Its just too negative and inevitable, so their is NO MORE news in my life am I alone??
Great post. I don't watch the news, especially the news when I am in the U.S.
The reason is simple. My brain belongs to me but if I have to hear constant crime reports and news people speaking to me in excited tones about things designed to shock and sensationalize... then it effects me in a negative way.
There is a sad story EVERYDAY on the news. There is no need to dwell on it... these stories are blared out at you and evoke feelings of anger, sadness, fear, anxiety... all stressful emotions.
Sadly in these new economic times local news spends no money on news stories. They cut the budget to the bone and make a news story out of something from the Internet. There is no true local investigative reporting anymore and community happenings apparently don't attract the audiences.
Just read some of the responses in this thread that talk of left wing versus right wing. They just don't get it. None of the right or left wing pundits, shows or TV stations care about the positions they prattle about. They are just pushing the audiences emotional buttons and when they do that they get viewer ship and make MONEY.
But what is leftover is a viewer-ship whose heads are now filled with hot buttons that set them off about "what is wrong with America, who is to blame, the other guys are idiots..." all the while they are getting sheared like a lamb.
So avoid the News & associated shows and keep those negative inputs out of your head. Your mind belongs to you... YOU must shape it and protect it from negative inputs.