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How much alcohol ya drink?

Disagree. It's literal poison, which to some of us has little to zero plus side. At least PEDs have upside, even if they do have some deleterious effects.
Lmao I won't drink alcohol because it's poison but I take steroids
I can think of 3 very good looking women I've dated who drank heavy, and it just did something to their appearance. One used to be gorgeous and looked way older than she should. One I hung with, took a break, saw her a little again 5 years later. I felt like she aged 15 when I saw her again and she had that bottle. Also for some reason they had a certain smell. Come to think another girl I dated has a certain smell that turned me off and later found out she drank a lot. Not vaginal smell just skin and breath. All of them had the same distinct order and I'm pretty smell blind so it was strong.
It does in looks but so does steroids.just have to pick your poison.stress will also age you like crazy and certain meds for anxiety and depression as well
If the wife and I go to the local bar and grill 4 miles from home, I will drink (2) beers (that's on Friday or Saturday night).
Otherwise, nightly I will drink (1) Captain Morgan premixed Long Island tea or (1) premixed margarita. Not a lot of alcohol % wise.
I haven't been drunk since Oct of '88. Never again. I have a long list of alcoholics in my family.
It does in looks but so does steroids.just have to pick your poison.stress will also age you like crazy and certain meds for anxiety and depression as well
agreed my ex was a 10/10 and drank on weekends and looked like a fucking supermodel, I posted tons of her pics on here and pics of us together, we broke up 2 weeks ago I have a date with a gorgeous girl who does not dress in skimpy shit, same industry real estate, have tickets to NAS and WUTANG/busta rhymes on Friday and Beethoven symphony tomorrow night! super stoked. it is funny when people are demonizing alcohol but take oral 17aa steroids and PEDS everyday lol, I am someone who has been addicted to every substance in the world including alcohol, so I stick to vitamin k every few weeks mimicking clinical dosing and a psychedelic a few times per year. I also am a detox wizard and have made a career in RL off of it, study and practice Ayurveda, TCM, pagan, Aztec, and other folk holistic medicine. love ya bro, te cuidas carnal!
agreed my ex was a 10/10 and drank on weekends and looked like a fucking supermodel, I posted tons of her pics on here and pics of us together, we broke up 2 weeks ago I have a date with a gorgeous girl who does not dress in skimpy shit, same industry real estate, have tickets to NAS and WUTANG/busta rhymes on Friday and Beethoven symphony tomorrow night! super stoked. it is funny when people are demonizing alcohol but take oral 17aa steroids and PEDS everyday lol, I am someone who has been addicted to every substance in the world including alcohol, so I stick to vitamin k every few weeks mimicking clinical dosing and a psychedelic a few times per year. I also am a detox wizard and have made a career in RL off of it, study and practice Ayurveda, TCM, pagan, Aztec, and other folk holistic medicine. love ya bro, te cuidas carnal!
Ha ha same here I'm a wizard coming off shit.I hear people freaking out coming off something and I don't want to say I laugh because if you don't know you will feel like shit and in he'll. But I got it down packed lol

I'm happy to hear that carnal.im excited for you I hope you guys have a blast. And stay Kool loco no fighting. Remember you will impress her more if you play the adult in a situation. Unless they disrespect you or her then pinga Dale duro ha ha

Cuidate carnal please bro🙏
Ha ha same here I'm a wizard coming off shit.I hear people freaking out coming off something and I don't want to say I laugh because if you don't know you will feel like shit and in he'll. But I got it down packed lol

I'm happy to hear that carnal.im excited for you I hope you guys have a blast. And stay Kool loco no fighting. Remember you will impress her more if you play the adult in a situation. Unless they disrespect you or her then pinga Dale duro ha ha

Cuidate carnal please bro🙏
siempre camarada! igualmente
Lmao I won't drink alcohol because it's poison but I take steroids
not sure where the Lmao comes in...steroids have a POSTIVIE and measurable effect, alcohol has none by any measure I use.
not sure where the Lmao comes in...steroids have a POSTIVIE and measurable effect, alcohol has none by any measure I use.
His lmao comes in because half of this thread's inability to realize the irony of all of these suddenly super health conscious steroid users shitting on alcohol for health reasons - is sad. You are one of them.

