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Would you still run AAS?


New member
Apr 21, 2022
Hi All,

Currently on a cruise approx 300mg Test e p/w and 200mg mast e p/w pinning on a Monday and Thursday aged 48 (almost). Have done a few cycles over the years and after my last one in 2018 which was around 20 weeks I said I would not run another one. Fast forward and I am on a cruise as detailed with a strict diet plan and getting good results.

Previous cycles were mostly test p and mast p approx 600mg a week of each which in hindsight was just plain stupid I know that now the problem at the time was the age old analogy of more gear = more / better results coupled with not wanting to come off which is why it ran for so long.

Having read the post by @Dad has me considering dropping the cruise all together, interested in peoples views around if you could turn back the clock would you still run AAS knowing what you know now?
Just curious why you think 600 of prop and mast a week was “just plain stupid”?
Hi hevi,

Tbf I think its down to per persons perspective / view point. I was basing that on my own AAS use prior which was around 4 cycles prior. So for my perspective to be taking 600 prop and 600 mast so a total of over 1g per week or 20 weeks IMO is just plain stupid based on my previous usage. Whilst I also know when I was on the cycle I was very much of the view of just another cc just another cc etc just personally speaking in my circumstances I feel it was plain stupid.

However a well seasoned competitor may well run those doses without any issues or concerns and possibly higher but for a general user over 1g per week IMO is excessive just my thoughts tho
Hi All,

Currently on a cruise approx 300mg Test e p/w and 200mg mast e p/w pinning on a Monday and Thursday aged 48 (almost). Have done a few cycles over the years and after my last one in 2018 which was around 20 weeks I said I would not run another one. Fast forward and I am on a cruise as detailed with a strict diet plan and getting good results.

Previous cycles were mostly test p and mast p approx 600mg a week of each which in hindsight was just plain stupid I know that now the problem at the time was the age old analogy of more gear = more / better results coupled with not wanting to come off which is why it ran for so long.

Having read the post by @Dad has me considering dropping the cruise all together, interested in peoples views around if you could turn back the clock would you still run AAS knowing what you know now?

That is very small amount imo
I think people brain washing others about gear amounts.
1200 mg is not necessarily a very high dose for a longer period, but could also very well be not necessary to use 1200 mg depending on someones individual situation.
Also I'd like to point out that 300 test+200 mast is not a cruise at all but very much a blast, year round this will be detrimental to your health.
1200 mg is not necessarily a very high dose for a longer period, but could also very well be not necessary to use 1200 mg depending on someones individual situation.
Also I'd like to point out that 300 test+200 mast is not a cruise at all but very much a blast, year round this will be detrimental to your health.

So on the one hand 1.2g a week is not necessarily a high dose depending on individual circumstances and 300 test + 200 mast is a blast that will be detrimental to health???

I don’t disagree that 1.2 may not be a high dose for a seasoned competitor or user.

In terms of the cruise I would expect that again to be dependant on individuals circumstances and would have to disagree that split over two pins a week of 150 test and 100 mast each time I would think it is very much a cruise when compared to previous usage
1.2 gram is not much for a competitor who has everything dialed in, 1.2 gram is a fuck ton overboard for some crawny guy who trains like shit and eats like a toddler and tries to compensate that with gear .

200 mg mast + 300 mg test will have a negative impact in your lipid profile, CBC and will have worse left ventricular hypertrophy compared to lower dosages regardless of prior use.
In the long run it will be detrimental to your health, and at 48 will increase several risk factors.

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