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Working Out With the Wife- My Experience...UPDATE


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Kilo Klub Member
Aug 2, 2008
Working Out With the Wife- ...UPDATE

A couple months back I had a thread, "Working out with the wife- my experience..." and several people were very encouraging and asked for an update. I had been contemplating updating that this week and then after I saw Bain1's thread about working out with his miss it was a good reminder. I figure since I was updating my experience I would just start my thread instead of cluttering up his.

It's been about two months now and it's been real good. To keep it short and simple...

For us:
- we workout 3 days a week together, she goes one day by herself for weights again and then a 5th day by herself for cardio

- we still do the exact same routine... she does 3 sets, I do 5... it's fun having the two squat stands next to each other taking turns spotting/encouraging

For her:
- she's addicted now :)... it's part of her routine and "has" to go now
- she's lost 10 pounds but I would guess has "re-comped" more... she's excited her pants around her legs are more loose people have noticed she's getting some muscles in her arms
- diet: she's "ok"... she knows she needs to be more strict and will see better results... we have our diets laid out on the refrigerator and needed macro's and she does good getting it all together
- she's not afraid to use "real" weight- she grunts even hahaha
- before, she wouldn't go into the free-weight section when I wasn't there and tried to use machines to equal what we were doing, after just a couple weeks of that she now does our routine with the free weights even when I'm not there

For me:
- after reading Phil's "Secret to muscle growth" thread, whenever we work out together, she either apply's force or places a weight on my negatives... she's good! She's able to push down on my squat's without pushing me over and takes instruction really well.

- she also keeps me accountable... "you're going too fast, slow down"

For the family:
- it's been good for our 7 year-old daughter too... she's a little chubby (not that bad) but she loves to eat and I know what could possibly await her down the road. We bring her to the fitness center child care each time and she gets to see that Mommy and Daddy are exercising and want to be "healthy", so she always wants to work out with us too! So, we bought her a WiiFitPlus... SHE LOVES IT! Of course this is a delicate age so we try to focus on teaching her about "healthy choices" and being able to run as fast as her friends, etc.

Annoyance- My Wife was getting the whole "put on muscle, lose fat" "diet, lose fat" mantra (she wanted to focus more on cardio b/c she always thought she saw results faster <so I had explain about being "skinny-fat">)... THEN, when she was by herself one of the managers asked if she was interested in joining their "fit challenge contest" (the "catch" was that you have to use one of their trainers), she said, "That's OK then, my husband is training is me" and proceeded to tell him our routine. He says, "Oh, that's for building muscle, not for toning." GARRRRRRRRRR! So this whole week I've had to re-educate her, "Honey, I'll explain it to you one more time, and then, I'll kick you of the house for one night if I ever hear the word, 'tone' from you again!" hahahaha

Hopefully in a couple months she'll make some REAL progress: we've talked about how if she were "serious" for two months, she would really see a huge difference... she knows, and I think she's motivated!

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thats awesome man, i've been trying to get my girlfriend to join the same gym as me, but she refuses to leave her old one. it's great that you guys can share something as awesome as that, and enjoy it nonetheless.
That is awsome , my wife wants to start workout out with me but is affraid of "bulking up" like everything thinks is gonna happen if you use weights. I think i'm gonna hire her a trainer at the gym for a couple months to show her that women do use weights and your not gonna bulk up unless your realy try to. Their is an IFBB figure competitor who works for the gym i train at who does basicaly all the same movmelts that you see body builders do.

My 12 yr old wants to start workout out alos , she is realy excited about her mom losing weight and getting healthy

Good for you myosin , glad to see your partner has become a training partner
That is awsome , my wife wants to start workout out with me but is affraid of "bulking up" like everything thinks is gonna happen if you use weights. I think i'm gonna hire her a trainer at the gym for a couple months to show her that women do use weights and your not gonna bulk up unless your realy try to. Their is an IFBB figure competitor who works for the gym i train at who does basicaly all the same movmelts that you see body builders do.

My 12 yr old wants to start workout out alos , she is realy excited about her mom losing weight and getting healthy

Good for you myosin , glad to see your partner has become a training partner

Well, the good thing is, there are two women who pretty much workout the same time as us regularly... they both hit the weights pretty hard and are in VERY good shape (lean, not "bulky") so it helps to give my Wife something tangible for better understanding and goal setting. One of the women has the exact kind of physique my Wife wants and is about the same structure as her so that helps alot. So, your plan with your Wife may really help her out.

That's great about your 12 y.o., it'll really help having a healthy lifestyle being "in the family"
You know it could go both ways.

Some say that is the Spouses time to Vent, relax, escape.......

My take is that when me and My Fiance' go to the gym we go together 85% of the time she does her thing I do mine. Sometimes we work legs or Tri & Bi's together. She enjoys it I do also. She knows I love women and look but she has my heart she knows that. I also know what kind of Physiques she likes....MINE!

Some say that is the Spouses time to Vent, relax, escape.......

My take is that when me and My Fiance' go to the gym we go together 85% of the time she does her thing I do mine. Sometimes we work legs or Tri & Bi's together. She enjoys it I do also. She knows I love women and look but she has my heart she knows that. I also know what kind of Physiques she likes....MINE!

yes, that's the nice thing with us... we lift together three days and then I have one to two of lifting by myself.
good 4 u man ...
that's awesome man. having your wife/sig other as your training partner is very hard to beat.

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