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Barry Bonds interview on espn :)


Moderator / FOUNDING Member
Staff member
Jun 8, 2002
I guess he had finally heard enough and the quiet man speaks!
you could tell he was pissed and just had enough..I dont realy care about Jose canseco he says...bahahaha Ive always been better then him.
anyone see it?

But what about one of those celebrity boxing matches...better yet a cage match Bonds,Giambi versus Jose & friends (that should be a long list).
You know what, I actually like the fact that he spoke and sounded pissed. This whole "steroid ruining baseball" is bullshit! He conducted himself in a good manner IMO! He then asked something about naming sources or names where they get thier info. and shut them up really quickly when one dumbass reported blurted out someone who is out of the picture.


I think Bonds would take care of that twitch problem Canseco has :)
Its gettin to be old I know but was a good interview ;)
Dude I luagh so hard when i see canseco on TV and the middle of a sentence the whole left side of his face goes spastic. Thats hilarious.

I saw the interview and loved it!

Quote "steroids don't increase your hand eye coordination or technique for hitting a baseball!"

If steroids were all that’s needed to become a great baseball player, football player, etc. then why aren’t their many, many more super stars hitting 70 homers per year, running 1,500 yards per season, etc.?

If that was the case could you imagine how many home runs Big Ronnie would hit should he choose to become a baseball player after retiring from bodybuilding!
Funny as hell seeing bonds go ballistic. The way he was acting though pretty much guarantees he uses (like we didn't know it anyway.lol). Lots of good points he made too about the situation. All he wants to do is to play baseball and be as good as he can, nothing wrong wit dat imo.
The main thing wrong with the whole situation is Jose Canseco. Are some of things he is saying true? Probably. Are some of the things he is saying false? Probably. He claims the league blackballed him..He's wrong, he doesnt play anymore becuase he can't hit anymore. This guy is selling his book, all of his hardware and now there are talks about him taking a lie detector test on Pay Per View!!! Are you kidding me?? I love baseball with a passion, and he is single handedly hurting the game.
on the radio this morning on the way to work i was listening how they turned Bonds anger into roid rage,and here we go again,to us it was great to radio fucker it was a great story,to show that Bonds is on roids and roids made him mad.
just same shit every day.
i saw this, and then i saw all night (yes i was up until 5AM) a half dozen re-run of this heavy-weight boxer back in the day who did steroids and lost his legs to a blood clot caused by roids? lol wtf...

He had an infection going on in his legs and kept on doing roids, i think non-stop for a rediculous number of years while ignoring the infection? he had a huge gangrene and his legs had to be imediately amputated to save his life and now he has devoted the rest of his life with an anti-roid campaign. Pure scare tactics..

They replayed this shit so often and on so many channels it was starting to sicken me. If a blood clot is developing with a gangrene forming in your legs, would you not notice the onset of that shit in the beginning and do something about it?!
This is why the media kills me. Giambi has a press conference to apologize, but he doesn't say what they wanted to hear so they crucify him. Bonds has a press conference to tell them all to go fuck themselves, and they crucify him. These guys are screwed with any angle they take on their use, so why feed the media, why say anything at all? It's a no win for these athletes. I was glad to see someone finally had the balls to tell the media to fuck off, that was great. But the media just wants to ruin these guys, that's it, there's no more story, just defaming someone. The funny thing, it wasn't even against major league baseball policy to use them, this shouldn't even be an issue. The guys in the NFL who were caught using THG didn't receive a penalty, fine or suspension , the NFL just updated their steroid policy to include THG and said, "if you use it again, you're suspended four games." Baseball is a mess, and it has nothing to do with steroids.

To whoever said something about Bonds questioing sources, that was not in regard to steroids, that was in regards to his knee injury and when he was coming back.

brandonjpowell said:
I saw the interview and loved it!

Quote "steroids don't increase your hand eye coordination or technique for hitting a baseball!"

If steroids were all that’s needed to become a great baseball player, football player, etc. then why aren’t their many, many more super stars hitting 70 homers per year, running 1,500 yards per season, etc.?

If that was the case could you imagine how many home runs Big Ronnie would hit should he choose to become a baseball player after retiring from bodybuilding!

Though I dont think Ronnie could swing the bat for slow pitch softball, I agree that if Bonds is taking and he hits 73 why isnt everyone else. There are so many things that fit under the term "performance enhancing" equipment, nutrition, training, etc. where is this line drawn, people act like this whole subject is new, yet u watch the olympics and the tour de france and how many people have medals and placings taken away from them cause of drug testing. There was an article in one of the lastest MD's they should spend less time and money focusing in the trying to equal the playing field via drugs and spend more time monitoring the athletes health. What would happen if they had more rigorous testing and tested everyone sports will regress and since we are a society that heralds the winner and supports the competitive "win at all costs" idealism it would cause a backlash. I dont care is they take away permantly performance enhancing drugs, but then take everything that is deemed perfromance enhancing away. Play sports in same loin clothes, sandles, train the same, eat the same, that way there are no variables for people to complain about and call "cheating"
brandonjpowell said:
If steroids were all that’s needed to become a great baseball player, football player, etc. then why aren’t their many, many more super stars hitting 70 homers per year, running 1,500 yards per season, etc.?

Missing the point! Steroids do not make baseball players they make baseball players BETTER players. Bonds already had the natural cabaility to hit a home run in major league baseball, juice him now he can do it even better.
Barry Bonds seems to be having an episode of roid rage. He is a great baseball player, but is stupid for exploding the way that he did in his interview. He already has a "popularity problem" and he is not helping his situation. He still has to get past the hall of fame voting committee.

He should really try to reason as much as he can with the media and act in as much of a congenial manner as he can, even though they will probably twist his statements. I give Giambi credit for coming out and saying sorry. At least Giambi didn't perjure himself in court like Bonds did. He said that he didn't know that he was taking steroids. Give me a break!
The guy should really change his attitude, because he could really be a well liked player and a hero, but by the way that he conducts himself he is turning many people against him.
He's only human

and like myself sick of hearing the same BS he will be persecuted if he does or does not it doesnt matter. His words will be twisted to the extent that it will be recidiculous. U can only appease people so long before u get so frustrated with the shit. Look at Bobby Knight I love how he handles the press, he makes them feel and look so dumb. Bill Parcells too, they conduct themselves fairly well during post game interviews and man they are so funny in how they treat disrespectful, manipulating, questions. I dont shame Bonds for how he is acting, I cant even watch ESPN much cause I am sick of the same drama. Even today they have some news about a kid and AAS and another doc stating that teen steroid use is at an all time level and an epidemic. This could be treu but where does the this info come from, where is the scientific/cause and affect/studies that have proven this, ESPN is very credible but just like writers have to do I think some of this information should be cited,

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