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Who else thought this was inappropriate.......

You think they were intentionally mocking Hamlin? Cmon bro. You're accusing a football celebration of malicious intent without the slightest clue! What if people judged your actions that way?
BTW....that is exactly how we judge people......by one's actions. Whether it's good or bad that is how a person's character is made.
I'm probably the only one with this opinion, but in my mind the best celebration is NO celebration. Act like you've done it before....act like a professional!

To me it says "yeah I scored a TD/get a sack/do good things so often that I don't even need to celebrate; I know I'll be back in a few".

It just exudes a confidence that I think is much much more badass than whatever idiotic dance the next guy makes up.

I'm a Barry Sanders/Nick Chubb kind of guy. Do your job. Go back to the huddle. Do it again. If you make a game winning play go ahead and be jubilant with your team. Individual celebrations after sacks, tackles, first downs, etc. ....IT'S YOUR FREAKING JOB! A TD could be an exception definitely but keep it professional.

"Hey....our team is down by 20 with 2 minutes left.....but I got a 1st down....lets celebrate!"
Absolutely agree! I don’t like the celebrations, it’s immature, showboating, narcissistic. You just did your job that’s it. I know sports have moved to being about entertainment and so some is ok, but after every play, and all the choreography, overkill.
Poorly timed perhaps but there is no malice or even callous intent here. Play on
Absolutely agree! I don’t like the celebrations, it’s immature, showboating, narcissistic. You just did your job that’s it. I know sports have moved to being about entertainment and so some is ok, but after every play, and all the choreography, overkill.
Agree, i played CFB and i had that exact mind set. "Act like you've been there before"
NOTHING is more intimidating that a guy who just kicked your fuckin ass and he doesnt say a wordd...or show any emotion. It's a regular ass job to him lol. That's how i always tried to play.

To be fair, the dude the ground was just laying there waiting to be helped up. Everyone is flipping out at that guy....the guy who did the CPR movement was dumb. I, personally, dont think it was on purpose or he even realised it (players do that EVERY DAY of every game) its just most alarming now, after the fact. I can guarantee he is kicking himself now thinking, "wow, that shit looks bad....i was just caught up in the moment."
This. As a society people are now looking for something to get outraged over. The skip tweet, the celebration (it's been around forever). People can't just be happy he's ok they need to find someone like skip or some players to get mad at for no reason.
I thought it was tone deaf but again these guys who aren’t QBs or O linemen generally aren’t that bright and yes we live in a I want to be offended society, Skios tweet was actually right on the game should’ve been finished. AND I HATE SKIP. That said these nfl players fanned the flames of cancel culture and virtue signaling so let ‘em choke on it imo.
. "Act like you've been there before"
NOTHING is more intimidating that a guy who just kicked your fuckin ass and he doesnt say a wordd...or show any emotion. It's a regular ass job to him lol. That's how i always tried to play.
For no reason ? Didn't you start a thread about being mad at kids in the gym ?
Yes? Kids fooling around in the gym affects me. Other than wanting to feel morally superior, what reason do people have to be outraged (or pretend to be) over these guys doing a sack celebration? Where was the outrage when the guy on the Giants did snow angels next to Nick foles 2 weeks ago? NFL fans are calling these guys, who are 200x the athlete they are and make about 10x what they make "trash" and "morons."
Yes? Kids fooling around in the gym affects me. Other than wanting to feel morally superior, what reason do people have to be outraged (or pretend to be) over these guys doing a sack celebration? Where was the outrage when the guy on the Giants did snow angels next to Nick foles 2 weeks ago? NFL fans are calling these guys, who are 200x the athlete they are and make about 10x what they make "trash" and "morons."
100% . Well said . Being a better athlete than someone else excludes you from being trash , or a moron . Just instant sainthood and membership in the mensa club . Nobody is outraged , the general opinion , and word on the thread is ... Inappropriate. A kid died on the field , someone's son had to be resuscitated. I guess we're not all as hardcore as the guy bitching about how teenagers affect you at the gym . I don't notice them in mine , I'm too busy training.
100% . Well said . Being a better athlete than someone else excludes you from being trash , or a moron . Just instant sainthood and membership in the mensa club . Nobody is outraged , the general opinion , and word on the thread is ... Inappropriate. A kid died on the field , someone's son had to be resuscitated. I guess we're not all as hardcore as the guy bitching about how teenagers affect you at the gym . I don't notice them in mine , I'm too busy training.
I'm sure if you ran into him you'd call him "trash" without hesitation.

