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Longest eating binge youve had?

why do you guys have to get so crazy , cant u just have a ice cream and a slice of pizza and be happy?
why do you guys have to get so crazy , cant u just have a ice cream and a slice of pizza and be happy?

Is this guy serious? Either you haven't been in it long or youve never done a seriois cut. Lol
6 months. It was after my shoulder surgery and I was pretty depressed at the time. Lots of booze+ pot+pain pills+ unhealthy eating= 30lbs of fat BAM!
Is this guy serious? Either you haven't been in it long or youve never done a seriois cut. Lol

hey dude, yah im serious. when i was younger i did do some pigging out forsure. just learned to control myself better. look and feel way better for it to. everyone i speak to about this feels the same way. u really gotta ask yourself . when youve finshed a whole pizza and bucket of ice cream what the hell are you still eating for. sounds like you deprive yourself to much. maybe even on a (serious cut) you should still allow yourself a little treat here and there. like a few scoops of ice cream or what not. then you might not have to go so crazy when you do fall of the wagon :lightbulb:
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hey dude, yah im serious. when i was younger i did do some pigging out forsure. just learned to control myself better. look and feel way better for it to. everyone i speak to about this feels the same way. u really gotta ask yourself . when youve finshed a whole pizza and bucket of ice cream what the hell are you still eating for. sounds like you deprive yourself to much. maybe even on a (serious cut) you should still allow yourself a little treat here and there. like a few scoops of ice cream or what not. then you might not have to go so crazy when you do fall of the wagon :lightbulb:

I RARELY ever cheat and ever feel the need to for that matter. But i naturally have an enormous appetite, and i dont think a binge once a year is going to hinder years of progress. Lol
hey dude, yah im serious. when i was younger i did do some pigging out forsure. just learned to control myself better. look and feel way better for it to. everyone i speak to about this feels the same way. u really gotta ask yourself . when youve finshed a whole pizza and bucket of ice cream what the hell are you still eating for. sounds like you deprive yourself to much. maybe even on a (serious cut) you should still allow yourself a little treat here and there. like a few scoops of ice cream or what not. then you might not have to go so crazy when you do fall of the wagon :lightbulb:

Pull your bodyfat levels way below your set point, and feel the effects of low leptin, and then tell me it's a choice 100% of the time. Extremely low leptin for an extended period of time is BRUTAL. At that point, your cravings are 110% physiological rather than psychological.
hey dude, yah im serious. when i was younger i did do some pigging out forsure. just learned to control myself better. look and feel way better for it to. everyone i speak to about this feels the same way. u really gotta ask yourself . when youve finshed a whole pizza and bucket of ice cream what the hell are you still eating for. sounds like you deprive yourself to much. maybe even on a (serious cut) you should still allow yourself a little treat here and there. like a few scoops of ice cream or what not. then you might not have to go so crazy when you do fall of the wagon :lightbulb:

sometimes when uve been dieting for so long, low carbing, cranky, lethargic, weak, every gym workout seems like a chore and yet u still have to push hard and heavy, cardio everyday with no energy dragging ur feet, moody all day, havent had something tasty inwhile, and havent felt the satisfied feeling of being full or having energy, all the sudden the day u can just binge out seems like a dream

come weeks and weeks in, your eating less and less, training more and more, feeling weaker and more tiered and flat, chicken, fish, eggs is all uve tasted in a long time and they no longer satisfy you no matter how u spice them or how much u eat of them becoz its still blan protein with no satidfy carb feeling

and one night u jus crack, the thought of eating plain bread from a packet at this point makes you frof at the mouth, and the taste of ice cream of doritos almost makes u smile more then a 10/10 chick asking if ud blow in her mouth

honestly i gotta admit when i carb up after being deprived for so long, i feel like its christmas, stirct dieting can really get to you psychologically, people who havent dieted stricty dont realise jus how good carbs make you feel psychologically

of course u can say theres no need to diet that stricty, but if you have a contest coming up with a deadline, u will diet and train as hard as you can to come in as shredded and hard as you possibly can
has anybody felt like this, i have been dieting since nov 2011 down from a fat 275 to a very lean 220... i have had cheat meals once a week, but now i'm so addicted to seeing my body change weekly that i don't wanna have my cheat "meal" sunday....i don't miss the garbage food no cravings at all, i enjoy the diet i;m on and could stay this way forever....
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Post competition. It took me 1.5 days before i was bed ridden. Took me 2-25mg HCTZ and pissing into a gallon jug (filled in 3 pisses) before I could walk again. Never ever ever will i do that again.
I have been doing the one cheat day a week for 15 yrs. It keeps me from going crazy.
this is little embarressing

in one sitting this is what i ate, id been dieting and took 150mcg of T3, for some reason T3 turns me into a eating machine

