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Why trt with cypionate


Oct 27, 2009
I understand that test cyp is the closest thing to your natural test but how come guys don't do something like a low dose of deca, eq, or primo? Jose Canseco states in one of his books that he stays on a low dose of deca year around. He doesn't state what dose but sounds like he uses deca all the time instead of test.
I understand that test cyp is the closest thing to your natural test but how come guys don't do something like a low dose of deca, eq, or primo? Jose Canseco states in one of his books that he stays on a low dose of deca year around. He doesn't state what dose but sounds like he uses deca all the time instead of test.

You posted your own answer.
I can ask him that question next time I see him at the gym! lol Though there is a story about him almost getting into a fight with a guy who asked him about his MMA defeat! LOL
I understand that test cyp is the closest thing to your natural test but how come guys don't do something like a low dose of deca, eq, or primo? Jose Canseco states in one of his books that he stays on a low dose of deca year around. He doesn't state what dose but sounds like he uses deca all the time instead of test.

If a person is hypogonadal and has low test ,there are many symptoms of having low testosterone such as Sexual dysfunction,Reduced sex drive,Decreased energy,Depression,Increase in body fat,Decrease in bone strength,Reduced muscle mass and a few others.

So if you administer an AAS aside from testosterone such as a heavy androgen, NOR,17AA, a DHT derivative or whatever, in general, will cause further inhibition of natural testosterone production..So now you have even lower testosterone than you had to begin with and feel the symptoms above even more than when you began.

You don't ever become deficient in deca,eq,Dbol,winstrol,tren,etc... So there is no natural levels of this neccassary for the body to bring up to optimal levels for health and vitality.

Some people are prescribed Deca at low doses for their joints etc... But most of these people are also on Testosterone therapy from the wellness,longevity,or anti-aging clinic.

Testosterone no-ester is actually the closest or actually is exactly the same thing your body produces.Cypionate is the most popular in North America as they like the long acting ester for less frequent injections.Gel is also Test no ester which has become the most prescribed as a first line of treatment for HRT.

Thats about it in a nutshell.Hope this helps my friend.
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If a person is hypogonadal and has low test ,there are many symptoms of having low testosterone such as Sexual dysfunction,Reduced sex drive,Decreased energy,Depression,Increase in body fat,Decrease in bone strength,Reduced muscle mass and a few others.

So if you administer an AAS aside from testosterone such as a heavy androgen, NOR,17AA, a DHT derivative or whatever, in general, will cause further inhibition of natural testosterone production..So now you have even lower testosterone than you had to begin with and feel the symptoms above even more than when you began.

You don't ever become deficient in deca,eq,Dbol,winstrol,tren,etc... So there is no natural levels of this neccassary for the body to bring up to optimal levels for health and vitality.

Some people are prescribed Deca at low doses for their joints etc... But most of these people are also on Testosterone therapy from the wellness,longevity,or anti-aging clinic.

Testosterone no-ester is actually the closest or actually is exactly the same thing your body produces.Cypionate is the most popular in North America as they like the long acting ester for less frequent injections.Gel is also Test no ester which has become the most prescribed as a first line of treatment for HRT.

Thats about it in a nutshell.Hope this helps my friend.

Cool, this is exactly what I was wanting to know. So in other words for somebody not shut down and wanted to bridge between cycles to allow vascular and nerve tissue to catch back up and maintain muscle mass etc., would it make more sense to use a low dose of deca then? I'm sure eventually they would get completely shut down but wouldn't this make more sense if they weren't shut down yet? The low dose should hold your gains better and not shut you down quite as much as test would I would think. You could even run your hcg and clomid etc through the bridge.
Cool, this is exactly what I was wanting to know. So in other words for somebody not shut down and wanted to bridge between cycles to allow vascular and nerve tissue to catch back up and maintain muscle mass etc., would it make more sense to use a low dose of deca then? I'm sure eventually they would get completely shut down but wouldn't this make more sense if they weren't shut down yet?

Problem is after your cycle you are definately going to be shutdown.That happens very quickly,just weeks.

So bridging is just stayin ON at a lower dose.

You would be shut down and feeling crappy from low test at this point.If you added nandralone/deca which actually shuts you down harder than testosterone you would be shut down even more from the deca/nandralone and feel really horrible.

The low dose should hold your gains better and not shut you down quite as much as test would I would think. You could even run your hcg and clomid etc through the bridge.

Many choose to do a "cruise" at this point if you didn't want to go off totally and do pct.Cruise= low dose test in between cycles to keep testosterone levels in upper higher range.

If you are bridging or cruising ,don't bother with clomid,hcg or pct as it won't do any good while still on something,even at low dose inhibition happens.

You are ON or OFF.No way around it as that is the dilema all bodybuilders face. PCT and recover and go at it again later OR stay on and blast and cruise.Or some even Blast all the time.

It is THE BIG DECISION everyone faces and must choose what is best for each owns health and future;)
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would it make more sense to use a low dose of deca then? I'm sure eventually they would get completely shut down but wouldn't this make more sense if they weren't shut down yet?

Have you checked out Masteron as part of a bridge? I love that stuff. Effect on RBC compared to Deca, I dunno exactly. But it's much easier to recover from than Deca.

On a side note, coming down from higher doses is not just for the letting HPTA recover, IMO. Donating blood and letting Hematocrit decline enough to not be a walking time bomb before the next run is a good idea. And Deca is great at increasing RBC, so not a great option. Plus, to avoid the shutdown from Deca, you'd be getting into low dose Naltrexone etc, etc. Too complex for me for a bridge.
Problem is after your cycle you are definately going to be shutdown.That happens very quickly,just weeks.

So bridging is just stayin ON at a lower dose.

You would be shut down and feeling crappy from low test at this point.If you added nandralone/deca which actually shuts you down harder than testosterone you would be shut down even more from the deca/nandralone and feel really horrible.

Many choose to do a "cruise" at this point if you didn't want to go off totally and do pct.Cruise= low dose test in between cycles to keep testosterone levels in upper higher range.

If you are bridging or cruising ,don't bother with clomid,hcg or pct as it won't do any good while still on something,even at low dose inhibition happens.

You are ON or OFF.No way around it as that is the dilema all bodybuilders face. PCT and recover and go at it again later OR stay on and blast and cruise.Or some even Blast all the time.

It is THE BIG DECISION everyone faces and must choose what is best for each owns health and future;)

Thanks Kid1Dakota... This explains alot for me. Your spot on as usual.

Have you checked out Masteron as part of a bridge? I love that stuff. Effect on RBC compared to Deca, I dunno exactly. But it's much easier to recover from than Deca.

On a side note, coming down from higher doses is not just for the letting HPTA recover, IMO. Donating blood and letting Hematocrit decline enough to not be a walking time bomb before the next run is a good idea. And Deca is great at increasing RBC, so not a great option. Plus, to avoid the shutdown from Deca, you'd be getting into low dose Naltrexone etc, etc. Too complex for me for a bridge.

I do love masteron... One of my favorite compounds. Thanks for all the great answers guys. :)
Whatever ya choose check your free test levels first do your thing- and test in 3 months. Science. Dont play the guessing game. BTW I trained w Jose in the 90's in Miami at his home gym. Cool guy. Honest guy.
Whatever ya choose check your free test levels first do your thing- and test in 3 months. Science. Dont play the guessing game. BTW I trained w Jose in the 90's in Miami at his home gym. Cool guy. Honest guy.

That woulda been cool training with him. He was always my idol growing up as I wanted to be big like him. He could crush a baseball. Whenever he was at bat everyone would quit what they were doing just to watch him bat.

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