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How To Eat 7,300+ Clean Calories In A Day

I stated earlier in this thread that my digestion is the best it's ever been on a bulk - certainly better than last year when I was eating a large Blizzard almost every night. Here's a picture from today - yeah my waist isn't what it was when I was shredded but I think this is pretty good for putting down 7-8,000 calories. I'm way less bloated than last year.


You look great BTW, you are much bigger than me (not even close) but we do have a similar structure. I have naturally wide hips so I am always trying to do anything I can to keep as tight as possible. For me, I have noticed that when I eat clean (chicken, veggies, meat) it just makes my waist stick out by the end of the day. When I eat less calorie dense food ( I guess we could call it more junk), I am hungrier, but the waist is tighter, and body fat doesn't appear to go up. Just because that food is "light" and doesn't sit in my stomach as long.

Just my personal experience. Sometimes I get confused by what "good digestion" actually means. I do think we overanalyze it a bit when we see people posting threads about digestion. One person could complain that they are bloated feel full and call it bad digestion, another could claim they are too runny and call it bad digestion. I personally think people judge their "digestion" by transit time. We could eat chicken and broccoli and it will sit in our stomach to digest a Long time. We could eat dairy or Taco Bell and it will run though us faster, I don't think your average person could say that one is digested well or poor, we are jut commenting on the transit time. I don't know if either is better or worse for bodybuilding purposes (muscle gain and limit body fat accrual). That is just my belief.

Typically for me, when dieting eat more filling clean foods (volume) and when growing eat more, eat less volume (more dirty foods) to keep the stomach more tight.
I was gonna say a lot of things, but I just came from a thred where a guy was fanning over a pepperoni ectomorph asking how a smaller guy stays so ripped. I just think that we may need to start all over here with elementary gym class.

I'm not sure if anybody has ever seen the guys who are "naturally" ripped all the time. Today, we have the drugs available for every build to have the metabolism of one of those guys, and people stay lean all year even on dirty bulk calories. In those cases, the only way to get fat is the excessive use of insulin.

That sort of thing really exploded on the scene in maybe the last decade or so, being not in the traditional cannon of advice. I just can't believe that people have to ask an ectomorph how he stays so skinny.

Shoot man, that hurt lol. I’m actually longer limb and taller. In some of my pictures , I don’t look huge but it’s still HARD to be conditioned. I am maintaining shredded glutes currently and that’s difficult no matter what. Not sure why you’d bring me up specifically?

I still have to stick to a strict diet and cardio..

no I’m not a mass monster... yet. You’re going to see a crazy mutation coming.

didn’t seem like anyone was being a “fan” either lol
Shoot man, that hurt lol. I’m actually longer limb and taller. In some of my pictures , I don’t look huge but it’s still HARD to be conditioned. I am maintaining shredded glutes currently and that’s difficult no matter what. Not sure why you’d bring me up specifically?

I still have to stick to a strict diet and cardio..

no I’m not a mass monster... yet. You’re going to see a crazy mutation coming.

didn’t seem like anyone was being a “fan” either lol
It was a good lead in to my point, no foul. The point is that we know people, this having proof, about how there are pathways which enable ectomorphs to metabolize high amounts of nutrients. Most recently we've elucidated some of those.

But yah, it wasn't you, it was the guy asking, I just found it amusing, and it led up to my point here. Sorry to hurt your feelings. I didn't mean nothing by it, but since your avatar is pepperoni, I though some humour was fair play.
It was a good lead in to my point, no foul. The point is that we know people, this having proof, about how there are pathways which enable ectomorphs to metabolize high amounts of nutrients. Most recently we've elucidated some of those.

But yah, it wasn't you, it was the guy asking, I just found it amusing, and it led up to my point here. Sorry to hurt your feelings. I didn't mean nothing by it, but since your avatar is pepperoni, I though some humour was fair play.

Alright , I see what you were saying now. No bad blood, bro. You're very knowledgeable and I enjoy your post. My feelings may be a lil hurt, though ;(

Getting to difference amounts of leanness for some is probably easier based on genetics, even when facotrs are among the same of others. Genetics will play a role

You have to admit, the screen name is quite awesome lol
I think this is one case where some dirty "good" food would actually be more ideal. Eventhought its not 100 % clean wholesome food with all the powders used, all the meat and fiber in theory leads to poor digestion, distention, discomfort. Throw in a couple cheeseburgers and cut out some of the clean food, bf might be slightly higher (or not) and the waist may tighten up and feel 100% better.

