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3 days in the Hospital, (Rhabdomyolysis)


Mar 4, 2010
So, I just spent the last 3 days in the hospital and I wanted to share my experience to see if any of you have had a similar one.

I was at work Thursday night finishing up with my last client of the day. I started work at 5am and it was about 7:45pm when I was sitting at my desk and going over some paperwork with my client when I started to have what I thought was a heart attack. My heart felt like it was fluttering, not beating. It felt like there was a 100 pound weight on my chest and I was not able to breath. It scared the crap out of me and all I could think was I am about to pass out and die in front of a woman who is 5'2" tall and weighs 340 pounds, and I preach to her about health and fitness, and I am going to die right in front of her.

Well, I managed to finish up with her and I walked into the breakroom, I took a few minutes to gather myself and like a dumb ass, I drove home. The pain lasted about 15 minutes and by the time I got home, the shortness of breath and pressure got better. But my heart still was not beating right.

I have a blood pressure cuff at my house and when I took it, I was 180/85 with a heart rate of 123. So I called the hospital and they told me to go to the ER so I did. They gave me an EKG and took blood from me right away. They rushed me into the emergency room and hooked me up to a bunch of crap and the doctor came in and asked me if I had worked out that day. I luaghed and said "yeah". He told me that according to my blood work, one of the protein enzymes was elevated way above normal. He called my condition "Rhabdomyolysis" and the protien that was out of wack was "Creatine Kinase". I guess normal levels of the enzyme is between 200-300, and mine was just over 13,000. I told him I dont take creatine, and he explained that it had nothing to do with diet or supplements, I guess when your muscles are broken down, the enzyme goes up, I still dont understand it completely.

So needless to say, I was hooked up to an IV for the last 3 days trying to flush my system out. Thank goodness nothing is permenatly screwed up on me.

After talking to the doctor about the cause, I think it was a combination of several things. First of all, I was on an antibiotic for almost 5 months due to a chronic sinus infection, and I guess antibiotics cause the break down of muscle tissue and that will cause this. But I was also eating a low amount of carbs this week, and of course working out hard. All of it added up and caused my heart to spaz out.

They told me that this is comon with body builders, but I have never heard of it. Do any of you guys know anything about it?

I dont want to have it happen again, so I guess I need to start getting my blood work done on a regular basis.
are you taking any statins?
Isn't that a sighn your kidneys were under way too much stress? The creatine kinase if thought was a major signal of that.
Something in that story doesnt sound right. You say they took an ekg and saw nothing that they were concerned about? Having a high CK level can also be a sign of heart damage too I think. Sounds funny to my that they didnt check you out better than that. It sounds like to me you were having a severe arrythmia. I had one of those, after suffering a heart attack, about 2 years ago and almost died.I had to call 911 and the emt team had to shock me 2x to get my heart going again after it almost stopped beating. My symtoms were just like yours. If I were you I would get a second opinion, and maybe even see a cardiologist if you can.
Rhabdo is usually accompanied by severe muscle soreness / weakness / stiffness in athletes. Basically caused by breaking down too much muscle tissue and overwhelming the body's recovery systems.

Ultra-endurance athletes especially have to be cautious about it. Marathoners.

CrossFit is rather well-known for producing a high number of rhabdo cases per capita.

I've never heard of a bodybuilder getting hit by it, but I guess anything's possible.

Was your training ultra-intense and ultra-long preceding the attack?
Sorry, I guess I left out some details.

I am not sure what "statins" are.

When I got to the emergency room, there were about 50 people in the waiting area. I told the check in person what was going on and the checked my blood pressure right away, due to those results they drew blood, and within 5 minutes did the EKG. It was not normal, as soon as I did that they put me into a wheel chair and gave me chest xrays to see if my heart was enlarged. Then wheeled me into the er and started the iv.

They did several EKG's over the few days untill my heart was back to normal. And yes they were very worried about my kidneys. So the kept testing my kidney function. They told me that they were working properly and I have no damage.

I did workout hard last week. I was sore in my legs, chest and abs. But that's normal for me, I am always sore in those places after a workout.
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Something in that story doesnt sound right. You say they took an ekg and saw nothing that they were concerned about? Having a high CK level can also be a sign of heart damage too I think. Sounds funny to my that they didnt check you out better than that. It sounds like to me you were having a severe arrythmia. I had one of those, after suffering a heart attack, about 2 years ago and almost died.I had to call 911 and the emt team had to shock me 2x to get my heart going again after it almost stopped beating. My symtoms were just like yours. If I were you I would get a second opinion, and maybe even see a cardiologist if you can.

There are more than one type of CK. CKMB is heart related. CKMM is from non cardiac muscle tissue
are you taking any statins?

I looked it up. Nope I am not taking anything.

This is what I take as of now.

Omna at 500 a week
Mens Multi Vitamin
Whey Protien
Pre Workout NO
There have been cases of people passing out drunk and and sleeping in a weird position where it cuts off bloodflow and dameges the muscle. When they come to and get up the toxins from damage hits the bloodstream and bam; Rhabdo.. Could be the case.
There have been cases of people passing out drunk and and sleeping in a weird position where it cuts off bloodflow and dameges the muscle. When they come to and get up the toxins from damage hits the bloodstream and bam; Rhabdo.. Could be the case.

I have not touched alcohol in a very long time. But my hands go to sleep all the time when I am asleep, but thats it. I have neverhad a problem with anything else.
Didn't mean to imply that your were drinking. Was just refering to sleeping in an odd position. You can go to crossfit.com and they have an article about it since its so prevalant in their community. I'm a member so I don't know if you can get it without being one. If you cant, pm me and I will email you a copy of it.

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