2 whole chicken breast burgers with the lot on large buns (egg, bacon, beetroot, caramalised onion, lettuce, tomato, butter, mayo, cucumber)
1 whole chicken breast in mushroom sauce
6 pancakes (3 buckwheat, 3 butter milk) with 4 scoops full cream vanilla ice cream drowned in golden syrup
250 gram block of hazelnut chocolate
1 large lamb Kebab Pizza
chocolate Ice cream sundae
100 gram Bag of Doritos (supreme cheese)
2 milkshakes, vanilla and banana

then drove 10mins to Mcdonalds and 7/11
Supersized slurpee
2 oreo mcflurrys ice creams, large
1 banana cake (300 grams)
4 pack of crispy creams
family pack Kit-Kat chocolate

30mins later i spent the night with severe diarrhea

sweet jesus
Post competition. It took me 1.5 days before i was bed ridden. Took me 2-25mg HCTZ and pissing into a gallon jug (filled in 3 pisses) before I could walk again. Never ever ever will i do that again.

Never do what again?
i had a sat and sun last weekend where all i ate was things full of fat literally....3 choc and vanilla cheesecakes, 4tubs ice creams....6-10big packs chocolate, cookies, donuts, pizza..etc...etc.

had well over 20k cals...weight went up by 14lbs...i still could have eaten more...then i ve had a low cal week this week and 2lbs lighter already then sat last week before the binge...wtf??
i had a sat and sun last weekend where all i ate was things full of fat literally....3 choc and vanilla cheesecakes, 4tubs ice creams....6-10big packs chocolate, cookies, donuts, pizza..etc...etc.

had well over 20k cals...weight went up by 14lbs...i still could have eaten more...then i ve had a low cal week this week and 2lbs lighter already then sat last week before the binge...wtf??

That is a lot of food.

How long did it take you to eat all that?
literally could put it away in a few hours...then still be hungry like 4hours after!
You should call Guinness because you just broke the world record by A LOT.

My 3 day binge was that much or more.
Day 1:
6 egg whites
Protein shake
8 oz chicken breast
Brown rice
Large 3 topping pizza
Large m and m brownie blizzard
Full package of cinnamon rolls
Choco milk
Xxl burrito
Soft taco
3 donuts
Pint of cookoe dough froyo

All the exact same except instead of taco bell it was general tso chicken from wal mart

Day 3:
6 eggs
Protein shake
Full size order of chicken on the beach from local mexican (tons of chicken breast, tons of spanish rice, tons of chihuahua cheese) in a big tub.. large portion
Local chinese large order of general tso chicken, chinese rice, egg roll
Large oreo blizzard
5 biscuits with gravy
Bic mac meal with fries and a coke
7 cookies

I looked like a water buffalo yesterday after being pretty damn lean lol, much better today but its still gonna take a few days of dieting to get thia water off..
He said he did 20,000 calories in a few hours.

I don't think your list is even 12,000.

Well the world record it 27,000 calories in 24 hours.

He did 20,000+ in a few hours so I think he is a shoe in.
sometimes when uve been dieting for so long, low carbing, cranky, lethargic, weak, every gym workout seems like a chore and yet u still have to push hard and heavy, cardio everyday with no energy dragging ur feet, moody all day, havent had something tasty inwhile, and havent felt the satisfied feeling of being full or having energy, all the sudden the day u can just binge out seems like a dream

come weeks and weeks in, your eating less and less, training more and more, feeling weaker and more tiered and flat, chicken, fish, eggs is all uve tasted in a long time and they no longer satisfy you no matter how u spice them or how much u eat of them becoz its still blan protein with no satidfy carb feeling

and one night u jus crack, the thought of eating plain bread from a packet at this point makes you frof at the mouth, and the taste of ice cream of doritos almost makes u smile more then a 10/10 chick asking if ud blow in her mouth

honestly i gotta admit when i carb up after being deprived for so long, i feel like its christmas, stirct dieting can really get to you psychologically, people who havent dieted stricty dont realise jus how good carbs make you feel psychologically

of course u can say theres no need to diet that stricty, but if you have a contest coming up with a deadline, u will diet and train as hard as you can to come in as shredded and hard as you possibly can

ThatBloke your a good bro and I hope you dont take this too offence... I dont know you dieting history but from your contest thread and your off season thread .. I think its safe to say you enjoy high sugar foods... which can make it very difficult for you when it come times to diet... because you run your body runs on those sugary foods and those food choices in a cutting diet will never provide satiety making it that much more difficult for you...
Im 4 weeks out and I just had 2 days in a row.
I ate over 50.000 calories in those 2 days.
Im more pissed at the money i spent on junk food then the set back.
Im up 7kg. From 116 to 123kg in 2 days. I weighted myself this morning at day 3.

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