I am much smaller, but with my appetite, I feel like I could put down 7k a day if some was ice cream, cheeseburgers, yet most was clean. Yet at 7k pure clean food, I would make gains but the bloated distention wouldn't be worth it.

I think that's a poor argument for eating junk food.

Yes, you may need these junk foods if your appetite sucks and you don't reach the necessary calories, but by no means, will your waistline and appearance be better from eating junk food instead clean food.

The only problem with having to eat a lot of calories is heavy digestions. Well, my digestion will always be worse if I add shit foods than if I eat my calorie-rich diet foods.
I think that's a poor argument for eating junk food.

Yes, you may need these junk foods if your appetite sucks and you don't reach the necessary calories, but by no means, will your waistline and appearance be better from eating junk food instead clean food.

The only problem with having to eat a lot of calories is heavy digestions. Well, my digestion will always be worse if I add shit foods than if I eat my calorie-rich diet foods.

How do you measure digestion as poor? It you eat processed food and then make a claim " oh my , that was not digested well!" What do you base this claim on?

This goes back to what I was saying. I see all these posts "I digest this well" and "I can't digest this" . We are saying a protruded belly full of food all day is "good digestion" and a food that passes through is is "bad digestion"? I would say if I ate 7k in chicken breasts and I am 6% but I look like I'm about to give birth, that I'm not digesting the food Ideally because my gut is full all day.
Junk food will never be good for the body, mainly due to the large amount of trans fats that cause inflammation and have a very bad effect on insulin sensitivity - if someone thinks otherwise, it means that there is no concept about the complete basics of nutrition
How do you measure digestion as poor? It you eat processed food and then make a claim " oh my , that was not digested well!" What do you base this claim on?

This goes back to what I was saying. I see all these posts "I digest this well" and "I can't digest this" . We are saying a protruded belly full of food all day is "good digestion" and a food that passes through is is "bad digestion"? I would say if I ate 7k in chicken breasts and I am 6% but I look like I'm about to give birth, that I'm not digesting the food Ideally because my gut is full all day.
Question QB, why would chicken breast, avocado and some rice digest slower or not as well as a cheeseburger? There is nothing that points to or gives that conclusion and you seem to be making that argument.
Gas, diarrhea, upset stomach, feeing full for hours and hours, indigestion are how I measure poor digestion. But if I eat something like 8 ounces of salmon and 2 cups of rice and feel hungry again in 2.5-3 hours I would say I digested it well. And if something is going right through you you aren’t getting the nutrients from it
How do you measure digestion as poor? It you eat processed food and then make a claim " oh my , that was not digested well!" What do you base this claim on?

This goes back to what I was saying. I see all these posts "I digest this well" and "I can't digest this" . We are saying a protruded belly full of food all day is "good digestion" and a food that passes through is is "bad digestion"? I would say if I ate 7k in chicken breasts and I am 6% but I look like I'm about to give birth, that I'm not digesting the food Ideally because my gut is full all day.
Question QB, why would chicken breast, avocado and some rice digest slower or not as well as a cheeseburger? There is nothing that points to or gives that conclusion and you seem to be making that argument.

The argument is under the assumption that someone is force feeding say, in excess of 5k calories of those foods. For example, you are eating 5k calories of clean food for a long period of time. After a while, you start to hate eating, you feel full at 3k calories, it becomes uncomfortable to stuff down more chicken and greens. Your waking up feeling full and still distended from yesterday's food.

My argument would be, eat some easy calories. This doesn't have to be junk aka candy, donuts, but a good that goes down easier (could be yogurt, add sauce to your meat, sausage or fatty steak as opposed to chicken breast).

Basically if your stomach is sticking out because your eating such high volume of food, you can do something other than cut back on calories. Not only that, but you should. I would say if someone is full all day and losing appetite this is not good digestion. Not saying Daniel had this as he says his digestion is good, but for most who need to eat a ton of calories, making it all the "cleanest food possible" may not be best.

