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syntheselen highest dose?

Syntheselen & Synthetine

Can you take these two orally or must inject?
After I've pinned twice, the Syntheselen is leaking slightly out of the hole I draw the syringe from. I Tried moving over some, but it's still leaking a bit. Any advice? Those plastic stoppers suck...or am I doing something wrong?

I usually use a 20G x 1 1/2 to draw, and a 25g x 1 to pin...maybe that's the problem. I'll use the 25g x 1 and see what happens.

Has anyone else had this problem?
After I've pinned twice, the Syntheselen is leaking slightly out of the hole I draw the syringe from. I Tried moving over some, but it's still leaking a bit. Any advice? Those plastic stoppers suck...or am I doing something wrong?

I usually use a 20G x 1 1/2 to draw, and a 25g x 1 to pin...maybe that's the problem. I'll use the 25g x 1 and see what happens.

Has anyone else had this problem?

You posted this same question in another thread...As I stated in your other thread, Synthetek uses a specially made, double layered stopper, so it would take a lot to destroy both layers!

Why are you using a 20g to draw with, might as well be using a shotgun?! Synthetek products are water based so you can draw easily using a 30g pin without issue.....
You posted this same question in another thread...As I stated in your other thread, Synthetek uses a specially made, double layered stopper, so it would take a lot to destroy both layers!

Why are you using a 20g to draw with, might as well be using a shotgun?! Synthetek products are water based so you can draw easily using a 30g pin without issue.....

I posted it on here because there's a lot more activity on this thread, and I was hoping others would give their input since there's still no real explanation.

But nevertheless, you're right...there's no reason to draw with that size syringe. I've never injected anything other than test for the past 5 years...I guess old habits, wasn't really thinking, so my apologies.

Anyway, I'm not trying to piss anyone off...I know Synthetek is heavily supported on here...and rightfully so. In the short period of time I've used their products I've already felt a difference. My issue is no reflection upon them...it's my fuck up. I'll shut up about it now...I'm pretty much obsessive compulsive as hell when I'm trying to solve a problem...so my apologies.
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My wife just circut trains with light weights and does cardio.I have 1-100ml plus i bought one from a good buddy.
Weighing 135 @ 5ft 7in using 3ml e/d in one month you can visually see progress.
She is no bodybuilder but a mother of two and being 41 years old she achieved her goal of finally having her a little two pack(lol)
She weighed in at 122 and that is less than she was when she was a cheerleader in high school!
Along with hard-work ,diet it is a useful tool for anybody:cool:
Now anything you use with a good diet increases their sexual activity but i gotta say again using Syntheselen has a part in that also ,that and i am such a sexy boy:rolleyes:

Now she can't bitch because i hit my side delts using the Syntherol!
My wife just circut trains with light weights and does cardio.I have 1-100ml plus i bought one from a good buddy.
Weighing 135 @ 5ft 7in using 3ml e/d in one month you can visually see progress.
She is no bodybuilder but a mother of two and being 41 years old she achieved her goal of finally having her a little two pack(lol)
She weighed in at 122 and that is less than she was when she was a cheerleader in high school!
Along with hard-work ,diet it is a useful tool for anybody:cool:
Now anything you use with a good diet increases their sexual activity but i gotta say again using Syntheselen has a part in that also ,that and i am such a sexy boy:rolleyes:

Now she can't bitch because i hit my side delts using the Syntherol!

I told ya man...Once you try their products you know exactly why they are the best:cool:;)
My wife just circut trains with light weights and does cardio.I have 1-100ml plus i bought one from a good buddy.
Weighing 135 @ 5ft 7in using 3ml e/d in one month you can visually see progress.
She is no bodybuilder but a mother of two and being 41 years old she achieved her goal of finally having her a little two pack(lol)
She weighed in at 122 and that is less than she was when she was a cheerleader in high school!
Along with hard-work ,diet it is a useful tool for anybody:cool:
Now anything you use with a good diet increases their sexual activity but i gotta say again using Syntheselen has a part in that also ,that and i am such a sexy boy:rolleyes:

Now she can't bitch because i hit my side delts using the Syntherol!

From 135 to 122 in 1 month and visible abs is great results!

is this best taken pre workout or does it not matter?
How much do you weigh?

You need 1ml for every 55lbs of weight, so if you weight 220, then you need 4ml per day.

Huh I was not aware of that, is the the recommended like 2 days a week after the first week ED?
So should someone who weights 220 use 4ml 2 days a week then or ED ?
Huh I was not aware of that, is the the recommended like 2 days a week after the first week ED?
So should someone who weights 220 use 4ml 2 days a week then or ED ?

You're confusing it with Synthelamin (inj B12)
I told ya man...Once you try their products you know exactly why they are the best:cool:;)

If you want cheap, go with someone else, but if you want the highest quality possible, go with Synthetek.
I know the carnitine product requires insulin and is best pre workout, but when should this be taken? Upon waking?
[langtitle=ru]Syntheselen with Syntherol[/langtitle]

[lang=ru]Hi gyus,
Has anyone ever had such experience?
I mean use syntherol and syntheselen at the same time
How to do inject?
What you think about it?[/lang]
Just order my Syntheselen and Synthetine

Just placed my order for two bottles of Syntheselen and Synthetine, going to pin 4cc of each everyday.

Here's my question i'm planning on pinning my deltoids, quads and glutes. I'll be using a 23g 1.5 for my glutes but I only have 27g 1/2 for my deltoids and quads. I've notice that the more experience members have recommended a 27g 1 for quads and deltoids but..... will a 27g 1/2 pin work?

Thank you in advance!
Why such big pins? I use 29ga half inch for the Synthetine.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk 2
Been using Synthetine for a few weeks+ unfortunately I'm doing ultra low carb/keto so not sure how ideal that is to get the full benefits of the Synthetine but I still like it. I also figured out how to get past the pain/lump post injection, I just rub my quad hard and it pretty much goes away.

As far as my diet I am going to change it up and lower my fat intake, raise my protein intake and have the majority of my carbs pre workout maybe even intra. I will do 3-4ml of Synthetine 45 min pre-workout (fasted in the AM) then 15 min later (30 min pre-workout) have my pre-workout shake with 50gms of carbs (HBCD or Karbolyn or Dextrose - depending on my mood that day) and other pump product goodies.

I now plan to add Syntheselen to the mix, also 4ml. I am guessing pre-workout as well?

My question is on the Syntheselen, is this a speed type product like ephedrine or similar thermo products where you don't want to take it too late in the day if those things effect your sleep or this doesn't effect people like that? I am thermo sensitive and can't take fat burners past like 2/3pm.

Also is it more effective to split up the doses of both Synthetine and Syntheselen like 2 times a day maybe 12 hours apart or it doesn't work that way and not needed? Synthetine/Syntheselen dose AM and Synthetine/Syntheselen dose PM.

Is Synthetine like Synthetine where its beneficial to take it 10-15 min prior to a carb drink or doesn't matter.

Any other tips to maximize results (fat loss)?

I now plan to add Syntheselen to the mix, also 4ml. I am guessing pre-workout as well?
Just like Synthetine, it doesn't matter.
My question is on the Syntheselen, is this a speed type product like ephedrine or similar thermo products
Not at all. It doesn't affect the CNS at all.
Also is it more effective to split up the doses of both Synthetine and Syntheselen like 2 times a day maybe 12 hours apart
Yes. It's water based, so the more frequent administration, the better.
Is Syntheselen like Synthetine where its beneficial to take it 10-15 min prior to a carb drink or doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter.

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