Someone usually fills void. Some day perhaps they will be again available via doctor. It makes no sense that you can have a doctor risk your life, have you sign a consent form, and go under the knife and insert, for example, pec implants, but you cannot take something like Oxandrin or Anadrol 50 or Serostim, which are the reason a guy like Magic Johnson 15 years after going public does not look like a guy ravaged by hiv. My point is that if the medical profession uses steroids to improve peoples' health and the medical profession (cosmetic surgeons) can cut you up for cosmetic reasons, something has got to give, perhaps reason and logic will win out. And when you have credible people like an attorney as smart as Rick Collins, things begin to change, albeit slowly. Shows like Bryan Gumball on HBO doing shows that do not sensationalize the health risks.
If some athletes would just come clean and say "yeah, I took steroids but only because every one else at my level takes them to stay competitive," and the sports organizations would say "we're going to have a league open to only clean athletes (those who want to be clean and want proof that their competitors are clean), and charge admission to the public BUT we're also going to have one league open only to athletes who admit to taking steroids and/or other performance enhancers (assuming they could do so without breaking the law) -- i.e., unless you admit to using steroids etc., you cannot compete -- and charge admission to the public" THEN see who the public pays admission to go see. Then there is only 2 leagues for the same sports. One is clean and the other is not.
In the meantime, Asians,East Europeans, whomever and wherever, will fill the void -- like someone said, supply and demand. Unless demand gets so great, like that of booze during prohibition, that eventually something has got to give, like congress.
Stallone's admission of using hGH and testosterone I suspect has a lot of BB's (ha ha, baby boomers, not bodybuilders) taking notice and thinking in their heads, "hmmmm..."
And eventually Rambo will come out on video or PPV so that most will see it and Rocky Balboa (awesome flick) and start to say, "damn he looks good for age 63" [or whatever age he is now, 64? 65?].
Until they are legal, if ever, we wont see the kind of hayday we saw prior to ORD (prior to Mex Vet shutdown). But they wont go extinct, not while ppl like you and people like me are around. But I will continue to train natural in the meantime.
Some day Arnold might be president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!