Now on a diet of 2k calories, yes eat the chicken and greens all day to not he hungry.
Gas, diarrhea, upset stomach, feeing full for hours and hours, indigestion are how I measure poor digestion. But if I eat something like 8 ounces of salmon and 2 cups of rice and feel hungry again in 2.5-3 hours I would say I digested it well. And if something is going right through you you aren’t getting the nutrients from it

Agree with this, basically what I was saying. If someone is eating 5k plus calories a day of clean food and feeling full for hours, not hungry upon waking, how would you proceed? I would replace some of the clean food with food that will go though you faster.
How do you measure digestion as poor? It you eat processed food and then make a claim " oh my , that was not digested well!" What do you base this claim on?

Feeling sick, inflamed and toxic ... I think that's a sign enough to know that it's not the coolest thing to do. In no way does my waist look smaller or sharper, then?

If you don't have those problems, you can have your binges, but that doesn't mean that your waist is going to look flatter from eating junk.
Agree with this, basically what I was saying. If someone is eating 5k plus calories a day of clean food and feeling full for hours, not hungry upon waking, how would you proceed? I would replace some of the clean food with food that will go though you faster.
But why? Going through you faster means your not absorbing it. You are what you assimilate, not what you eat. And Daniel has said his digestion is feeling great which I take to men’s he’s not having difficulty eating these foods. So if he’s not struggling to get it down and isn’t bloating and gassy then adding in junk food won’t do anything positive for him. The only reason people add in junk food is for the psychological break they get from eating “yummy” things. Your body and physique will always benefit from better more nutritious foods
Feeling sick, inflamed and toxic ... I think that's a sign enough to know that it's not the coolest thing to do. In no way does my waist look smaller or sharper, then?

If you don't have those problems, you can have your binges, but that doesn't mean that your waist is going to look flatter from eating junk.
This post is confusing. If you eat food other than chicken, broccoli, complex carbs, you feel sick Inflamed and toxic?

I typically feel normal on any type of food I assume most do. If anything other than clean food had people feeling horrible and toxic then grocery stores wouldn't be lined with things other than meat and complex carbs.

Your waist is bigger when your constipated, full of slow digested food all day, and don't want to eat. You think otherwise?
But why? Going through you faster means your not absorbing it. You are what you assimilate, not what you eat. And Daniel has said his digestion is feeling great which I take to men’s he’s not having difficulty eating these foods. So if he’s not struggling to get it down and isn’t bloating and gassy then adding in junk food won’t do anything positive for him. The only reason people add in junk food is for the psychological break they get from eating “yummy” things. Your body and physique will always benefit from better more nutritious foods

So for example way you were bulking and had to eat 7k per day. You would eat 7k per day in the cleanest least calorie dense foods? What if you struggled to get it down? Would you force it, or add some sauce, yogurt, fatty cuts of meat to cut down on volume?

Me personally id eat more calorie dense food and avoid the discomfort. To each his own.
So for example way you were bulking and had to eat 7k per day. You would eat 7k per day in the cleanest least calorie dense foods? What if you struggled to get it down? Would you force it, or add some sauce, yogurt, fatty cuts of meat to cut down on volume?

Me personally id eat more calorie dense food and avoid the discomfort. To each his own.
There’s a big difference between calorie dense foods and junk. You said junk. If it was me I’d be eating rib eye, 80/20 ground beef, whole eggs, and dark meat chicken for my protein. My carbs are always white rice and yogurt only, and I’d be adding olive oil to my shakes for extra fat. There would be no benefit to throwing in shit like pizza and crap though. But this is all hypothetical since Daniel said he’s having no problems eating this. And to be frank, due to my ibs I always have to force feed. I haven’t been hungry in years. But that’s what it takes for me to make gains
This post is confusing. If you eat food other than chicken, broccoli, complex carbs, you feel sick Inflamed and toxic?

I typically feel normal on any type of food I assume most do. If anything other than clean food had people feeling horrible and toxic then grocery stores wouldn't be lined with things other than meat and complex carbs.

