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Winter bulking foods


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
What are we eating to gain size this time of year? My go-to is chili. I use ground turkey, beef, or bison, beans, canned tomatoes, canned corn, peppers and spices. Obviously, mostly meat. I like to use instant mashed potatoes to thicken it as needed. Put it all in the crockpot before the gym, and then come home and eat chili all day. I also like fat free Greek yogurt as a substitute for sour cream.
meat and potatoes

like the potatoes more than rice tbh, plus it helps me get fiber in my diet
Beef and rice. Chicken and rice. Oats isolate & berries.

Whether its summer bulk or winter bulk I don't really think the foods should change. During a bulk focus is on digestion.

Now, my opinion above is from a body building perspective being well above maintenance. For a normal bulk I think the ideas mentioned are great. Personally I cant do potatoes... It'll just keep me full too long.

I like the greek yogurt for sour cream substitute. Adding greek yogurt to meat and rice is huge for me when its hard to get it down.
what do you do to enhance digestion?

Imho the trick is to not eat foods you don't digest well, and focus on the foods you can digest well. Although some people swear on certain supplements like Betaine HCL, Digestive Enzymes and Apple Cider Vinegar. I think they are not worthless, but the biggest bang for your buck is simply not eating food that doesn't agree with you.
What are we eating to gain size this time of year? My go-to is chili. I use ground turkey, beef, or bison, beans, canned tomatoes, canned corn, peppers and spices. Obviously, mostly meat. I like to use instant mashed potatoes to thicken it as needed. Put it all in the crockpot before the gym, and then come home and eat chili all day. I also like fat free Greek yogurt as a substitute for sour cream.
Rice, rice cereals, corn cereals, 2/3 fruit daily (kiwi, bananas, pineapple), potatoes, gnocchi pasta(its basically potatoes), rice pasta, toast bread.
Horse meat, chicken, lean beef, turkey, some canned tuna.
Olive oil, guacamole, rarely some almond butter.

I am lactose intolerant so greek yogurt and whey iso are a nono for me, but if you can eat them they are good added to oats or cream of rice.
Beef and rice. Chicken and rice. Oats isolate & berries.

Whether its summer bulk or winter bulk I don't really think the foods should change. During a bulk focus is on digestion.
That sounds like my diet! Foods don't change much, just the amounts I eat. The key for me is something you said "During a bulk focus on digestion". That's HUGE for me. Low fodmap style does me well
Must be EASY to digest, high density nutrients. For me minced lean beef/turkey with eggs, EVOO, nuts, cream of rice, mashed potatoes, cornmeal. Protein powder with added digestive enzymes. Mostly.
In winter??? Whitetail seared in a little Kerry gold butter, and white potatoes.

I don’t like rice much, and I can’t stand oats. Probably because I was raised on grits…

Grits >oats all day. (Salt. sugar doesn’t go on grits dammit)
what do you do to enhance digestion?

Nothing at all. Like the reply below you said, focus on foods you digest well. I forgot to mention greek yogurt which I add to my shakes and that is a probiotic.

I don't do too well with high amounts of oats so when my carbs get really high I add in some cream of rice as that digests well.

If I go off plan for a while for a vacation or some other event, Ill add in probiotics to get my gut health back to normal and discontinue after a month once the bottle runs out.
What are we eating to gain size this time of year? My go-to is chili. I use ground turkey, beef, or bison, beans, canned tomatoes, canned corn, peppers and spices. Obviously, mostly meat. I like to use instant mashed potatoes to thicken it as needed. Put it all in the crockpot before the gym, and then come home and eat chili all day. I also like fat free Greek yogurt as a substitute for sour cream.
I eat the same food year round. I just play with the amount of carbs based on goals.
Same as others above - food shouldn't really change regardless of season.

Meat and rice LOL!

I eat the same food year round. I just play with the amount of carbs based on goals.
That's how I used to eat, but now my body seems to reject foods if I eat them too much. I've had it happen with eggs, wheat, chicken, and avocado.

Regan Grimes did a food allergy test recently and discovered he was allergic to rice. Imagine being a bodybuilder and being allergic to rice? I highly doubt he's been allergic to rice his whole life, seems to me like he developed an allergy to it from eating so much of it.
That's how I used to eat, but now my body seems to reject foods if I eat them too much. I've had it happen with eggs, wheat, chicken, and avocado.

Regan Grimes did a food allergy test recently and discovered he was allergic to rice. Imagine being a bodybuilder and being allergic to rice? I highly doubt he's been allergic to rice his whole life, seems to me like he developed an allergy to it from eating so much of it.
Rotating macros sources every few weeks is a good idea.
Poliquin spoke about developing subtle allergies ages ago.
My staples have been: Whole eggs, egg whites, white rice, grits, 93/7 ground beef, occasional filet mignon, organic peanut butter, protein powder.
Rice, rice cereals, corn cereals, 2/3 fruit daily (kiwi, bananas, pineapple), potatoes, gnocchi pasta(its basically potatoes), rice pasta, toast bread.
Horse meat, chicken, lean beef, turkey, some canned tuna.
Olive oil, guacamole, rarely some almond butter.

I am lactose intolerant so greek yogurt and whey iso are a nono for me, but if you can eat them they are good added to oats or cream of rice.
@jaxino...you actually eat horse meat? What does it taste like?
Also texture of the horse meat? How do you cook it,grill,stew, etc?


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