I drink alcohol 3-4 nights a week. Most of it is professionally, but plenty of personal outings with friends as well. Why? Because right now, in my life I enjoy it. For me, that is POSITIVE and measurable. I also take steroids, more than just trt - even tren sometimes! Why? Because I enjoy it and love the addition it brings to my life. To act like either are healthy would be a joke. Steroids aren't "healthy" and neither is alcohol. When I stop enjoying either of these two I will change my approach.

I just wish more folks would stop being pussies and admit you do what you do because you fucking want to ...and that's good enough! If I die drinking one too many living my life on my terms, or if I die from taking steroids living life on my terms making my choices that's a life well lived if you ask me.
His lmao comes in because half of this thread's inability to realize the irony of all of these suddenly super health conscious steroid users shitting on alcohol for health reasons - is sad. You are one of them.

I drink alcohol 3-4 nights a week. Most of it is professionally, but plenty of personal outings with friends as well. Why? Because right now, in my life I enjoy it. For me, that is POSITIVE and measurable. I also take steroids, more than just trt - even tren sometimes! Why? Because I enjoy it and love the addition it brings to my life. To act like either are healthy would be a joke. Steroids aren't "healthy" and neither is alcohol. When I stop enjoying either of these two I will change my approach.

I just wish more folks would stop being pussies and admit you do what you do because you fucking want to ...and that's good enough! If I die drinking one too many living my life on my terms, or if I die from taking steroids living life on my terms making my choices that's a life well lived if you ask me.
I have said NOWHERE that steroids are intrinsically healthy. MY PERSONAL, and obviously many of those here as well, risk benefit analysis of alcohol is that it's not worth it. There are no positive effects to alcohol beyond some nebulous social bs which I have no desire whatsoever to have in my life. As stated, it does NOTHING positive for me. Therefore the risk/benefit analysis has literally only risks and no benefits. Performance enhancers, on the other hand, have MANY benefits (in case I need to state again, TO ME), with some fairly small risks, even over time.
Are you free to make your own analysis and make your own decision? Of course you are, but if I'm being honest, I personally, consider social needs to be weakness. But I'm sure I'm alone on that.
Haven't drank in years...At one point it was waking up to a 6 pack before getting into work by 6am and then lunch was 3 shots of Tequila and 6 more beers...Bars/clubs 4 nights per week.

I see booze as a single person's drink...Out playing some pool, getting a good buzz on, flirting with the ladies and hopefully going home with one at the end of the night or any of them depending on how thick the beer goggles get:LOL::LOL:

My wife has never even had a buzz, so never the drinking/clubbing/partying scene for her...So just tapered off and eventually just don't bother at all anymore.
I drink two beer a year on thanksgiving and that’s it. Stopped partying many years ago.
Just regarding personal habits... myself, I have, on a Friday night like tonight, maybe 8 or 10 shots. I won't drink beer, never liked it much other than a few IPAs. I liked a stout called Old Rasputin (Old Razzy)... anyway, vodka or Jack Daniels is around 70-75 calories per oz. it's approx 700 maybe 750 calories for me. Meh.

I know we got some cigarette smokers and dippers here. Does anyone else here ever have a few?

I'm not promoting drinking, just curious, Although seriously, I've blasted through some workouts after chugging a beer. Some crazy memories coming back.
Marine Coros Birthday once a year
blackjack said:
His lmao comes in because half of this thread's inability to realize the irony of all of these suddenly super health conscious steroid users shitting on alcohol for health reasons - is sad. You are one of them.

I drink alcohol 3-4 nights a week. Most of it is professionally, but plenty of personal outings with friends as well. Why? Because right now, in my life I enjoy it. For me, that is POSITIVE and measurable. I also take steroids, more than just trt - even tren sometimes! Why? Because I enjoy it and love the addition it brings to my life. To act like either are healthy would be a joke. Steroids aren't "healthy" and neither is alcohol. When I stop enjoying either of these two I will change my approach.

I just wish more folks would stop being pussies and admit you do what you do because you fucking want to ...and that's good enough! If I die drinking one too many living my life on my terms, or if I die from taking steroids living life on my terms making my choices that's a life well lived if you ask me.

