This is why the media kills me. Giambi has a press conference to apologize, but he doesn't say what they wanted to hear so they crucify him. Bonds has a press conference to tell them all to go fuck themselves, and they crucify him. These guys are screwed with any angle they take on their use, so why feed the media, why say anything at all? It's a no win for these athletes. I was glad to see someone finally had the balls to tell the media to fuck off, that was great. But the media just wants to ruin these guys, that's it, there's no more story, just defaming someone. The funny thing, it wasn't even against major league baseball policy to use them, this shouldn't even be an issue. The guys in the NFL who were caught using THG didn't receive a penalty, fine or suspension , the NFL just updated their steroid policy to include THG and said, "if you use it again, you're suspended four games." Baseball is a mess, and it has nothing to do with steroids.
To whoever said something about Bonds questioing sources, that was not in regard to steroids, that was in regards to his knee injury and when he was coming back.