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Who I am (I am banned!)


Dec 9, 2002
Who I am

Doctor, Weider athlete under contract, scientist, enough disclosed for the moment.
who cares
Re: Who I am

Lizz said:
Doctor, Weider athlete under contract, scientist, enough disclosed for the moment.

Who are you ??????????

A brand new member who has already accused members of this board of lying in order to sell GH.

I have been reding these boards for a long time, and you know my name if I told you. I am under contract and will lose it if I disclose my true identity. DR. LSP.
Re: Truth

Lizz said:
I have been reding these boards for a long time, and you know my name if I told you. I am under contract and will lose it if I disclose my true identity. DR. LSP.

Ok we would all know your name but we can't guess who you are by your initials Dr. LSP.


These guys/chicks are falling out of the sky all of a sudden.
Who Cares

Saying "who cares" is not flaming? What kind of site is this? I feel sorry for the members on here who cant voice their opinions without being edited or challenging the the so called "experts". Dr. LSP.
We welcome new members, especially those that have experience and information to articulate. What we do not want are new people that come onto the board and start calling out other respected members, vets, and mods such as what you did at the "Anyone w/ BAD experiences w/ Somaject?" thread.

Consider this warning #1.

Again, we welcome constructive criticism - please don't come in here acting like a know-it-all untill you've established some sort of relationship with the board (in other words - we don't like bulls in china shops).

because we do not come on here giving credentials without backing them up

either give who you IS, for real to validate your creds OR amass a large post count that is comprised of insightful, intelliegent posts

make sense

sounds like you bragginf without showing no goods

and if i flame ya ya deserve it cause i am well known and knopwn to be very reluctant to make any negative posts, but that is just a balatantly egotistical introduction without any merit that we can access
i'll tell ya what i'll do one better

let anyone who is familiar with my posts express what they feel my base of knowledge merits and assess my worth as an intelligent, insightful, cutting edge practitioner of the anabolic sciences (or not)

and whether it means anything to ya or not i am ~2% BF and have a very viable shot to turn pro within the next year
BUMP for all pro muscle members and dont fell prey to BS.

Win a show and turn pro like I did, then I will be impressed. Dr. LSP.
I apologize to all.

I just realized who she is:

**broken link removed**

I LOVE your books. You ARE an expert go ahead call Xcel and the other Mods drug dealers you have earned it.
is that right??????-- sure got quiet.........
Enough with the suspense already. State exactly what it is you hope to accomplish with your posts. This whole James Bondesque approach is comical. Just so you know, I'm an ex-professional athlete that was under contract with Champion Nutrition.
What does that mean? Absolutely fucking nothing. This board is for straight forward, practical information. You know, real world experience. That's what the members here have come to rely on and expect. So, Dr. put your knowledge to work and contribute to the board and kill the "who am I" drama. I'm sure as soon as you do that you'll be able to offer some valuable info and also gain quite a bit from the members here. :)
It got quiet because Lizz has been banned.

We don't allow that blatant direspect to our board members AND mods by anyone.

Crowler I hope that was sarcasim in your response .

I don't care who he or she or even if it's a heshe no one is calling any repected member around here anything, like a drug dealer. That shit can be saved for bsfitness.com not here.

And as far as Instynct goes, I would have to say he knows his shit and can walk the walk. Who cares if your a pro or not, there are alot of people that aren't pro's and don't even compete that look just as good or know as much.

Take this shit to another place cause we small minded members who can't stand up for ourselves want to stay right were we are. We don't need doc lizz coming and showing us the light, allow me to be blind. Goodbye
Last edited:
xcelbeyond said:
It got quiet because Lizz has been banned.

We don't allow that blatant direspect to our board members AND mods by anyone.


Thank you Xcel.

The people I feel worse for are the MODS but I guess that is why they get paid 100K a year. <Sarcasim again> :)

Yes Armageddon it was sarcasim, I don't know who or what Lizz was.
Crowler said:
I apologize to all.

I just realized who she is:

**broken link removed**

I LOVE your books. You ARE an expert go ahead call Xcel and the other Mods drug dealers you have earned it.

I would have liked to have seen more skin :D

Thanks xcel..this type of shit is running rampant now it seems. There is a reason the board is named what it is


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