I have said NOWHERE that steroids are intrinsically healthy. MY PERSONAL, and obviously many of those here as well, risk benefit analysis of alcohol is that it's not worth it. There are no positive effects to alcohol beyond some nebulous social bs which I have no desire whatsoever to have in my life. As stated, it does NOTHING positive for me. Therefore the risk/benefit analysis has literally only risks and no benefits. Performance enhancers, on the other hand, have MANY benefits (in case I need to state again, TO ME), with some fairly small risks, even over time.
Are you free to make your own analysis and make your own decision? Of course you are, but if I'm being honest, I personally, consider social needs to be weakness. But I'm sure I'm alone on that.
Completely agree with you! Did a couple of beers yesterday with folks since hunting season just started. Gonna go get some some deer with my M4 rifel , free meat never hurt nobody!
Agree, One thing being bad doesn't mean "might as well do all the shit that is bad for me".
Haven't drank in years...At one point it was waking up to a 6 pack before getting into work by 6am and then lunch was 3 shots of Tequila and 6 more beers...Bars/clubs 4 nights per week.

I see booze as a single person's drink...Out playing some pool, getting a good buzz on, flirting with the ladies and hopefully going home with one at the end of the night or any of them depending on how thick the beer goggles get:LOL::LOL:

My wife has never even had a buzz, so never the drinking/clubbing/partying scene for her...So just tapered off and eventually just don't bother at all anymore.
There is no doubt that being married to a chic who is now a non-drinker has cut my drinking waaaaaay back. And alone, there's nothing out there for me but trouble at this point.
His lmao comes in because half of this thread's inability to realize the irony of all of these suddenly super health conscious steroid users shitting on alcohol for health reasons - is sad. You are one of them.

I drink alcohol 3-4 nights a week. Most of it is professionally, but plenty of personal outings with friends as well. Why? Because right now, in my life I enjoy it. For me, that is POSITIVE and measurable. I also take steroids, more than just trt - even tren sometimes! Why? Because I enjoy it and love the addition it brings to my life. To act like either are healthy would be a joke. Steroids aren't "healthy" and neither is alcohol. When I stop enjoying either of these two I will change my approach.

I just wish more folks would stop being pussies and admit you do what you do because you fucking want to ...and that's good enough! If I die drinking one too many living my life on my terms, or if I die from taking steroids living life on my terms making my choices that's a life well lived if you ask me.
Thank you exactly
not sure where the Lmao comes in...steroids have a POSTIVIE and measurable effect, alcohol has none by any measure I use.
Lmao is because people like you use the excuse that steroids are not bad when in reality it is and plenty people have died from use. So bottom line if you and I and everyone else want to cycle that's our choice but doesn't mean it's healthy nor none toxic for the heart arteries and so on

Now if you are on trt and trt only being controlled by your doctor then that's different. But if you are on trt on your own and think just blood work is going to tell you everything is ok.then go for it
I’m going to add a little levity now…it’s 11:26 and Michigan plays at noon. Took a 1.5 mile walk, 1 hour training session, and now getting ready to crack a beer.

I’ve got a nice fall variety on tap. Got some good chili made and ready for some football.
Went on a 4 day bender for my **th birthday vacation early this week...

I really didn't want to do it but got peer-pressured into it because it was a significant birthday

I could hardly get much down and wouldn't begin until close to night time when usually I'm a pounder and start early

I'm going right back to not drinking at all and so far have no desire, which is a good thing because when I fall off it usually indicates that it will continue


What I've learned from this experience...

1. I just don't enjoy it as much as I used to

2. I can't hang nearly as much as I used to

3. I know for a 100% fact that I'm so much better off completely on the wagon

4. And maybe, I will be able to drink on vacations and come back and go right back to not drinking (this one is too early to tell)
You know, when it comes to drinking, I've got my own routine. On weekends, I usually opt for a few drinks. Not a big fan of beer. My go-to choices are vodka or Jack Daniels, and I'll have around 5 or 6 shots. It's all about finding that balance, right?
Calories-wise, it's around 350-400 for me, but I don't sweat it too much. Everyone has their own way of winding down. I've even had some crazy workout sessions after sipping a beer. Fun times!
But hey, it's essential to keep things in check and know your limits. If anyone's curious or needs some guidance, maybe look into Aberdeen rehab. They've got some useful info for those who want to explore their relationship with alcohol.

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