Your waist is bigger when your constipated, full of slow digested food all day, and don't want to eat. You think otherwise?
How many calories a day are your eating though? Aren’t you on the smaller side? I could easily eat 2k calories a day from junk food if that’s all the calories I was eating. But if I’m eating 5k calories daily and 2k of them are junk and the other 3 are clean….those junk food calories would absolutely fuck up my ability to eat the other 3. And you’re comment about grocery stores is asinine. There’s so much processed junk food on the shelves because it’s what overweight fat lazy assholes want to eat. Not because it’s in any way remotely good for you. There’s a reason we have an obesity epidemic in this country
There’s a big difference between calorie dense foods and junk. You said junk. If it was me I’d be eating rib eye, 80/20 ground beef, whole eggs, and dark meat chicken for my protein. My carbs are always white rice and yogurt only, and I’d be adding olive oil to my shakes for extra fat. There would be no benefit to throwing in shit like pizza and crap though. But this is all hypothetical since Daniel said he’s having no problems eating this. And to be frank, due to my ibs I always have to force feed. I haven’t been hungry in years. But that’s what it takes for me to make gains
Seems like we are on the same page for the most part. I may have used the term "junk" but I meant to imply more calorie dense foods. I believe most of the diet should be clean food but I think people are a bit dramatic when they imply that a slice of pizza is going to run through them, not digest, or make them fat. I think force feeding leads to worse digestion than eating "normal people food" which I guess is a better tem to describe what I'm implying than junk. Lol
Seems like we are on the same page for the most part. I may have used the term "junk" but I meant to imply more calorie dense foods. I believe most of the diet should be clean food but I think people are a bit dramatic when they imply that a slice of pizza is going to run through them, not digest, or make them fat. I think force feeding leads to worse digestion than eating "normal people food" which I guess is a better tem to describe what I'm implying than junk. Lol
We are on the same page now that you’ve clarified. And yes of course I eat the occasional pizza, I had 3 slices for dinner last night during the game. But this isn’t a planned part of my diet. I eat one meal a day with my family and when I cook I make things that are high in protein, but that my family will also enjoy too. Last night the wife decided pizza for dinner so that’s what we have. As a natural ecto morph with digestive disorders I always opt for more Calorie dense foods to lower my food volume. I particular digest fatty beef very well. I tend to eat thighs more than breasts for the extra calories. But I certainly wouldn’t count these as foods that are not “clean”. Chicken thighs and rib eyes are definitely clean foods….just not low calories foods. Clean to me would be anything that is as close to its natural state as possible. Any part of a plant or animal or whole grain. Dirty foods to me would be things that are breaded or fried, processed foods, super high calorie restaurant foods like calzones, chimichangas etc.
food doesn’t have to be low calorie to be clean, it just has to be nutritious
How many calories a day are your eating though? Aren’t you on the smaller side? I could easily eat 2k calories a day from junk food if that’s all the calories I was eating. But if I’m eating 5k calories daily and 2k of them are junk and the other 3 are clean….those junk food calories would absolutely fuck up my ability to eat the other 3. And you’re comment about grocery stores is asinine. There’s so much processed junk food on the shelves because it’s what overweight fat lazy assholes want to eat. Not because it’s in any way remotely good for you. There’s a reason we have an obesity epidemic in this country
I eat 3k, but with different protocols I have ate 7 k or more in a day (calorie cycling, refeed, adf) and I don't think most people would do well eating that amount daily in totally clean food.

So your saying you can't tolerate processed food? I have heard people say that but I don't believe it is the norm. Hence my grocery store comment. If McDonald's made people feel like shit it wouldn't be so popular. I am not saying processed food is healthy i am saying for the majority of people it is not going to upset their stomach and go undigested like some dramatically claim.

If processed food didn't get digested and ran through people it wouldnt make them fat. Do we digest hydrolyzed whey protein or does it just run through us undigested? What about liquid carbs around a workout?

Yes most people are too lazy and too fat and eat too much food and eat too much sugar. True. The real pandemic is and has been obesity and we agree on what causes is

But it anyone says fast food, a protein bar (candy), ice cream, a burger is going to make people feel toxic or it somehow will not get digested, that is bull. It's food and it will get digested just like clean food.

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