The news cycle has moved on people are talking about the playoffs. I'm going with Cincy and San Francisco in the big game.
Stupid choice of a celebration. After the fact I’m sure they realize that.
I'm sure if you ran into him you'd call him "trash" without hesitation.

The news cycle has moved on people are talking about the playoffs. I'm going with Cincy and San Francisco in the big game.
For the record , trash never came out of my mouth my words were terrible sense of humor . Not sure I would hesitate to tell him that if I felt strongly enough about it . I worked in bars for years and can name a couple pro athletes that I've slapped around and said worse to . I wrestled for years , turns out it comes in more handy than being an NFL running back . But this is the Internet and I don't expect you to believe me .
I got buffalo the whole way . There's something to be said about running that opening kickoff in for a td . It's a kind of momentum that the saints had post Katrina .
For the record , trash never came out of my mouth my words were terrible sense of humor . Not sure I would hesitate to tell him that if I felt strongly enough about it . I worked in bars for years and can name a couple pro athletes that I've slapped around and said worse to . I wrestled for years , turns out it comes in more handy than being an NFL running back . But this is the Internet and I don't expect you to believe me .
I got buffalo the whole way . There's something to be said about running that opening kickoff in for a td . It's a kind of momentum that the saints had post Katrina .
I'm a ravens fan but we have no chance. We have an incompetent GM who is hopefully fired soon. I'm actually pulling for Cincy. IMO they got screwed last year by the refs. I was cool with buffalo but can't root for them now, the NFL basically made all these changes to the playoffs to prop up buffalo in my opinion and Cincy is the one getting screwed. Wouldn't mind seeing hurts win one, but they peaked too early. Would be hilarious to see Brock purdy lead San Francisco to the title.
Sudden athlete death is something that has come to the forefront of our minds in the past year, and it is something that probably stresses all the players to some degree (though it is an issue more with soccer players right now). Their humor could be in part a way of addressing that. I know personally that is often the case in the medical field.
This. As a society people are now looking for something to get outraged over. The skip tweet, the celebration (it's been around forever). People can't just be happy he's ok they need to find someone like skip or some players to get mad at for no reason.

Society is fucking annoying. When I was growing up, we were taught to not give any weight to insults and shit talking and to have tough skin.

Now society is teaching people to ring the alarms, be offended and talk about how badly things that people who don't know you personally and will never meet you "make you feel."

If people have "the right" to voice their opinion over how much anything offends them, then i have the right to tell them how much of a straight bitch they are for being so mentally weak and soft.
Agree 100%... Welcome to Wokesville. Fellas complaining about a celebration on the field?? Smfh
Yes? Kids fooling around in the gym affects me. Other than wanting to feel morally superior, what reason do people have to be outraged (or pretend to be) over these guys doing a sack celebration? Where was the outrage when the guy on the Giants did snow angels next to Nick foles 2 weeks ago? NFL fans are calling these guys, who are 200x the athlete they are and make about 10x what they make "trash" and "morons."
What does athletic ability and money have to do with someone’s intellect or moral character? The idea that because you’re rich makes you awesome and superior in every way is foolish.
What does athletic ability and money have to do with someone’s intellect or moral character? The idea that because you’re rich makes you awesome and superior in every way is foolish.

I think the point that he is trying to make is who the fuck made the "fans" that want to put every athlete under a microscope and pass judgement Gods Of Morality?

"Fans" talk and judge freely as if being a viewer of sports puts them on some kind of moral high ground and every disgraceful, mean or bullshit action they have done themselves is expunged from truth and reality.
I think the point that he is trying to make is who the fuck made the "fans" that want to put every athlete under a microscope and pass judgement Gods Of Morality?

"Fans" talk and judge freely as if being a viewer of sports puts them on some kind of moral high ground and every disgraceful, mean or bullshit action they have done themselves is expunged from truth and reality.
You're going too far with all the dramatic gods of morality talk . There's a reason why they have conduct clauses in their contracts , people (kids) look up to these people , they do have somewhat of a responsibility for their image and the way they act . It's also the fans that give them the platform and opportunity to play a game and get rich

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