whats up guys,heres my ? how in the hell does all the pros like ronnie,jay,lee king,an so on and so forth keep from getting acne from sauce,i wish i knew the secret help me out 2 under stand this guys.
acne is a side-effect. not all people react to drugs the same, thus different side effects for diffent individuals. some will get serious acne some wont get a single pimple.
i gotcha edge,ive got a couple of bubbys that do not hardly any at all but maybe a few on their back.but if i do finaor t-prop that shits bad on me,so im gonna stay away from them 2.
Dosages play a big role in unwanted sides. As stated above different people have very different reactions to drugs. T enanth can cause acne. leaves your skin very oily. It's when the bacteria get into pores that causes most probs. So hygeine and anti-biotics can help. But yes the number one is Accutane.