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Who’s on telmisartan?

I’m on prescribed Olmesarten 20mg.
I’m on prescribed Olmesarten 20mg.
I can take Telmisartan at 80 mg and will not drop my blood pressure like 40 mg of Olmersarten. I went back on it. Now my blood pressure is reading 115/75.
40mg Olmesarten had minimal effect on my blood pressure compared with 80mg Telmisartan.

As an aside, I recently started taking betaine/TMG, and that's the first supplement (aside from Carditone) that's had a major improvement on my blood pressure. So much so I'm going to taper down my Telmisartan dosage.
I take 40mg Telmisartan daily with 5mg Cialis. My BP, taken every morning, is just under 120/80 most days. Resting HR hovers in the high 70's through low 80's.
What are your thoughts on this dr dean just posted ? @nothuman View attachment 210562
I checked out the studies. Appears to be rare, but more common for Olmesartan than the other ARB’s. I wouldn’t worry if you’re taking Telmisartan. Much worse to have high blood pressure and a higher risk of dementia by not taking it.

A total of 82 case reports and case series as well as 5 comparative studies, including 248 cases, were selected and analysed. The ARBs listed in the case reports were olmesartan (233 users; 94.0%), telmisartan (5 users; 2.0%), irbesartan (4 users; 1.6%), valsartan (3 users; 1.2%), losartan (2 users; 0.8%) and eprosartan (1 user; 0.4%). The periods between ARB initiation and onset of symptoms ranged from 2 weeks to 13 years. Histologic results were reported in 218 cases, in which 201 cases (92.2%) were villous atrophy and 131 cases (60.1%) were intraepithelial lymphocytosis. Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) testing was performed in 147 patients, among whom 105 (71.4%) had HLA-DQ2 or HLA-DQ8 haplotypes. Celiac-associated antibodies were tested in 169 patients, among whom 167 (98.8%) showed negative results. Gluten exclusion from the diet failed to relieve symptoms of enteropathy in 127 (97.7%) of 130 patients with information. Complete remission of symptoms after discontinuation of ARB was reported in 233 (97.4%) of the 239 patients with information. Seven cases (2.8%) reported recurrence of symptoms after restarting olmesartan; rechallenge was not reported for the non-olmesartan ARBs. The retrospective studies conducted worldwide had inconsistent study designs (e.g. differences in periods of study and case definition) and findings.”

I take 40mg Telmi, 10mg Cialis, 5mg Nebivolol. Telmi has minimal effect on my BP at any dose, so I run it mainly for other benefits. Nebivolol seems to have a bigger impact on my BP. This combo keeps me at around 110/60-ish.
40mg Olmesarten had minimal effect on my blood pressure compared with 80mg Telmisartan.

As an aside, I recently started taking betaine/TMG, and that's the first supplement (aside from Carditone) that's had a major improvement on my blood pressure. So much so I'm going to taper down my Telmisartan dosage.
That’s wild, that statement alone has me curious on how Telmisartan would work on me.
My doctor recently added bystolic (20mgs) to my 80mgs of Telmisartan. My blood pressure is definitely lower. I take the bystolic in the morning and Telmisartan at night. I've had daily headaches, pain reliever doesn't help, and sleepy/fatigued most of the day. Only been on bystolic about 2 weeks, probably not going to take it anymore. Telmisartan has my BP at 130's low 140's over 70/80, I'm 58. My doctors cardiologist friend said for me to continue Telmisartan only, he wouldn't add anything.. I'm not sure what to do??
My doctor recently added bystolic (20mgs) to my 80mgs of Telmisartan. My blood pressure is definitely lower. I take the bystolic in the morning and Telmisartan at night. I've had daily headaches, pain reliever doesn't help, and sleepy/fatigued most of the day. Only been on bystolic about 2 weeks, probably not going to take it anymore. Telmisartan has my BP at 130's low 140's over 70/80, I'm 58. My doctors cardiologist friend said for me to continue Telmisartan only, he wouldn't add anything.. I'm not sure what to do??
Welllll, I’m not a doctor, or your doctor so just remember that BUT bystolic does have blood vessel dilating properties. Probably why you’re getting headaches. You’ll adjust over time. Maybe your doc wants you specifically taking bystolic for that reason or another idk. 20mg is kinda high for that drug though. It’s only cardio-specific up to 10mg.
I would think there’s other options out there if the cardio selectivity is not a concern and your BP needs to be aggressively managed which it seems like it does.
Bring it up to your doc is all I can tell ya but I wouldn’t quit taking it cold turkey.
My doctor recently added bystolic (20mgs) to my 80mgs of Telmisartan. My blood pressure is definitely lower. I take the bystolic in the morning and Telmisartan at night. I've had daily headaches, pain reliever doesn't help, and sleepy/fatigued most of the day. Only been on bystolic about 2 weeks, probably not going to take it anymore. Telmisartan has my BP at 130's low 140's over 70/80, I'm 58. My doctors cardiologist friend said for me to continue Telmisartan only, he wouldn't add anything.. I'm not sure what to do??
Yea to piggyback on what @SouthernMuscle said, 20mg of Nebivolol is high, especially for a starting dose. You’re generally supposed to start at 5mg, which might even be enough for you.

