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why does my gear look crystalized??


New member
Mar 3, 2009
I got My order of DVD's today... and every bottle looks like it has a large amount of crystals in it... never saw this before... what does it mean?? and is it safe??
Ummm, you need to contact who you got it from and get your funds back or some thats not crystalized...They sent it knowing it was crystalized and thats not cool at all..
Dude Im pissed like every dvd is like that... wtf:mad:
Were they exposed to the cold for a time? Your stuff has crashed and you can get it back into solution by heating it up. I would either bake it in the oven or on the stovetop in a pan of water. Vent the stopper with a pin, otherwise they can explode on you!! Hopefully once it goes back into solution it will stay that way.If it crashes again you can repeat the process.

Is it high concentration gear? Something like that crazy T400? The higher the concentration, the more likely to crash. Ive never seen test cyp or test en at 250 mg/ml crash. It can happen though.
Hey, look at it positive, at least you know they didnt sell you nothing but grapeseed oil! There is something in there!
Hey, that's a good point

I'd be happy about that. I'd just heat and use it.

Hey, look at it positive, at least you know they didnt sell you nothing but grapeseed oil! There is something in there!
I'd be happy about that. I'd just heat and use it.

Only thing that would worry me is it has a very great chance of being an extremely painful inject as far as days later. If its something nuts like T400 I would definetely cut it down with sterile oil. Maybe the OP will tell us what it is that crashed.
Thanks fpr the info... Im actually going to contact my sponsor and see if he will replace... I just dont want to have to deal with painful shots ext. ext. it sucks because this dude's T/A took forever this time... and it was for me and a friend... I dont think he'll want to deal with boiling and heating...
its really not a big deal.you can easily get it back into the solution by heating it up for a minute in some boiling water-it shouldnt be any more painful just because it crashed-i have had this happen to me several times mostly with test cyp 250 mg/ml that i was using from a ug lab and it wasnt a problem
The last stuff I re-heated put a knot on me that looked like a softball!!! My sponsor replaced so I trashed the other, damn near killed me.
The last stuff I re-heated put a knot on me that looked like a softball!!! My sponsor replaced so I trashed the other, damn near killed me.

Yeah, im thinking if it crashed once like that then there is probably something wrong with the mix. Just another bad batch,lol. If it crashed once it will probably happen again, unless maybe it was shipped in the middle of winter when its really cold and it was exposed to that for a long time.

When the sponser sent you a repalcement, did you get the exact same bottle of gear or was it something different? Makes you wonder about quality control if one bottle can differ that much from the next.
I usually hear test cyp crashes alot. Brewers and some sources says its a bitch to work with of all the powders
All I know is I heated one up.. got it back into solution.. and tried it out.. and omfg theres def a huge knot there... it hurts for sure... luckily my source said he would replace it... I dont think I would be able to deal with this pain everytime... I mean if it hurts this bad is it even guna do what its suppose to?? is the stuff completley garbage?? as far as potencty??
I usually hear test cyp crashes alot. Brewers and some sources says its a bitch to work with of all the powders

Naw, it shouldnt be. Any monkey can bake some up, really.
All I know is I heated one up.. got it back into solution.. and tried it out.. and omfg theres def a huge knot there... it hurts for sure... luckily my source said he would replace it... I dont think I would be able to deal with this pain everytime... I mean if it hurts this bad is it even guna do what its suppose to?? is the stuff completley garbage?? as far as potencty??

Potency may be fine but looks like you may need some more BA and BB to help keep it in suspension. Its possible it came out of suspension in your muscle.

I believe I had something similar happen years back with some NPP. I had the worst pain and swelling in my shoulder and ended up aspirating about 60cc's of steaming hot puss and crap from my shoulder. Never had an issue with any gear ever. few days later the NPP vial had crashed. I figured it crashed in my shoulder and the crystals irritated the muscle so bad that my body attacked it.

Hope everything works out for you

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