly appreciate it. thanks