Lots of people here take Nebivolol (myself included). I take 5mg before bed and will add another 5mg in the morning if I take someone that could raise my BP or resting heart rate to a point I’m not entirely comfortable with.
My doctor recently added bystolic (20mgs) to my 80mgs of Telmisartan. My blood pressure is definitely lower. I take the bystolic in the morning and Telmisartan at night. I've had daily headaches, pain reliever doesn't help, and sleepy/fatigued most of the day. Only been on bystolic about 2 weeks, probably not going to take it anymore. Telmisartan has my BP at 130's low 140's over 70/80, I'm 58. My doctors cardiologist friend said for me to continue Telmisartan only, he wouldn't add anything.. I'm not sure what to do??
Have you had a heart attack or do you have heart damage? That’s generally the only times dosages over 10mg are indicated and even then as others said above the average starting dosage is 5-10mg.

Before stopping a dosage that high I would clarify with the doctor as to why he put you on that dosage. Many would be a tired zombie at that amount. The headaches are common with higher dosages on beta blockers and will go away as your body adapts.
Thanks for all the responses!! I've not had any issues such as stroke or heart attack. Always been fit but unfortunately have higher blood pressure and Telmisartan isn't able to lower it enough. I have an appointment in 2 weeks to discuss my new issues, I will definitely request a lower dose. You guys are very helpful!!! Thanks again!!
Was on Ramipril for the last 4 years @ 7.5mgs and was keeping my blood pressure in check for this time until my last blood test showed my potassium levels extremely high. Doctor finally listened and put me on 40 mgs of Telmi which I'm happy with. don't find it as effective as Ramipril and blood pressure stays now at around 135/85 which is not bad, don't get me wrong, but had it lower on Ramipril. Hopefully the potassium issues get fixed when I go do my next blood work.
i took it until it tore up my esophagus and the lining of my stomach. had to have my throat scoped and it was tearing me up. had to quit. my dr says my heart is very strong for my age and may have be a result of the medication. was like super bad heartburn there at the end
Micardis, just got off it. Was not working that well for me at the highest dosage . . . come to find out.

Here is the backstory.

Bp taken at doctors offices was always about 140 / 60. Chalked it up to white coat syndrome because when I take it at home was just about always about 110 to 120 or thereabouts.

My device at home was consistently consistent but not giving me the true / real number.

So something was not right here.

So I got a new, better bp device. One that more accurately reflects my true bp and it jives, for the most part with what I get when I go to the doctors office which in the 130’s which is still to high.

So while it is important to use the same ‘tool’ when measuring (think scale) it is equally if not more important for it to be accurate.

Switching to Amlodipine Besylate, starting at 2.5mg and going up from there, bp numbers dependent.
I wouldn't pull hairs over it. The effects of that is very minor, especially at those doses. I would consume potassium as normal. I have about 5500mg per day.
Do you know what your typical potassium level is on a CMP? I ask because I have a similar intake and started 40mg Telmisartan a couple months ago. Most recent CMP came back potassium just out of range at 5.5. I'm wondering if there was some hemolysis in the sample as results took about 9 days to get back, but also don't want to mess with hyperkalemia. Going to retest in a couple weeks and let the lab know about the hemolysis concern, but was curious reading this thread if the potassium creep is something to be concerned about.
Do you know what your typical potassium level is on a CMP? I ask because I have a similar intake and started 40mg Telmisartan a couple months ago. Most recent CMP came back potassium just out of range at 5.5. I'm wondering if there was some hemolysis in the sample as results took about 9 days to get back, but also don't want to mess with hyperkalemia. Going to retest in a couple weeks and let the lab know about the hemolysis concern, but was curious reading this thread if the potassium creep is something to be concerned about.
I had labs the other day. Potassium level is 4.5, which is pretty much where it always is. That’s on 40mg Telmisartan and 5mg Nebivolol to go along with a high potassium diet.
I had labs the other day. Potassium level is 4.5, which is pretty much where it always is. That’s on 40mg Telmisartan and 5mg Nebivolol to go along with a high potassium diet.
That's usually about where mine is, so I'm definitely leaning towards my sample sitting a little too long for an accurate potassium reading. I'll retest to be sure and go from there. Thanks for the response, you have a lot of great info around here!

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