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Whole Grain Pancakes


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Anyone have a recipie for whole grain pancakes? Can I eat them while dieting?
Instead of whole grain pancakes get buckwheat pancake mix. You can go to any place that sells organic type foods and normally find a bag of the stuff where you just add a touch of oil, some egg subsitiute (or whole egg), and skim milk. Top with sugar free jelly and you have a healthy meal...and delicious! I like them as good as buttermilk pancakes.
This is what I ate every morning during my diet...and they are so good that a few days after the show its still what i eat. I just adjusted the amount of oatmeal as needed. I have used as little as 1/2 cup and as much as 1.5 cups. They are still good regardless.

1.5 cups whites
1 yolk
1 cup oats
lots of cinnamin
2-3 packs splenda

put all this in a blender and make pancakes or just scramble it all (what i prefer...tastes the same and is easier)

After its cooked I put walden farms chocolate dip on top with walden farms syrup. Also butter spray is good on them. Hope this helps!
Oooohhh...damn D. Those sound Really good!
Thanks. I'll try it and let ya know.
yeah i got to try this,i have not had pancakes in forever
Im tellin ya...those pancakes are what got me through my diet! Let me know what you guys think! The walden farms products are a lifesaver if you havn't tried them.
I fixed some of Big D's Sunday.. they are awesome!
Slap your Momma Good.. I made a boat load after eating.. put in fridge as quick meals.... Added some Blueberries.. Yummm
I fixed some of Big D's Sunday.. they are awesome!

Glad to hear bro! A couple weeks into my off season and still what I crave most are these pancakes. Been choppin up some bananas in em now...soooo good!
Not bad. Can I use buckwheat flour instead od oats?
I suppose you could...I might have to try that! I like to make mine not pancake at all...just blend it, cook it, and leave it a little gooey. Dont know why but I love em like that. I wonder if I can get the same texture with buckwheat flower...looks like im havin pancakes twice today lol
as above i make very similar pancakes apart from i grind the oats into a flour first then beat into 1 whole egg and 6 egg whites. i also beat in 1 scoop choc whey then make pancakes and drizzle zero sugar maple syrup on and sprinle cinnamon on
as above i make very similar pancakes apart from i grind the oats into a flour first then beat into 1 whole egg and 6 egg whites. i also beat in 1 scoop choc whey then make pancakes and drizzle zero sugar maple syrup on and sprinle cinnamon on

I was thinking about using the oats and the flour. I think I'll try that tomorrow. Thanks.
i gave these a try and they not bad,while they are still hot i spread a little natty pb on top and put on a little sugar free syrup.
I love pancakes!

I don't use Splenda, but I'll use a touch of honey instead.
what I use is

1/4 cup each - quinoa flour, almond meal or flour, buckwheat flour, whole grain wheat flour
1 cup milk
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp grapeseed oil
some stevia extract for a little sweetness, around equivalent of 1 tbsp

and then generally add 1/4 cup chopped pecans, and 1 or 2 bananas chopped up. makes enough for the whole family, and if I leave the bananas out fairly low carb.
ours schools quaterback back in da day used to eat protien pancakes, I tryed it chocolate whey mixed into my pancake powder and cooked it with penut butter looks like shit but tasted decent
This is what I ate every morning during my diet...and they are so good that a few days after the show its still what i eat. I just adjusted the amount of oatmeal as needed. I have used as little as 1/2 cup and as much as 1.5 cups. They are still good regardless.

1.5 cups whites
1 yolk
1 cup oats
lots of cinnamin
2-3 packs splenda

put all this in a blender and make pancakes or just scramble it all (what i prefer...tastes the same and is easier)

After its cooked I put walden farms chocolate dip on top with walden farms syrup. Also butter spray is good on them. Hope this helps!

I use the same recipe but I add a half banana (smashed) and 1 tbsp of nutty and then I microwave it. Yuuuummmyyy!!! Also eat during my diet. I make this big pancake and eat with coffee.

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