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NR vs NMN vs NAD ?

Nice! Thanks for sharing some feedback.

1. When you use powder, do you use it sublingually?

2. Besides a little more energy, what else do you notice.

3. I’m w ya on the IM injects. Would love to get a much superior effect but sick of all of the pins already as is. SubQ would be an option though.

4. I see you added T-ResV. Good move. I’m learning that quercetin (CD38 inhibition to assist w clearing Senescent cells) and TMG (to curtail methylation issues) are a good idea when using NMN and/or NR.

*Fisetin, Spermidine, UrolithinA, and others clear senescent cells too but the costs of these aging-enhancement, health-span supps are already obnoxious!
1. I have the sublingual pills but tbh I just mix the powders in water, coffee and or if needed to wake up quick a Monster lol
2. Its an overall energy, as in mental and mentally, with no jitters, i.e. caffeine. Also it seems to be more notifiable when my overall metabolism is running higher, no way to truly verify this but based on working out consistently VS on vacay drinking daily for a week plus lol
3. Agreed, SubQ insulin inject might be worth it
4. Again this pre mixed formula... trusting the manufacture to make the right ratio here but the couple articles read about it including Dr. Sinclair's suggest these to be important to include max efficacy

As for the anti aging, already on gH and ordered some Epithalon to try out.

I tried to edit my post but it timed mw out …

Re: My comment #2 above

Besides a little more energy, what else do you notice?

I’ve read some cool anecdotes. Here are a few:

-Strength / more reps
-Cardio Endurance
-Mental Clarity / improved cognition
-Skin rejuvenation
-Helps with Inflammatory conditions

Improving NAD+ levels can lead to so many positives. Fascinating stuff.

Keep in mind millions of people are on these now. It’s a 100m dollar industry so it can’t ALL be BS.

Still researching heavily due to the crazy expense and reading so many positives and very few negatives w the 2 most frequent ones being
-Buying bunk product from scammer
-The expense
Kind of hard to specify from your anecdote options but for me is no high or anything lol just internal energy, great for waking up. And I take another purely NMN scope around mid day.

After reading a few other comments here, checked out NADH and that seems to be a strong hitting/better absorption form because NAD+ degrades quickly or something. Once I'm out of the NMN, might order that and to see the difference...
1. I have the sublingual pills but tbh I just mix the powders in water, coffee and or if needed to wake up quick a Monster lol
2. Its an overall energy, as in mental and mentally, with no jitters, i.e. caffeine. Also it seems to be more notifiable when my overall metabolism is running higher, no way to truly verify this but based on working out consistently VS on vacay drinking daily for a week plus lol
3. Agreed, SubQ insulin inject might be worth it
4. Again this pre mixed formula... trusting the manufacture to make the right ratio here but the couple articles read about it including Dr. Sinclair's suggest these to be important to include max efficacy

As for the anti aging, already on gH and ordered some Epithalon to try out.

Kind of hard to specify from your anecdote options but for me is no high or anything lol just internal energy, great for waking up. And I take another purely NMN scope around mid day.

After reading a few other comments here, checked out NADH and that seems to be a strong hitting/better absorption form because NAD+ degrades quickly or something. Once I'm out of the NMN, might order that and to see the difference...

2. Its an overall energy, as in physically* and mentally, with no jitters, i.e. caffeine. Also it seems to be more noticeable* when my overall metabolism is running higher,
I've made some 100mg mL with a little sodium bicarbonate. First few days felt tired. Today I'm more energetic and sensitive to caffeine.
I've made some 100mg mL with a little sodium bicarbonate. First few days felt tired. Today I'm more energetic and sensitive to caffeine.

Nice! Is that the highest conc. that will hold.

@ Prax - Thanks for the feedback
Nice! Is that the highest conc. that will hold.

@ Prax - Thanks for the feedback
Read its pretty acidic, even with the bicarbonate it's got a delayed pip. I might try stronger but I doubt it's worth it.
100mg a day is good though.

Will be looking forward to your review. So much bs online. Reddit too. Reviews are all over the map. Tons of money (and thus lying scammers) in the age reversal sphere, especially NAD/NMN/NR
Just an update

I’m passing on all of these NAD precursors and analogues for now.

Exciting field but it’s the wild wild West currently. Going to let the dust settle and await some human trials substantiating blood levels and efficacy before I piss away money. So much controversy even as to the legitimacy brand to brand.

Rolling w Humanin and MotsC from a Canada-based Peps labs. Only place I know if that doesn’t repackage and resell peps from China.

This is not to say Chinese peps are automatically bunk - only that they are a crap shoot as well.
Just an update

I’m passing on all of these NAD precursors and analogues for now.

Exciting field but it’s the wild wild West currently. Going to let the dust settle and await some human trials substantiating blood levels and efficacy before I piss away money. So much controversy even as to the legitimacy brand to brand.

Rolling w Humanin and MotsC from a Canada-based Peps labs. Only place I know if that doesn’t repackage and resell peps from China.

This is not to say Chinese peps are automatically bunk - only that they are a crap shoot as well.
I didn't get much out of Mots C
Well crap lol.
Maybe I need to save my money.

I did a vile a day (10mg) for 2 weeks. Than 3 viles a week for 10 weeks. This was a combo of 2 protocols. I got some insulin sensitivity from it, but no better than berberine or metformin, I got no endurance or energy benefits even though it's supposed to repair and increase mitochondria.
So, I've been getting over a small cold. Normally I'd drag ass through a work out. With 100mg NMN injected (I do 50mg am and 50mg pm before workouts. I feel good. Not stimulated but just steady energy. Once recovered I might bump it up.
I did a vile a day (10mg) for 2 weeks. Than 3 viles a week for 10 weeks. This was a combo of 2 protocols. I got some insulin sensitivity from it, but no better than berberine or metformin, I got no endurance or energy benefits even though it's supposed to repair and increase mitochondria.

Not exactly cheap either. That stinks. Thanks for letting me know.
Oh, I just looked back. Looks like this is your first run. Well, I'm intrigued either way. LK3'S products have always been good. I wish someone had compared oral to injectable side by side.
Fuck. I didn't need more reasons to open my wallet. 😂 Let us know how you get along with those... Or don't, and I'll keep on dumping 500mg of nmn on my tongue and washing it down each day.

Is this your first time using NMN (or I suppose NR) in any form? You may have mentioned that somewhere.
Sorry.... didn't see it all.

I've been using reduced NMN at 125mg day for maybe 4 months.

Really anxious to see how I respond to the injectable.
Sorry.... didn't see it all.

I've been using reduced NMN at 125mg day for maybe 4 months.

Really anxious to see how I respond to the injectable.
Oh nice! Me too. Maybe LK3 will decide to make some more. Apparently you got all of it, dammit! Haha.

Meanwhile, I found your carnitine recipe on another board and I think I will have to amuse myself that way.

I have been pretty happy with NMN powder. Really tempted to grab QSC's bulk NMN but it's not tested yet. The price is amazing and I could run it even higher at that price point.

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