tren IS tren and test IS test... a hormone is a hormone fellas....
the ONLY difference, as someone already mentioned, is a small difference in % of mg due to ester weight. lighter ester = more hormone. but its very smal difference.
as far as noticing different effects from different esters, heavier esters may cause more water retention in certain individuals. this is the only difference at all. you can use test enanthat or test suspoension and get equal results for cutting or bulking. what matters is the mg of active hormone in the blood stream.. unless your a few weeks out from a contest water retention will be a non-issue, as water retention from ester weight will not effect any of the body processes...
do you even understand what esters are there for?
as for the kick you may or may not feel from different esters...
All that can be manipulated with dosages and injection frequency, at the end of the day though, given that same dosages and usual injection frequency is used (ace - eod, enanthate e4d or e5d), longer esters will always have a higher concentration of hormone in the blood because of overlap.
So you can get an initial "kick" which will be strong from ace, but overall effects will be stronger with the enanthate, simply because of higher concentration.
Now we could achieve the same kick with longer esters simply by injecting them every day. No matter what the ester length is, the biggest peak in hormone levels will always follow an injection.
Google pharmacokinetics of test prop and test enanthate if you want proof.
This discussion is meaningless though, because in todays market there are lots of inconsistently dosed products if we use UG lab gear. (and tren will always be UG), so you cant say with certainty what is "stronger" because you might get an overdosed batch of tren E and an underdosed batch of tren A. And this is not just in the hands of the lab converting powders, its in the hands of the powder manufacturer. Since again there is no quality control, powder batch purity may vary. Which will again result in inconsistently dosed gear.